Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/819

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I INDEX. P€nsions—-Continued. P . P ‘ ._ ‘ in¢;eased——-continued. age (i7;18;;)@1ed(EI;f,§;Iii1,éd_ Page' Ormri 'hnathau 1* -·-·—--··~----—·- - - - - 1893 Queman, Isaiah ..____,__,____________ _ _ 1535 P 0*10* R¤¢h¤¤1 N ···---·---—--~- - ----- 2589 ‘ Quentin Jose hine E ,_,___ P°"tW°°d» Dudley ··-·------- · -—·—---—- 1793 Quermbéck, I?eter . j 1 Z 1 2 I _ 0 _ I _ U

°S°Y· James H ·--·----—·--·-·-·-—--»-- 1706 Quien, George .. 2;;
;;; 2557

Osti J‘*m*?S E -—··-····--·—·—· — ·——---»· 1402 Qu , David H ____,_____,, _ _ _ _ 1432 gosh Lewls J -···——--·--------»-- - --»--- 2078 Quigiy, William C ________________ 1347 .,0*9 Z“°'1%S P ---·—-···-----·-·-·- - ----- 1805 Quigley, William S ,.______ 2289 4,0;;*314 ghco Eddy ··-»--·-·-··..». 1891 Quin, Michael ________________ 1946 O 9*1 11115 ---------—·-·--- · ------» 1547b , J h ..____,_______,__ Pom, Mew G --·-------. — ..».. 2671 33iZ°¤,yBniieI$g . ... `‘‘‘‘‘ 21*32; gottel'1 gormah C ·--·-·.l... · ... 1731 Quinn Timothy _ 1 7 · · V _ . 1 · - U 1 _ -1 2627 dm, 5880 --·-----------·-·--.. 2451 ond ,111 M..‘f§1ZZIZi11Zj `‘‘‘°’`‘ 204 P<>·¤·d, mph M -»--...v..,».. 2031 oEi§, 1¤d‘ie€`1 P ... i i 1 3 Q Q T 2124 Powell, George C ... 2023 Rafferty, A1111 ________,______________ Q_ 2474 Powell, John A, ...v... 1913 Ragan, Alice E ________________________ , 2553 Powell, LUCY W ·---------——·--·--»--· · - 2100 Rogan, Mary Jane .,,__________ 2244 £°W"1'» glhadés A ----—-·----—-··---··-- 1000 Raigle, George W.I ..__________ 1430 ower, eilry .-. . ...,.,... 2491 R ‘ , J h P ________________________ _ _ PUWBYS1 ·13111€$ ----·-------»---··-·. . 1479 Rg1<I;1‘, 1\(1a3hew D., jr ,,_______________ Preter, James F ,... 1541 Ralston, William ___,___________________ 1747 Prather, Alonzo S . . .._,,,__ 2267 Rambo, James T ______________________ 2195 Pratt, (»hP}F1€¤ H ------·· · ---·.- . 2518 Ramsay, Winfield S ________________ 2259 git, ·{0S19411 N . 2760 Ramsey, James ______________________ _ _ 2129 UZ, »€WlS ... . ... 1619 Ramsey, James ________________________ 2083 7 Pratt, Louise J " 2248 A Ramsey M E ____________________ i_ _ _ 2021 Pratt, Morton A ... 2762 Ramsey; R§cca ,...,.,.___________ __ _ _ 1750 grehle, Turlrgerg ... . . . . 2596 Ramsey, Robert ____________________ _ _ _ _ 2264 rensinger, re ... 1458 Randall, Darin H _____________________ 1579 Prendergast, Joseph H .. 2404 Randall, Oakaliy _____________________ 2230 Prendeville, Charles 2754 Randolph, Amelie, R ___________________ 2454 Prentiss, John M .1 . 