Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/80

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2920 GENERAL AcT-Moaoeco. APRIL 7, 1906. par lui, apres entente prealable appoint afterapreviousagreement avec le Conseil d’Administration withtheBank’sBoardot Directors. de la Banque. _ _ _ D“"°“· Ce Haut Commissaire aura le ThlS High C0mm1SS_10¤Q1` Shall droit de prendre connaissance de have the right to examine into the _ la gestion de la Banque; il contre- management of the Bank. He lera Pemission des billets cle Ban- shall supervise the issuance of bank que et veillera a la stricte observa- notes and shall see that the provition des dispositions de la conces- sions of the concession are strictly sion. observed. Le Haut Commissaire devra The High Commissioner shall signer chaque billet ou y apposer sign every note or affix thereto his son sceau; il sera charge de la sur- seal. He shall be charged. with veillance des relations de la Banque the supervision of the relations avec le Tresor Imperial. between the Bank and the Imperial Treasury. l . Il ne pourra pas s’immiscer dans He shall take no part in the ad- Padmimstration et la gestion des ministration or transaction of the atfaires de la Banque, mais il aura banking business, but he shall altoujours le droit d’assister aux ways have the right to attend the reunions des Censeurs. meetings of the (sensors. dnepuw commis-W LeGouvernement cheriiien nom- The Shereeian Government °°°”` mera un ou deux Commissaires shall appoint one or two deputy adjoints qui seront specialement commissioners, who shall be especharges de contreler les operations cially charged with the supervision iinancieres du Tresor avec la of the financial transactions of the Banque. Treasury with the Bank. s B°$°l¤**°¤¤· ABT. 43. Un reglement, pre- ABT. 43. A set of rules defining cisant les rapports de la Banque et the relations of the Bank and of du Gouvernement marocain, sera the Moorish Government shall be etabli par le Comite special prévu framed by the special committee a Particle 57 et approuve par les provided for in article 57 and ap- Censeurs. proved by the Censors. g0§;r;¤¤¤ law *0 ART. 44. La Banque, constituée ART. 44. The Bank, or anized ` avec approbation du Gouverne— with the approval of the (government de Sa Majeste Chérifienne, ment of His Shereetian Majesty in sous la forme des societés anony- the form of a corporation, shall mes, est regie par la loi francaise be governed by the French law P sur la matiere. relative thereto. r°°°°°°°“"‘ ART. 45. Les actions intentees ART. 45. Actions instituted in au Maroc par la Banque seront Morocco by the Bank shall be portees devant le Tribunal consu- brought before the Consular Court aire du defendeur ou devant la of the defendant or before the jujuridiction marocaine, conforme— risdiction of Morocco, in accordment aux regles de competence ance with the rules of competence etablies par les traites te les fir- established by the Shereefian C mans cheriiiens. treaties and iirmans. Les actions, intentees au Maroc Actions instituted in Morocco contre la Banque, seront portees against the Bank shall be brought devant un Tribunal specia , com- beforeaspecial tribunal consisting pose de trois magistrate consulaires of three consular magistrates and et de deux assesseurs. Le Corps two associates. The Diplomatic - Diplomatique etablira, chaque Body shall, each year, arrange annee, la liste des magistrats, des the list of magistrates, associates, assesseurs, et de leurs suppléants. and substitutes. Ce Tribunal appliquera at ces This tribunal shall apply to such causes les regles de droit, de pro- cases the rules of law, procedure, ‘ cedure et de competence edictees and com tence established by the en matiere commerciale par la French legislation in commercial AP¥’°°l¤· legislation francaise. Ijappel des matters. Appealsfromjudgments