Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1599

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INDEX. oxliii Public Buildings, Omnibus Act——Continued. P¤8¢· Public Buildings, Omnibus Act-Continued. 1’•s•¤· enlargevxperxgl, 'Ietc., oi, authorized at Fort 7 acqumggéand for, and extending, Spring- 0 . ex . 75 , Mass 775 appropriation for ...,. 790, 1298 appropriation for ..,.. 790, 1304 Gainesville, Tex{ ... 775 Springfield, Om? .. 6 775 a propriation or 90 appropriation or . 7 1, 1304 Jachson, Miss . 774 authongy to secure by purchase, condemappropriation for . 790, 1299 nation, etc ... I. . . Z ... 776 Lynchburg, Va . 775 changes, etc., included in limits of costs- . 776 prof 790 1300 l'freased fd b ld ap pnation or . , imit o cost mc or site an u1 - New York, N. Y., assay office ... 774 ing, Saint Louis, Mo 776 apmriation for . 790, 1301 appgppriation for ... 791, 1303 New , N.C, .. site thpost-oiice siifnd mxéstmctlgnhau- 77 a. ropri ti r o' at e eison armc , 0.. 6 Neggort, Ig., 11 775 appropriation for .. 791 appropriation for 790 construction authorized of, at Albuquerque, Ottumwa., Iowa? ..,,,,.,_, 1774 N, Mex ...,, _,.,_,,,,,,,,,,_,,,__ 7 77 riati or . 790, appropriution r 91 Pgatgrlglggrg, G5 ... 775Ansgrgor, Mich ... 777 appropriation for ,,,_,,... 790, 1302 appr?riation for .. . . . 791, 1295 Roma, . Y ,.,.,.. . W .. 774 Baker ity, .. - . . 777 appro riation for .,.. 790 apgnllirmatwn r . 791, 1295 .S•lem, kb .----------------·--- 7;: Bar r%M¤} ----------------·--- 5-I lg; mpnation r ..,.,, - ... . - n. roptm 1011 Ot . - . . . 9 , Saanpxntonio, Tex .. 775 Beciigrd, Ind ..-.·- - ·-·--·.. 776 a, prop;-iation for ...,, 790, 1303 appropriation for . 791, 1295 Shgioygan, Wis ... 775 Bememer,_Als ..--.-.-.. 776

 for _____,,... . . - 790, 1304 approgriatxon for . 791, 1295

To] o, Ohio ,,,,,.., . . 775 Bluefiel ,_W, Va ... 777 pppropriagiorr by ,______,,. - ,. 790, 1304 appropnation for . 791, 1295 ’_[*mm;ou, N, J ___,,.,...,,, . 774 Calais, e . ... . 777 app yigtiorr im- ,_____,,. __790, 1304 appropriation for Y 791, 1296 Tyler:`?;; ________,_,__,. . .- . . 775 Chippews_Fa11s, Wis 777 rr, pyigtigu for ,_.,,,,.. 790, 1304 appropriation for . 792, 1296 Wrfggom, Me,?;) . . Gornmg, ...----·----·- 7:61 ’ ti r sp p 1011 ----------~------ . W , gi C-, custom-house ... 775 Croogghn, . .. 777 appropriation for 790 sppimprmtnon for --------- 791. 1297 wichita, Kaus _____ _ _______,_ , __,,______ 774 Dog omes,1owa ... . ... 777 appropriation io; ...,. 790, 1305 appreplrmtum for -.------------·-- 791. 1297 Y0uDg¤wwn’ 0h7D_ __________ _ ,_________ 775 Dixon, I-. , .· ... . .. . 776 appropriation for .. · ... 790, 1305 E applroprmtiop gké .., 791, 297

  • °*“®%.3:‘t€’_f°T1.“t‘3‘?.?i‘?·?T‘i‘T‘?.'?3*f?z ... ?.»..1»¥»1»"’°°ti»·=f1 ‘.s.‘.‘ ::1;::1::::m 12..