1858 Randolph, Harrison _______________,____ 1931 gresfott,l${os1;ve1l.£(, 4 2255 ggndolph, Mary E _____________________ 2347 res ey, nt ony ...,. . . 1559 ney James E ________________________ 2107 Preston, Aaron 2539 Rankin, David , __,,,.,,______________ 1660 Preston, Davis, ... 1982 . Rankin, David ,,_...,__.,_____,_______ 1861 grreston, gangs;} . ., ...·. 17fig §;;1(1sin,JRicl%ard B . . .. 2477 eston, an .,... 17 in, aco G ,,_,______,____________ 1582 Preston, §els0nlS .. §ariik, Oérin S .,, ..,,,,____,____ 2214 Preston, amue , asc ig, ustavus F. ,..._ 2332 Preston, Sarah A ... 1456 E gassliach, gohn C , 2114 Prettyman, James . 1550 ath un, eorge C . 2343 Price, Andrew J 2796 l Iliattrlaly, Clharles ,...,_. 1765 Price, Catharine .. . . 2029 U auc ,J0 n ,. · 1649 Price, George .. 2329 Raudabaugh, Emanuel .. .. . 2370 Price, James A . gz;28 E gawges, I1]a.!g‘i0tt A . 1942 Price, James C ... . .27 aw ing, 0 Il ,.,.. 2165 Price, John G _.,..,.. . 2650 Rawlings, John W , ..,.. 2"9` Price, Joseph W . . . 1444Ray, Dennis W ... 2002 Price, Levi L ,,..,.,.,. . . . 1995 gay, F .. 1678 P im , Edward B .. 1506 ay, a co m . 20(‘2 pi-imfeee, Thomas H ,.,,.., . assi nayniond, Nellie .. 1550 Prince, Charles H . 2213 Raymond, Samuel G . 2 . 1745 Prin le, David R, ,.,._,,.,... . .. 1527 1 Raymond, Seth ,,. 1560 Prir§1a1-d, Jesse L .,,,. 2437 2 Raynor, John W ... 1890 Pritchard, Parkin ... [ geag, flrink ;I 2280 P 11 1, Samue ... ‘ ea , een 1648 p;gcct4;~, Daniel A ____,,_.,i..,. 1692 Reagan, George W ._ 2346 pmse, Jamey S ___________,__.,,_,_ , ,,.. 1989 I Ream, Bengamin B . ; _,____ 2359 P,-eeeey, rfhomas ,,... . ,,.,. 2342 1 Reaney, Annie 2401 pl-Det, Rwhaiwj _,___,.,..,, 2602 ; Reavis, Leomdas W ... 2514 pmuty, Themes J ____. 2532 E Reavis, Sarah Ann . 2250 pmviriee, David __,_,,_.,..,.. 2474 Reber, Jonathan B 2544 pmir, Nancy .. g §ec:or,,1_?¤oohi ... 220; P ‘tz, D borah J .- eo of, 311198 ------·----··----·-·--,· 7 gxinkzgml? Dawgd ...»...--·--».·.·-· 27% §e$,*3>% Jugiiged -------·-—---·---·-····- 2}% ,, _____,_,_,,...,,,... o g e 1 , o _ .. . .. -5 p?é14;5t?g1§51jemin .1 ___._,. . .,. 2589 i Redfield, Daniel W , 2269 Frank _________,_ , ,..,,,,.__., 1920 l Redic, Oliver C ,,...,.. 1817 Pugsle , , Purcell; Robgrt ___________ 1 __________,_ 1516 1 Redmond, Vlfilliam E .,,,__,... 2271 p d Geo e E _____,__,..,... 2733 Y Reece, John , ... 2126 UT Y2 rg 1 11,,].,,,5, George W _________, , ,,.. . ,,,.. 1490 Reed, Andrew_C ...,.., 1452 _ pusey, J,-,,meS_E ___________ , _,_,..___,.. 22 52 1 Reed, Benjamin D 2167 Putnam, w;111em W _,___,,_, . .. 2453 z Reed, Charles .. 2613