Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1504

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CXXX INDEX. Record and Pension Office, Nbr Depar·ime*nt— Page. y Rsybrmed Church of Sharpsburg, Md., page Continued. _ _ l payment of Court of Claims judgment to to have custody of rolls, etc., prior to civil 1 trustees ,. 752 war ----------------------~------- 5911: 4* 1 e z-12 · r title of Assistant Chief, to be Military Sec- €§;gC;ggCyna;1;g0pé;€§,l;f fozfaijegally Cop r<*>¤=¤ry ---·--·----·--·------------ 830 * lected ,... , .,,,,_____,,,_,,,__,_ 22,1218 Recorder of Deeds, D- 0-, _ _ 1 Register of the neamwy, app1‘pp1‘13t1011 fo1' Sb€lV1¤g, etc-, 0q1€€ Of- - 368 { appropriation for, assistant, clerks, etc. . 103, 649 deticiency approprnmon for repairs, etc., 5 Rggme,. of tml, D_ C _ Omce 0 ------·-—·---·-·-··-·-··-- 1220 l appropriation ’for index cases ,...,,_, 368 Records of the Rebellion, Naval, , Registered Letm.8 ¤ppr·>p¤¤¢i<>¤ f<>r¤¤¤ti¤¤i¤gp¤b1i¤¤¢i<>¤- 118, 664 r appropriation ior indemnity for mt. . . 438,1090 Red Cross, The American Ncdizmal, _ e Regigters of Land gmcesy S0<¤€tY ¤1€0I'P0mt€d§ P°W€TS»_P¤I'P0S€S»€tC- 599 appropriation for salaries and commispenalty for unlawful use of sign of ... 600 , sions __________________________ 482 1183 R6!} H00k Ch{¥*m€l» · Y, [ deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc . - ’ 44 ¤PPfoP¤*m?¤ fc? *mP¥`9V°m°¤t Oi —---- 493, 1194 * fees allowed, for making transcripts from Red Lake Indzan Reservation, Minn., _ records __________________________ 144 09SSi0Y} 9i Part Of; $319 of ceded POYUOU · · 46 l to produce originals of papers in court as disposition of proceeds to Indmns 48 evidence, on due Service ___________ 186 guilt of 1¤¤dS t? Mi¤¤€?·P0HS» Red Lake Regwlratimu of Trade·Marks (see Trade-Marks). and Manitoba Railway Company; 708 Regigemmm Records, Umm, cOmP€¤~·‘*$ Fm ·--··-——··----·---·· appropriation for transcript of ...,. 137 , 683 Red Lake River, Jhmz. Re · t ( p t [Se · bridgeF¤Yg¤<>riz¤d icross, at Thief River 167 $»?$§Sr?i;€g& mo: supenvuligkdenr, 132, cvs _ 3* ······•·······•·•••···‘ r ·•·•· d' f . ·St3¤t p8]"!]). — Red River, La-. _ _ or Igmlfa i . . ??d132, 678 ¤pp¤>vri=¤i<>¤ f<>r1¤z1¤¤¤e ¤¤<>¤¤¤ <>f - · - 469,1173 mr miscellaneous .. 438, ioso bridge authorized across m Louisiana 722 Reichenburg, Amma _ at B0yC€ - I 817 I ‘ f { Y 1 t _____________ 74 922 at sm-cpon. L- . 629 r "*’€?L°52£`k‘3’f3m‘TT TES}`. E .. 78; 926 time extended for bridge across, at Shreve- [ Reindeer, Alaska, POW M -----—-------·-·—·-·-----· 546‘ z' i rt t . 487 1188 mz River,_Lq., Arie., Tex., and Ind. z, R,’},*f;{’,;§{’iQan;,°;’Qw°}Ij’i“pp° ’€ ° _’ 3PP!'0I];'mU0H for 1mPT0V€m€¤t Of? °¥P€¤d‘ 1129 1 payment of,Court of Claims judgment to - 751 1 ure . · . . p . Red Rirer of the Mm, mm. and N M., ; RM M .P<·>~¤~·m of Amman Mmm, =·¤¤¤>¤¤¤¤¤ M i¤¤P¤<>~‘¤¤¤€¤* 01 ~-—---~· 1*39 l $E§££?