,,,,,*3** P,’¥é;"?.§L°‘}§‘$I. ········*·········· $$2 "l§§.`i§`.§§.i’2l€`a.;xz.;ttii:tiii;i1i::i:·a.s.,.§,§§ 0 r. proprliatibn for.`.`.`.`.`?]`.`...]IZ`iéo,12ss G¤i¤¤¤v¤¤s>. Qs -—--------··--—-—·-·—- 9,,1 ,776 mth, Minn ____________ _ _____________ 775 appmppztiorgifog .----·--- . $$8 appropriation for . 790, 1297 Gland IS Fit; g Y ··--—-·-- · ·-·-··-· 561 129; Erie, PB ___________ _ ___________ _ _______ 775 Hzpplroprmopn or ...·...-. , 777

 fOr_____,,,.   m £r¥i¤ti(:r?.f2)}"--·-l'-ll-ll-l'-ibl  

Gmeuvi ,9, S_ C _____________ _ __________ 776 ppp Rggck A k .. _ ... , 776 gp|'0pl’1$I,10l110I`. . ·-· -·-·· -- -·-- Lltte ·’- r n---`""-.---.-..`--- Kagmszoo Mi ______________ 775 appmpnation for . 791, 1300 ·r·r·¤rg=i$**<>¤ *°* -------·-····-····-· ’°° M1““$§“Z&.iXZf.; 71;. ‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘’‘```‘ 1"1`m r35i Knoxvi e, Tenn .. 776 MBPPH gud -·-··~---·-·· · · v 777 , ·,¤·a;,·;g;;,¤·;gg5,¤*¤* —---·-- ;;;;;;;;;;_Y?*·’$$§ ..’,1§,’,...L,,...¢r;..; x:..; ‘.‘.· :;;;;;;;;;;;;;‘,o...r L:_p·~,g§·,gg··f¤r -·-----—----·---- ’°°·1§*;g ‘”"‘:.°,$’!{,‘,.,,1££C;.}..“;1"$‘.;..’;;;;;;;::;;:‘1;;;‘a»>r,.§5{ »,i;¤~¤¥¤¤¤¤*s¤ -·-»·-~·—-··---·· ’”* 12* M£€.§’.‘.Z"¥.§$‘.T*}T‘? ‘.·.‘ 3;;;:;;;:;;;:; $3% N¤ ****1**** 9*0% 1`*°*" ··················· 775 r pro riation for . 791, 1301 8pP[0Yn3[]0BfOT...--· ·-·-· •·•-· 0c5a Eta -_-'--.-·.·- rem. M -----··---------·--------—--- "5 ,, ;,,,,,.;.;;.;.;1;,;r ‘‘‘‘ 1 ‘‘... .. ...1 13... R::>P*£P’i{;**°” *°" ···········‘‘·‘··‘‘‘ $32 mogpeioc, Ark. ..1iZZ . ZZ. ’ vm no e, a . .-·--—-------- · - appropriation for . 791, 1303 P:r%l;x°§"`E}2°“ fm` ······· i ·t I 1 · I ·r 791* 1;% Rockford, lll -·-·------ - ·-··---—··-- "5 appropriation io}Z`.'.`.`f f f . f . . . Z .1-] 'isu, me $.ppl’0]}l'1$r101`1 for ---·-·· - ········· 790* 1303 I Portsmouth, V9 .. . 777 San Fyongiar-0, Ca]., subtreuéllfy ·.-...-· 775 i appropriation ior . 791, 1302 appropriation for ...·- - --------·· 790 . Qumcy, 1/lass --.-···-·--------»---·---- 777 South Bend, Ind _______ _ ______________ 775 E approprmtmll fol' ...·-·----·- - 791. 1302 appropriation sor . 790.1304 a Sw J¤¤¤._P-_ 1’~ -------·»-----·-—--—---· 777 rent-U-U---UI0________ __________ _ 1304appmpnationfor . 791,1303 vom. xxxiv, rr 1--99