Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1536

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clxu INDEX. War Depanmmt——C0ntinued. P¤:¤- War D:·pm~tment——Continued. Page. up ropriation for New York Harbor. . . 500, 1200 claim of Indiana State board of agriculture gu- National Home for Volunteer S0}- . to be examined, etc .,,,___ 161 diers .. 500, 1200 Texas for repelling Mexican mamudgrg for aid to State and Territorial Homes; to be examined ..,,.,___________,_ 1224 liquor sales prohibited . 504, 1204 details of clerks, ctc., at headquarters, pro- - for back psy, bounty, commutation of hibitcd ...,.,_,______________ 830 rations 504, 1205 military rolls, etc., prior to civil wm- to be for arrears of pay, war with Spain, transferred from other Departments. 591 etc ... 505, 1205 Mzr of 1812, for ¥riuting and binding 512, 1212 claims of New York, Pennsylvania, and for ortifications 234, 845 Delaware for expenses, em., to bg for support of the Army . 259; 827 reudjusted .,.,,,,___ , ____________ 777 for Military Academy ... 441, 849 War with Spain, for reimbursing Iowa . 58 a pprc;priation for arrears of pay ____,__ *505, 1205

 for preserving river and harbor works- . 451 uma or presenting Stats claims for ex cndcicicncy appropriation for H. M. Chit.- ses raising volunteers, extendef. . . 312

tenden ... 24 effect of g0vcm0r’ s certificate ,,,_,,_,__,_ 312 for Thomas H. Hanbury .. 24 Ward, John IL, ' for John Millis ... 24 payment of Court of Claims judgment to _ 779 for Farrand Sayre . :- . 25 wa,.dw,y Samuch ¥3£8e§;£‘»¥»‘"§»e;a ·················· S? P·*m°,:2;;$~t::*:,:¤°*¤¤¤¤¤*¤*¤*~·d· M, for advertising . 25,401, 1223 Ware 'gamh E `°````````````°`' for Sherman statue ... 25 D Y · S - dgm gr lgzignngrge I¤1¤¤5d¤Ng¤ver]¤;¤;¤w €h;é-E 25 p €¤$¤2§¤9m2; ¤ :¤$ o?ET. . ._. T UG an 3W PB D Warehouses Indian ` building . 25 , ·’ - * w for Army. 25,43, 402,424, 427, 1225, 1252, 1256 §:'f"{’ L°b' ‘’‘‘‘‘ for monument, Fort Phil Kearny, Wyo. 26 { S D · ```` °°``` ’ . . , or a Fmncmco, Cul - z07 for M1l1tary Academy .. . ..., 26, 424, 1226 W mu. for Volunteer S0ldicrs’ Homes . 27, H} md wm’ . 43 40% 42* 1226 1252 uppom gn of Managers Y olunfor pay, two and three year volunteers- 43, 424 W ttfifr h 9l€h°mNH°m° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ 592 for refund to States for volunteers .. 43, :;°gq¤é;;n;7;3&0;gé 324 for h0rs0s (,m claims ______________ f?4’122§ eiizibigfor appointment ¤¤ erwigns mr for géunboats on western rivers . 43 ,,h r Oh`}; yam ‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘·······

 I . ’ - i . . .
  • 0* ¤*¤·>¤ =¤·* ‘V¤¤*¤¤¤¤*¤¤ g;j¤;·;;€{;53 1;;; appmpnm. for public bmlding um

zgor of (ggsfoderatc soldiers -- - 401,1225 Wg;;:; Ag; k 0]- vi W ____ p D PTOV HIGH O; OC S rm James Eveleth 401 ¤¤<1 d¤r¤¤ -·---·---.·.- 494, 1195 {0, y B A]e8him __________________ 40] for improvement of; Locks and Dams 2 for exhibiting model of Capitol at Saint am} 35 Wutmcts ·--·-·······---··- U28 { J;"“1°F°‘$ ······················· 132 W“£L°!$“£$"¥’3’ ”£'¥"‘* pmm » of d or un ,vo unteers 4 a $! ¤ !m Bn » ¤·¤ rm refung m wisconsin 424,1253 _ Mrbor -----------·---.------.- ... 1180 for mma to mmchmm 424 W¤~vz¤k_0~¢k, Va-. for muecmw 8k. ‘v0lunt*m _________ 424 Wrelgmrnqry exammatxon of, to be made. . 1155 my Rogue Rxver Indian wu ... 424 ? fmvwk I?·¤·q¢·. Md-. gm- %i$Euj, wm-f·,]agm ____________ 428 1253 uppr0pr1ation for nmprovement of 1123 or Hua ington IN onument 603 iuhingzon, for George T. Holloway ... 1224 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, for Harry Parshall ,... 1224 etc .. - ..,.,..,,,__, 130, 676 for J. B. Houston . . ... 1224 for support, ctc., of D’Wsmish, etc., Infor Eben Swift, jr . 1224 dums in ..,...,,,,,,,,, 202, 1057 for John J. Boniface ... . .. 1224 forincidental expemmlndianserviee in, 204, for Charles Keller ..,..,,, 1224 1059 for James M. Marshall 1224 deficiency appropriation for pay, etc., volfor John Stephen Sewell ., 1224 uuueem, 1855-56, , , 4,3, 424, 427, 1253, 1256 for surveys, Alaska, road and trail . 1225 drainage rights of wa. may be sold by ~ for Statq 3Dd TQl'1'it0!'i3l Homes 1226 Indians on Colvine B1ver .. 219 for public bmldmgs, etc., D. C . 1227 investifaticn of rights of Clntsop, ctc., for Quartermastpr—Gcncml’s 0H3e2e . 1252 ndiuns of .,,..,,___,,,_____ _ 1073 for of Claxms jndgmeuts under- - - 1250 opening, etc., Yakima Indian Reservation- 596 fo1']DdEI;10IItS of Umtod States courts, water rights aglowcd on Spokane Indian HD I --..-.--.- - - rva, ion -,_,____,____ ,_______ 1006 for hqadstones for soldiers’ graves,- 1252, 1256 Washinghm, Alexandria and Mount Vcrmm fo1‘ T€lmbUfSiD@}IiBSOUfi ...--,,--,-,.. 1253 Railway Cbmlymy, ' for volunteers Sxiwn War 1253 permitted temporary use of overhead tmlfo!’ TCH8i- of fteédmen, etc -.-...----.,, 1256 ley ove]- highway bridgg _________ 8% amounts for Ad utant-Gene¤nl's and Rec- Washington Aqueduct, ord and Igeusions available for Mili- apgyrogristiou for maintenance, etc- .- . . 376, 897 war S¤¤r¤¤ry’¤ Omen . 401 or 1c¤u0¤ plant .. svc, asv