Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1525

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INDEX. cli ' SuP"€m¢ RWM, _ P¤8°· I Sweden and Norway, Page. “PP*'°P¤·*m°“ OY P¤¤’€h¤¤¤¤g -·-----.- 457, 1188 up ropriation fo} ministei-to ,.,,_,,,,___ 68 916 S*”9°°”·G?*"€"**’# OW-‘¢· WM D¢1>¢v‘¢m¢M, gu secretary of legation .. asf 916 ap pr0pr1ation for clerks, etc ,., 114, 660 Su,-muy, Edward p_, ' O" ’Z°”t» diSP€¤¤¤FY -·—--·-—---·--·-- 116, 662 pnyment of Court of Claims judgment to.- 757 forlnbmry .. 273,839 Sweeney, num, o, fm' c¤ml0H“° of libmry ------------- 512, 1213 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. - 779· for book S130k!, 6112., ]lbl'8!'y ... 1200 Swetnum, C, K, · SWW'3/» _ payment to ,,,. 779 regulatipns fonpractice of, in Indian Ter- Swell, Samuel, & YBVJEY ----------------- - .. 299 payment of French Fpcliatiou claim to gd- "9'H · ·, "stt 790 comilgtions for admitting to practice with- Sugfe qndugznpzpgr 0 · 91117 €X¤·!Dil18¢10Il, l110d1E0d 609 eficiency appropriation for ___________ __ 34 apphcants from outside the District 610 Swift and Courtney, · Survey of Northern and Northwestern Lakes, refund of internal-revenue taxes to . -- 808 appropriation for 499, 1199 my, Lieut, Eben, jr., ,gu,.,.cyi,,$L pA,;3g;c Lands (8,, also public eficiency agnpropriation for credit in ac- D 8 , coun . Z . .. appropriation for; ntes .. , ,,.._.__ 483, 1184 SUM¤0’mwh_Sl9U9h, W 0871-, preferences; occupied townships, etc. . 483, &;_1’P!';>P¥;*m°¤ for ¥mP¥°V°m°¤*· Of ----··-- 1145 1184 zerun , gllgwancgg, heavily tgmbemd, ow, I appropnatncn for mrnugwr w ... 68. 916 lands _________________________ 484, 1185 or seyretary of legatnon .. 69, 916 extra. mms, Galifomia, mi 484,1185 Sydney, 5qw_S<>¤¢h Walev. rggurveyg; miugmi, etc,, localities, 484, 1185 aPPrOPY`mt]0I} for consul at ---··~·—----- 74v 923 for mineral lands, Nevada ,,__,,... 1185 or clfrk hl"; ·--—-··· - --·----------- 78v 926 for resurveys, certain townships, Wyo- S!/dm!/» 1V9¤’**;S¢‘0'Wi ming ____________________________ 1185 ugipropriahon for consul at . 76, 924 sm- pi-wm hud claims ,... 484 81/P qw J H¤¥¢» , Powcm of hud court transferred to claim agamst Cboqtaw Nation mferrod to Commissioner _________ _ ,,_____ _ _ , 485 C9u{t Of Claims; ···· · ······· · ····· 208 for abandoned military reservations. 485,1186 *PP"°P¤*m°¤ for ¤°*'“°€¤ tv Ch°°t*·W¤ · - - 1063 for boundary South Dakota 485 deficiency appropriation for . .4% .. é& gg, T- - ’427’1 ’1 7 TStreet Northeast D C A Wn;;;:;;-gggvuw ¤¤¤¤v·>¤ --·--··~--· 1**7 pmcecgings wmudeiun nm sm mm ml appropriation for, and their clerks ,_,., 129, 674 H Tabitha ,F '``````'````°'```````` SM¤`€y0*`°S_01W¢¢» D- CZ _ payment of Freneh spoliation claims on npproprmtion for salaries ..-.-- 366. 888 account of 789 for employees paid from general appro- Table ${,.,,1,, pnations ..----.·-- · .----- 888 appropriation for investigation tu secure

 for temporary employees .--·-----· 888 uniform grade of  288. 875

W6!/8, T ’ ., W I., ¤ppr<>priMi<>¤f<>r <>¤¤¤¤ wd Me. N¤w - 329. 1097 fggmprsgisnii mi- public building .. m, mm Susqe4eha11na Rii‘er, Md., Rn improvement of harbor; voutructah. II44 ¤PP¥`0P5’*¤g0¤ for *mP'°"°m€¤t °f» H*“"`° U2? \ lands grunted, for an public park .. 1013 G P300 ..-.--- · ~----··-··- - · · terms of court at ..,. . -----·--·-· R25 Sussex County, Del., ; T JM, m life-saving station authorized between In- 1 "Wgm nl · u _ _ _ { R dinn River and Fcnwicku Island . . . 242 I R (ggumlgf ( mms u ° Emma w`m Sute,. _] ·[; j,._’ 5 of , ·. ·· . d-¤¤¤»···»y ··pp~p¤·¤¤·- M ~··· -··------ M { *‘*‘H,2°£11`;2§;§’;‘,ffiTg";i}5‘¤i3ff'.1 :::::;::t:‘43%f1iiiS Sutfin, John, r Talmlt, George, paymentw .. . -.--·-.--- 779 1 pm-ment of Court of Claims judgment to Suwqyige River, Fla., ,executor of .,.. - ... - . . 763 uppmgiation for improvement of 1127 i Taya;m“.;,;e R;,.,,._ y;,,_ Swamp- pd Claims Gad Iteriemmfy, i appropriation for improvement of 1129 approprumcn for aghqstmg. - -1... ...· 482. H8-! i budge authorized across. in Quitmun &€§c§ncy gggrgpngtion for adjusting . . 33, 1235 = County ______ - - - - . . - 1034 n, ancia ., relimiuary examination of to be made,. 1153 payment of Court of Claxms judgment . T5;",!,", Charly;} g__ ’ to .-. - ·--------···- 754, 754 e payment of Court ofC1aims judgment t0. 751, 751 Swan, Traverse. . . Tizmamve, Madagascar, paymeng OLCQUIT of C181H1S ]¤dgll\8m3 to i app;-ggriation for consul at ...,_,._..,., T6, 924 503 GUS--·•"" ’`‘` "’•····—-·· t QT. ay, Fla,, Swansea, Wales, § aainpam riauon for improvement of: wharf- . . . ., PP P _ gppropriation for consul Rt ... -- 44, 9-3 2 ogg ____, _ __,__,,_,,.,, , ,.. . , . l12b slgayng, (1m;-[eg, Tampico, Jcrico, · ‘ f' h- > `t' f o¤u1at . 76924 °*’*"°*’,{}§,§‘;’{‘,i,f{’f_ §’E?‘?“”°_ _ _“_ _ f’_ _ }f‘T*’°“° ______ mo » “p}L'§Ei2?£‘E£m‘TY T. if .. :8; sms Swayne, Brig. Gen. Unger, Tamsm. F?NZ?0$¢Iy __ credited for disbursements, ctc .. 811 ¤ppr0pl'13¤0¤ for <‘¤¤$¤1 8* - ·—--·------· * •· 924