Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1538

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elxiv mnnx. Watkins, John S., P¤·8¢· Welles, John,Page. Wpaymexgt og Court of Claims judgment to. . 744 payment of Fiiench spoliation claim to exat 'ns . ascom, ecutor o ,.,..._,, 782- payment of Court of Claims judgment to-, 752 Wells, Henry M., Watmmlgh, Willtitm N, Wpayment of Court of Claim judgment to. 760* payment of Court of Claims judgment to 6”87 0**07 C0'{l€l'l€h€ Indlalh administrator of ..,___ __ _ _ {_ _ _ 755 may sell jportion oi allotment 1065— W“”""’ ”€“'¥“£—"’ 7. 7 7.. ..7 wiiizllffsglibeld 'Z£$'“%..W“‘Z";. as 7 ' t' ‘ t . a r s p , , o , re. paymergigmtrllgs of??.? . . C daz, 797, 798 movod to Colvillo Rosorvotioo --... 206~· Watt, Robert, sr., lV81'hagtm, D., ¢md>Gropernna·n, _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to · P3Y¤1€¤ll0f F Much spoliation claim to adadministrator of ,, _ ______ _ 755 · mmistrator of surviving partner - . . 787" warm-8 custom 0 Wm I”d“’!'· . . Payuiem, of Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for meteorological expenses 27% . _. administrator of . . 744 ,,,,,8, Nm . 8 · W“""”· J""'ent or com of our · dgm t to payment oi Court of Claims judgment to Paym ad . . tr, f um Ju °“ 762_ dooslmr -----------... -. . 755 ,,,,8, P .,1, mj, Y *;,,9,. --·-- A --------·-- · Watts, Wiliam, W t S"', · 2d Yee lm'? <>¤d¢1¤Y)- ¤··v·¤¤··*<·*°·>¤7* o**’l·i=¤¤l¤d¤¤·¤¤**o-- 75* f;Z7d§.§`$..'I.“fi.‘7..t.7“$Z¥o..mtRs... W““9"· Ed“’“""' L . . nom ohicopes ...,,._,_..,..._,,.541 wvmool of com of Cl¤¤¤¤ Judgment lo was Vz7gt77777 Nmnm Juana: mom " vldowol ---—-·--·---------------- 767 om. ..7.% M...7.77,, ’ . so- Woukovom lll-. _ was 147,;:7.777 Southern Juasmz mm, . . — appropriation for improvement of harbor. 494, terms of court Lcwisbing ____ _ 2 · 548_- Wausau Wh 1140 ·Wed’ Vnmm? I f C] . .— • -U--H »ppr¤i»¤»¤6¤ or public ¤¤¤·¤¤g . 457. uw "”"“‘°.1‘.i..‘§.‘€L'..’€..?..i .76*7. f‘}fl?T’€‘f’T’T. f? 757 W‘?*-Wl6F' B}"‘€¤u7 _ _ _ Westchester, fa., _ . _ appropriation for salaries .. 2: 7, 862 appropriation for public building ...,. 457, 1161 for uel, lights, and repairs . . 278, 862 Western Alaska Construction Company, for contingent expenses . .. ... 278, 863 time extended for constructing railroad in for salaries of officials outside of Wash· Alaska by ____,..,...,,.,_.,.. 165. ington . 278, 863 relieved for five years of operating lioense; for all other expenses ... 278, 863 conditions _,__,,__________________ 605 . for maintenance of stations, West Indies, Western Shoshone Agency, Nev., Hawaiian Islands, Bermuda, etc. 278, 863 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians for general meteorological, etc., ex- ‘ of .._,,,.,..,.._,,_,_,,,,. 203, 1058 . POOS9S . 278,863 Western Union Telegraph Company, printing ofilce 279, 863 deiiciency appropriation for services, dis. ior observatories, equipment, etc. . ,. . 279, 863 trict attomey, District of Columbia. 417 site, Springfield, lll . . ... 863 foniuterest on settlements _ _; _________ 423. for cables an land lines . 279, 864 Westmoreland County, Pa., penalty for counterfeiting forecasts, etc 864 time extended for bridging Monongahela for printing and binding 512, 1213 River by .,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_ 604 . deiiciency appropriation or expenses . 426, 1254 Wetmore, Hon. George P., for meteorological stlltions . 1254 made member ot joint commission on mm.", T;7wph;gu,7, _ _ Capitol extension . 481 payment of Court of Claims judgment to ll ¢"¢`°h'“; I”d· Tr _ _ _ Bdminjstratgr (,5 __________________ 762 sale or lots by_Semmole town-site commis- Webn", }[7m·;e¢ S,, sion ratified .. 1068. payment to, damages from mortar prac- W¢!/”l°”’h_ Foro R’l`¢’lf7 1m'·°·*·7 tics ______________________________ 804 appropriation for improvement ot; condi- Weedon, James H, tl0l1 --·--- - -_ -------..-.. U18 ~ refund or iuwmm- revenue taxes to ... sos Wl·<¤7,f Charges. Pklllppmev. Weight.! and Measures, International Bureau of levmd gn goo<l¤ °xp°"°d ················ 97** appropriation for contribution ..,,.. 71, 919 Wixjnp ‘1°““· ··························-- 97** w,7m°¥,?t2,€Q1£,*:,I,T°°;°fm°mb°r °‘'‘'‘‘‘'‘' 132685¤PPY°P,;¤:ti°¤ for ollomioal study of. and appropriation mr consul at ...,. 76, 924 , Wham 2Bm;€]f;’n°d“ · •··············-- 288» 874* Wdka, Arnold, ’ ’ · · ai _ payment oi French spoliation claim to ad- { paym€;t§£g;£;$g::gs??%?tf??_c] m to ad 780. Wm Arppnlnstiator of .. 782, 795 , W;,,,,,;,,, 1,,,,,;,,,, _]_, '’''°’‘ e 8} V7 Jr' l w · V payment oi Fretgch fspoliation claim to ad- Wglgkgcnyhggiazoupbt ff C In mt t0' 757 mlnjstm r 0 _______________ _ ____ 794 , ’ l · • · '2@..5i.(:2217.;.’€;"£"‘:.*¢.’;’¤"z’·S·. . ..9-l ·7m??"“··“?‘ $`?'°°"”““"“ ‘“"“”“°“"°‘ ’" _ _ l Q ’_Y0 ¢¤¤¤€ -----· ll 'ti I ubl' b'ld' .. 1* — preliminary examination of, to be made. - 1156 Wzzgrggzz ,.;);e,,g'p_y,,:,$_, m mg 457’ H6 Welles, John, _ _ _ appropriation for Indian agent at . 190, 1049- payment of French spohation claim to ad- [ White Earth Indian Reservation, Minn., mnmstrator of .. 784, 791, 792, 796 allotment of landsto Chippewas on .. 539