Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/600

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3320 INDEX. Appropr·iati01&s—C0ntinued. Page Aransas Pass, Tex.—·C0ntinued. P¤g€· for traveling expenses of the President __.. 454 I appropriation for improvement of Turtle for 5 per cent of proceeds of public lands, Cove channel to Corpus Christi, from; to California for common schools ,... 518 contracts . 1091 for expenses, naturalization act; restriction for improvement of inland waterway to removed ..____...__,,. . 606 Pass Cavallo; contracts . 1091 for lands in Utah irom Le Grand Young. . 613 Arapaho and Cheyenne Indikms, Okla., ` for medals to volunteers sewing beyond appropriation for support, etc., of .. 362,1043 enlistment, to suppress Philippine Arapaho Indians, Northern Cheyenne mul, insurrection . . ..,.. 621 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. 354, 1035 for damages, change of grade, etc., on line Arlritratwn, %§ Bhiladelphis, §?»a%fi111%re and appropriation fof iixpenses of, railway BI?65 13 ashmgton Ra` roa , as in I1, p o eos' i ereuces ... ; .. , 11 D. C., from District revenues. . 625 intematioiial treaty for submitting pecunfor expgnses, preservation of Niagara Falls, 628 ArMtTatigaiyIc1?imst§g. . fgglgtéé . , F 2845 .. . . n, n erm na u, ervrm for expenses Government exhibit, James- Court of, town Exposition ... 764 appropriation for share of expenses .. 291, 921 for buildillgsé Government exhibit, James- 765 Arcudih, Mich., f f h be 1 town x itiou .., appropriation or improvement o ar r. . 097 for piers an<§£b§s1?Fn. for small craft, James- 765 Archaeologicagdlnstituze of D. C., town x ition ... mcorporat ; powers an uties .. 203 for aid to Jamesiigisvu Exposition Company. 766 Archer, Howard William (son), . for permanent pier, Jamestown Island; pension r.,.. 2387 resent pier _... . _ _ 766 Archer, Martha G. (widow), for policing, accommodation of visitors, pension increased . 1560 etc., Jamestown Island , ..,.. 766 Archquette, Wuliam, Indian Allottee, for exhibit of progress of negro race, J ames- fee·simp1e title to . 381 town Exposition ...__.. 767 Archuleta, Antonio, for expenses, New York postal situation 786 Jézinnsionbil .. 2485 c0mm1ssion-- . . r ore, a., for relief of sufferers, San Francisco eai1h· terms of court .. . 275 quake and conflagmtion .._, _ _ , , 827 Arey, Henry, _ made available for medical supplies ..., 827 pension increased . 2458 for further relief of earthquake sufferers; Argentine Republw, extra expenses . . - . 828 appropriation for minister to 286, 916 for prepering site, etc., Longfellow statue. 830 or secretary of legation ... 287, 917 for commission on Delaware and Chesa- A,-·,;d Lands Ngyn . Peake Canal ·-·—-·-·· · ···--- · —~———· 835 provisions for eritry of extended ... 1224 for Digest of Customs Laws and Decisions, 840 A ._ E t J d. . 2 Dm . t for additional expenses, Interstate Com- Thoingl d_a“; ern M ima ni ’T - f meme Commission __________________ 840 I Crea BNQJ; l&<:;1£§S€ PF€B€¤ 9¤'1T·0TY 0 283 · ¤ V --------·~--~—·--··-—--

  • °’““'§“§?£€fLB§£2°L§E£i£?i€tsi?)$li“%3?£ludgeglggggggd mamlml and Clerk *0 be 283

for Cl1SiZi}!{lié-b03l‘d- - i Iniilg court AlR;UQ\1€!‘ql1€§ attached to ninth 283 for refund of certain internal-revenue 1221 Arizona O} ‘'`‘‘`‘````‘' ¢3X€¤ ----..--------··... . . 2 Y , , , for Bxlienjles Rosebud Indian ]{pS(.wation B1 xnhab1!;1ant?tl;>iiAm>nz;.0laI;1<l l\ew Mexico 278 ans ... , . ... _ ,,.. 1‘l _ (TT TPS Y_ l -·-—-··----···-· ` for monumegxg to Commodore Sloaz, Monte- 1 8 ¢‘0HS¢1tl;t:i>r;ag·€>nvention; apportionment 278 e , .·a ... 40 0 e e es fm. imgaé,-ant Station, New (),·]QanS, LLL _ 1409 question of united siatphood submitted. . 278 for monument, Tippecanoe battle ground, if each Terrmciy is in favor, State may Ind ,,... . .. 1410 _ _ be admiit ..., _. . . 278 for monument at Chalmette, La., to com· if e1th¢·r_Territ.ory opposes, measure fails. 278 memorate battle of New (jnlgmm, Pwgarliatéoris lzy governors for election". 1812 ,._._,,..,..,,,.. , ,,_,..,,_,,__ 14]] con uc o fe ec ron; re urns, ,,,_,,__,,,,_, for immigrant station at Galveston, Tex. . . 1412 Lf result in Arizona favorable, returns to for Uvlumbus Memorial .-·.·. 1413 be sent to Santa Fe . ... 279 for immigrant station, Charleston, S, C ____ 1415 5 if YBSUU in New Mexico also favorable, for site, etc., Stephenson Grand Army Me- i convention to be called _ 2 79 morial, D. C ,.. 1424 L powers, etgn, of convention; qualifica- .4 wm: Bridge, D. ch. . ¤<>¤¤ <> vom -··-·~-—-··------ » ··—- 279 Zippropriation for reeonstructing pier No, 1; m#=*¤¤g O? °‘mV€“t‘O“ at Santa Fo? dam? balances for r¤p==¤i¤» etc . 1130 5 . ““°“ ·—--·- : - · ·. ···~··-·--·· ;- : - -- 279 , _ _ g ¤d0PU0I1 Of Constitution of the Lnited A’1Wdl—*<'l· W*'~$h"·’•9¢0'¢ (8% W¤$hl¤gl0¤ Aww- § States; genera] principles _,_________ 279 · duct). vonstiQutionalmfrovisions required; relig- Aruia Wwk. Viz-, l · *0**8 fm Om- -···---—·--·--· 279 imliminazy examination of. to be madpu 1117 POlY§;;‘3g’I;’ _ 279 Aransas Pgzaa, Terr., _ » disclaimer as to public and Indian lands. 279 appmpriation for improvement of; con- equality of taxes on property of nonresitracts .___ _ ____'_________ _ ______ 737, 1091 I dents ..,.. ,_ ..,_ 279