£I`é*`?L°“ Z? ;—;;t&z.;;£(;; ‘‘‘‘ 4&.‘4ée;42$9a$€Z bridgehautihorized kacross, Fargo to Moor-` { Rem vm) } pp P‘’ ’ ’ — N, _____________________ 150r ·* 2*. . . . . betwezg gmrssau County, Minn., and Rglppropriation for public bu1lding .. 456, 1160 lVals County, N. Dak 614 · ’ - - preliminary examination of, to be made. - 1152 ap£;_0€G:?¥;2 foftgssfury Department' Redbank Jfilitary Reservation, N. J., for Nav Dgaanmeni ’'`'''` 122’ 668 part of abandoned, granted to Gloucester for Iumgior B8 Mtmehi '`°‘'` 12S' 674 County for B park ‘‘‘‘'’'’‘‘'‘’ 620 for Post-Office Be mmérié - I i· l - _ - · 133, 679 Redemption of Internal-Revenue Slamps, for D8 artmem OF Justice '‘‘°`' 135 681 deficiency 11 propriation for . 1218 p ``‘‘°‘' ’ ,, Redregq ,, SC20mm_ for Census Office ... `. 137, 683 payment of Frencn spoliation claims on ac- Q for Igggartment of Commerce and LT40 685 count of ...,... . - 793 ~ · ‘- ’``‘'’’‘'`‘‘‘’°`'‘` ’ ‘°'`* for Dxstrxct ·>·overnment . 367 889 Reed (md Hm!?' - - . ~ K for rooms for Patent Office models ’ 479 P?‘;“S1EI%€£§?2ih0?‘L‘i}l$El32§ E`§1?J§fff 782 for ;;;§g;;¤=·**¤¤ ¤<*¤‘i¤·=» ~i<*·*a¤<* *;;,6 ,,8, Rear envy, l i - ````'‘'''‘’`` ’ parment of French spoliation claim to ad-for émmnal Museum ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'’ 462’ 1166 . mgugstmtm. Of ______ _ ____________ 783 { Rent, L1ght, and Fuel, Post-Ofces, Reed, Henry, _ appropriation for first, second, and third payment of Court or Claims judgment to { <=1¤SS Offices; rs>¤t¤<¤¤<>¤ -----,-- 433,1086 Thmnmmmmmr Or _,_____________,__ 773 l Rw;1};·<?r ljages permitted 433 Reed, ornton A., { 671 0 W _ 00m-?, tt _____________________________ 805 , appropriation for .,., 508, 1208 Rggzygggndcqllarangne ,g3m;O,,,deficiency appropriation for . . 37, 418, 1241, 1255 V . appro >riation for improvements, etc .- 458, 1162 g Repmdiin Proceedin a in Con ess, E} ,. 9 _ _ 9 W Reeser, olm U ., appropriation for, House of Representa- R paymegplt of Court of Claims judgment to- . 771 tives .,.,...,,,,..,.. 92, 638 e wm » 001, D. C. { for Senate ... 88 634 appropriation for salaries and expenses. .- 386 s Reports, Congressional, y for care, etc., of boys committed to 907rintin and distribution of, on rivate . P 8 P for salaries ... 1210 I bills, simple and concurrent resolufor support of inmates; repairs , 1211 { tions .. .. - 610 net proceeds from farm, etc., to be cov- · Representatives in Congress, ered mbo the Treasury ,... 1211 appropriation for compensation and `mile- Reform Scfzoolfor Girls, p. C'., age ,,,,,,,.,_,,,,,.,...,,..,,,,, 89, 634 npproprmtwu for salaries and expenses- 386, 907 for clerk hire ,... 92, 638