Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/599

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INDEX. 3 3 1 9 Appoquinimink River, Del., Page-Appropriation,s—Continued. Page- A appropriatéontfor improvement of . 1081 approplgiagon for widening Columbia road, pp';-a1,3er,e,ug gms U , ______________________________ 845 appropriation for xneetings of local. . . .. . 708, 1315 extending Second and W streets NW., dgjpigigcyl gipprgprlamgn fg; meetings of D_ C _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ 845 oca l. 28 e t nd` M 'd` 1 NW., D. C 846 additional assistants, at Nevq York . A ._ 874 eitgndigg Girnegii lim; and Summit gpgcml deputy, and deputies giutheuzgd; place, D, C_ ________ _ ___________ __ 846 S21 d;1t3§_ . E ... extegdigg Twenty-third street NW., aryo , icago, x .,. . .. 847 at, Neve York, increased ,,____,,_,_,,___, 1373 opening Macomb street NW'., D. C ,____ 853 Approprjuztwn Btlls, Gemral, extendin Seventeenth street NW., D. C . 855 committees repo(1iting, to follow order of opening iighway Water Side drive to year prece mg . 448 Park road, D. C 855 Appropriations (sec also Deficiency Appro- extenging gessenden street NW., D. C- 856 priations), exten ing enyon street NW., D. C 856 appropr%ation for preparing statement extenging Harvard street IEW., D. C . . . 857 o ,,,,_ 7.59 1364 exten ing Fourth street N ., D. C .,... 857 for general deficiencies . 634; 1371 extending School street, D. C ... 882 for urgent deticiencies ,.,,___ 27, 118, 841, 885 opening Warren and Forty-sixth streets United States courts, and opening Indian NW., D. C . 994 reservations ,.,,_,__ 205 opening parkway to Rock Creek Pair}; for pensions ...,.,,,,_, 133, 1406 from Sixteenth street, D. C ...,. 1001 for the support of the Army 240, 1158 extending T street NW. , D. C ,._.,. 1001 for diplomatic and consular service . 286, 916 extending New Hampshire avenue, D. C 1004 ‘ for Indian Department ,_,,,,_,,,,_,,_, 325, 1015 extending Forty-fifth street NW., D, C_ _ 1005 for legislative, executive, and judicial ex- exgmging W and Adams streets NW., 008 uses .,. 389 935 . ... 1 icy fortpiiications ,. 462, 1058 extenging {fuk place C. . . lg? orgasm} service, 467 1205 exten ing onroe street, . . 1 2 for istrict of Columbia ...,._,,,,, 482; 1119 extending Albemarle street, D. C .. 1226 for the Military Academy ..,,,, 521, 1063 opening Mills avenue, D. C . 1244 for the naval service ., , 5.53, 1176 for sthmxan Canal 5 for Department of Agriculture . 669,1256 for purchnse of coal claims, Batan Island, for sundry civil expenses .. 697, 1295 Plnlippmes 23 V for public buildings, sites, construction, for magkigg glrlavels of lflonfedlgrates who etc ,,,.,.__,,_, 789 ie 111 ort ern ita or prisons 56 for river and harbor improvements 1073 for expenses, opening C0l(irBS1e Indian Resexpenses in excess of, orbidden .. 49 §l’V8tl0D, Wash ... _ .. 82 voluntary, Sri serxgge in excess of, au- for bridge hacéoss Tongue River, Fort thorize , orbi en 49 , out ... V .. 88 for contingent expenses, etc., to be allotted for reclasseigying Public lands in Alabama, . 88 to prevent deticiencies ,._,,______ 49 for purchase o_ our iield guns, etc., from written waiver only in unforeseen emer- Connecticut.: ... 106 geneies; report, .,.,,_,_,_,_______, 49 for public crematonum: D. C .. 124 punishment for violation ..,,..._.._ 49 for exfgnses, appraismg, etc., pmt ri estimates for regular, to follow arrangement L _ wer Bm e Reservation . . _ 125 of previous {fm- ..,,_.. 448 { for imgroving of Columbw. River. 3 changes to be su mitted b notes .. 448 reg. an 1 1 committees reporting, to follow order of for bringinggiorne rginaiiisof nziviilotiieere. $2 precedingymr ,,,,_,,_,_______ _ ____ 448 { etc., ying u ros. _ .. .. 11 annual estimates to include all require- ; for naval zilnd pistul service, Sun I°mm·¤s¢··» I 8 ments ___,,,_,__,_______,______,___ 448 Q eurt qua e , 6 restriction on additional or special rv- ? §or expenses dena(t§ured a)g·ol1<?3i<·t.[i .. 318 quests .,... 449 or monument to omm¤. ore o in nrry.. 24 specific terms required in any act to carry. 764 battlefield of Prmceton, N. J 224 annual, for State and Territorial experiment Q to John Paul Jones. ._ ...,,,. 224 stations increased ..,.,. 63 landing Ofl&h€ Pllgl’ll11S, SKC., Provinvcfor militia increased ... 449 i town i ass ... . . 225 permansntd annual, for education of thefor per c3pita.bFox andI\Sz{jc Indians, Richin ,,___,_,..,,_,____________ 460 E ar son ounty, 'e r ..,..._._, 263 for me-at inspection expenses .._.,.__ 679 I for drainage assessments, Fox and Sac Infor minor coinage meta , increased . 132 I dians, Richardson County, Nelwr . . . 263 for damages extending Rhode Island ave- { for gssesséneuts, lgnds of lowes, nue, D. C ..,... 16 5 ic ar son ounty, ’e ir .._..., 263 for condemnation expenses, extending [ for Oklahoma election and constitutional Rhode Island avenue, D. C . 17 3 convention expenses .. 1 ._.__ 271 for damages extension of Euvlid street, z for coinrrfn sclliools, Ol§1al§>ma, in lieu of D_ C} _____________,_ , ,,,__,_,______ 238 i n ian erritory an s .o,,,,__,. 272 for expenses extending Euclid street. D. <", 238 for benefit of coinmon schools, Arizona 282 for condemnation, expeiises, etc.. extension 16 i for Arxzonaelection and constitutional con- 9 _ gf Kalomma rmt, __.._._...____..i. 6 E vention expenses ..._._. ..85 widening Bladensburg road. D. (` .. 844 for Kings Mountain brittle ground inonugxtgnding Seventh Sixth, and Franklin ment ._,..,.,,,i,,. 286 streets NE., D. C .. 844 ‘ for national quarantine expenses .._... 301