Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1225

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' INDEX. 252 1 Navy Depr{M:gq#nt—Cont‘nued. PHG- 5 Nebrich, Theresa (widow-), P186- ¤ppr0p¤¤t101l for clerks, etc., Bureau ofpension increased _______________________ 1353 Steam Engineering.: , 121,667 I Neches River, Ter., B employees 011 ‘ new ships" . . ._ 121 i appropriation for improvement of mouth; ureau of Construction and Repair, 121, 66; 1 compacts _________________________ 1131 egplpyees 0nt"netw s}ngps"_&-.f 121 l Neebish Cltaimel, ?'ain¢ Marys River, Aqch., c men, e e., o pai rom 9 appropria ion0 · t ; - B "l11<%rgas(e of the Navy " .. 121, 667 ‘ P Iiracts . . - gr. -.(i , f??. 1138 iii21E3v9e;9'}]”?‘°§e;·ss.sgsr:;::;}%*33 “i$éi%;£f1“{,¥9{;JS’;?9“?’f?1 __________________ ,594 Bureau or Supplies and Accounts.- 121,667 New, George, employees 0n_"new ships" ... 122 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Bureau of :`l€(llCl!l6 and Surgery . , - 122, 667 administrator of __________________ 773 employees on "new ships" ... 122 Neil, Cecil Cl, Bureau of Yards and Docks ... 122, 667 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 767 employees on "publ1c works" 122 Nealan, Elazabeth (widow), draftsrppn, etc];, {to be paid from pension ..__ ,- . . 1783 ‘· pu J ic wor ·s .. 122, 668 Nell, Elizabeth for boolgs and periodicals 122, 668 payment of bourt of Claims judgment to for contingent expenses . 122, 668 administrator of ,. 7-14 for rent, maintenance, etc., Mills Build- Nelligcm, Machael, ing . .  ; . 122, 668· pension . ...,.,. 1669 for the naval service ... 324, 1092 Nelson, Alexander P., for printing and binding ... 512, 1212 pension increased _...,,..,._,.,, 1711 for freight 1107 Nelson, Andrew, deficiency appropriation for Secretary’s paymgit to ,... 778 O ce 28 NeLc<m,` erbert S. for piublic works .. 29 pension increased ... 1924 for ydrographic Office .. L 28, 43 Nelson, Jeremiah, for Navy .. 28, 43, 404, 424, 1227, 1253, 1256 payment of French spoliation claim to adfor emergency fund . 28, 43, 404, 1228, 1253 ministrator of ... 781, 796 for Guantanamo, Cuba, naval station- - - 30 Nelson, Melissa E. (widow), for Naval lVar College, inspector .. 30 pension increased ... 1973 for naval magazine, Iona Island, N. Y- - 30 Nelson, Aimcy J. ( widow), for Naval Observatory .,...,. 30, 1227 , pension increased ... 1949 for Naval Academy .. 30, 403 Neoaho, M0., for fur;/eral expenses, etc., explosion on 40 Napproppiéationbnnr nsh hatchery .. 477 " issouri’ - ...,. 3 epomet ivcr, ass. for eontingent expenses .,,_,... 403, 1227 preliminary examination of, to be made . 1152 for rinting and binding ..,... 1249 Nerbcr, Ida E. (daughter), for Bourt of Claims judgments under - - 1250 pension 1526 for judgments of United States courts, 1251 Ncamitfn, Mary E. tlwidow), 1446 un er .,____,,.,...,,__,,__,,_,... pension increase ... vouchers for mileage tickets, etc., allowed; Netherlands, _ _ purchases authorized __,,_,.,. 403 treaty with, extending extradition to colo- ]\,’q;·y· Yqrdg and Stations, _` ‘ 11i8S and islands. . . 2257 appropriation for repairs and preservation. 337, Nelherlands and Lumen; btvrg, 1104 appropriation for minister to ... 68, 915 dgijqiency appropriation forpublic workszlgg, \ bor seixtary of legation .. 69, W6 fm- repairs etc __,,,,...,,,., em, i iam, consolidation of power plants authorized - y 337 pension uncreased ... 1709 Nay may purl-, Indian Allottee, Ne,999 ;g;,·,,-7 Aj (-_, may sell Part Qi allotment fo ROSWU appropriation for improvement of .--. 1124 A I I ](`02"t)’, Mimi-• f°1`¤¢h00l Pm`P°$*="- 989 revenue cutter for, authorized; cost .. 604 'eu , . r»·n N-,f i ,..._...,,.., 116-1 payment of Court of Claims judgment t0. . 749 Awugggzpna mn or _ A'""¢y•.']°hY° E" 14...1 warning against breaches of, during war P°“m°H mc! maid ··‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ between Japan and Russia 2332 N"""· " " ""'",,,,1* Sed 1999, mmzsty ld ' ° L I 9 N5::;;? mc ```````````°````````°`` appropriation for expenses under ... 71, 918 approval of boundary line in Missouri ]V“""~"‘» , _ , , River, established by South Dakota 20 declamxgfi 9-S to Tights Oi: at Bea (1111*1118 2334 and .. S···························· ·· _ . , Nevada, "°m“’},T‘$9$E1"Z£i1i’£’£;‘?K‘T’T`?-‘}{‘f’X"f‘l my ¤¤¤~¤;;g·¤¤¤ *·>*¤¤"·=>’°*·¤*=¤·=¤’· ¤*~*=·g31 6,5 —$r;g::;gi;:¤$¤€;jg1;ejgg -----—-------- gg for imietigi ;;9éLAéé,‘i‘Aa{5A‘se{‘?i§9 ’ , ··············‘ . ... , 107 entries hy present cntrymen .. 548 for sxveying miueml lands ___________ llgg l8¤dH to be V¤'¤¤¤f€1”1’€d {Yom mid i0· fvr deficiency appropriation for surveyor-gem » completing homestead entry of Rus- Bm; _____________________________ 32, 410 SBU F- {40011115 ·------··----------· 819 for Indian service in .. 44 rggurveys of townships in Rock and Brown I payment of claims_for expenses, etc., recountigg authorized ____,,,_____.. - 1037 pelling invasions, etc .. 805 vox. xxxm, rr 2-78