Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/304

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274 F1F1JY-N1NT11 CONGRESS. sms. 1. GH. seas. 1906. shall be reimbursed by the mining lessees for all damage done to said agricultural lessees? interest therein by reason of such mining onerations. The legislature of the State may Erescribe additional leg1sla- . tion governing such leases not in conflict erewith. . Mggwgg °°“““°“ Sec. 9. That said sections sixteen and thirty-six, and lands taken 1D ` lieu thereof, herein granted for the support of the common schools, ~ if sold, may be appraised and sold at nublic sale in one hundred and sixty acre tracts or less, under such ru es and regulations as the legis- ` lature of the said State may prescribe, preference right to purchase at Pxg *““" “°“‘ the highest bid being given to the lessee at the time of such sale, the proceeds to constitute a permanent school fund, the interest of which L°'·’°’· °°°· only shall be expended in the su port of such schools. But said lands - may, under such regulations as the legislature may prescribe, be leased for periods not to exceed ten years; and such lands shall not be subject to homestead entry or any other entry under the land laws of the United States, whether surveyed or unserveyed, but shall be reserved

 for school purposes only.

ucUif_*m'g*g¤“,*f¤¤g';“ Sm. 10. That said sections thirteen and thirty-three, aforesaid, if suuorimu. sold, may be appraised and sold at public sale, in one hundred and sixty acre tracts or less, under such rules and re ulations as the legis— ture of said State may prescribe, preference rigit to purchase at the highest bid being given to the lessee at the time of such sale, but such lands may be leased for periods of not more than Eve years, nmder such rules and regulations as the legislature shall prescribe, and until such time as the legislature shall prescribe such rules these and all other lands granted to the State shall be leased under existing rules and regulations, and shall not be subject to homestead entry or any other entryunder the land laws of the United States, whether surveyed or unsnrveyed, but shall be reserved for designated purposes only, and

 until such time asthe legislature shall greseribe as a oresaid such lands

mwnl of im_ shall be leased under exmting rules: {ded, That before any of the pmvemeuu. said lands shall be sold, asprovided in sections nine and ten of this Act, the said lands and the xmprovements thereon shall be appraised by three disinterested appraisers, who shall be uonresidents of the county wherein the land is situated, to be designated as the legislature of said State shall prescribe, and the said appraisers shall make a true agpraisement of sand lands at the actual cash value thereof, exclusive 0 1mprovements, and shall separately upyraise all permanent improvements thereon at their fair and reasonab e value, and in case the leasec,};*g;f*°'“ "Y P“" holder does not become the purclmsvr, the purchaser at said sale shall, under such rules and regulations as the legislature may prescribe, pay to or for the leaseholder the appmieml value of said improvements, and to the State the amount bid for the said lands, exclusive of the appraised value of improvements; and at said sale no bid for any tract at ess than the appmisement thereof shall be accepted. mgf ‘}f"‘ ¥,;j;l§,§}f Sec. 11. That an amount equal to live per e-eutum of the proceeds ¤<=¤v¤1¤- of the sales of public lands lying within said State shall be paid to the sand State, to be used as a permanent fund, the interest only of which

1;;:} be expended for the support of the common schools within said

x G. ,_€,L:j}d*},Q‘;g$‘;,Y,l3;'}g Sec. 12. That in lieu of the grant of land for purposes of internal wu L_¤w¤¤¤1--¤··¤ ¤ improvement made tp new States by the eighth section of the Act of vuxfs, p. 455. September fourth, eighteen hundred and forty—0ne, which section is hereby repealed as to said State, and in lieu of any claim or demand v01_ 9_ ,_ M9_ of the State of Oklahoma under the Act of September twenty-eighth, R·"··*`·°°·*"”»P·‘~*“· eighteen hundred and fifty, and section twenty-four hundred angseventy-nme of the Revised Statutes, making a grant of swam and overtlowed lands, which grant it is hereby declared is not extended to ‘*"°“"°‘"‘ said State of Oklahoma, the following grant of land is hereby made to said State from public- lands of the United States within said State,