Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1041

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1024 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. of the last two quarters of the fiscal year, except that, in addition ._ tlgereto, in {either ofdsaid last quarters lthe unexlpeérded balances of · al otments or rece in uarters ma e ex n e . B°°” That the seiiviceableg liooks now iiontaingd in the Government Prinf Office library, except those which in the judgment of the _ m'{:’,3y"‘§ ff Q?"" Publii-ilI’rinter should be retained for reference, shall be turned over ' to the Public Library of the District of Columbia, and that all unser·v- iceable books be condemned and sold as waste lpgpere _ ¤,fQ*°h*”° °°“‘P°°‘· The Public Printer may hereafter, rn hrs cretron, pay printer Maximum psy per linotype 0 rators and printer monotype keyboard operators at a rate h°1`ii3¤m. not exceediiig sixty cents per hour: rmrided, That when the exigen— daAdg};*g¤*‘ ‘°' S“¤· cies of the service require that work be performed on Sunday the YPublic Printer may, in his discretion, pay to employees, not receiving annual salaries, not exceedingkfifty per centum rn addition to the regular rate paid for such wor . · ¤¤¤¤*·¤ °*·¤¤·*· THE ISTHIYHAN CANAL. °°“""‘°“°“‘ To continue the construction of the Isthmian Canal, to be expended · under the direction of the President in accordance with an Act entitled v<»r.s2,p.4a2. "An Act to provide for the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans," approved June twenty- eighiih, nineteenhhundred and two, and Acts amendatory thereof or su ementary thereto: §§’}‘;',‘f‘g',§"‘{{§"{’,§‘;, Ipnst. For salaries of officers and employees of the Isthmian Canal U¤i§¤¤ Bum- Commission, including assistant (purchasing and shipping agents, and all other emplo ees in the Umte States, one hundred and fifty thoumvgvémmuw sand dollars; Iyrmrided, That not more than five thousand dollars of ` this appropriation shall be paid as compensation to the secretary of t e commission; ¥¤¤i¤¤¤*¤¥¤*P¤¤¤¤¤· Second. _For incidental expenses, including rents, cable and telegraphservrce, supphes, statronerg and printing, and actual necessary mm. traveling expenses rn the United tates (mcluding rent of the Panama Canal building in the District of Columbia, seven thousand five hundred dollars, text-books and books of reference, one thousand dollars, and addrtronal_ compensation to the Auditor for the War Department far extrg slerhvrcep rn auditing aicountsdog pine Isthmian Canal, one thousand dollars , seventy- ve thousand dollars. ggggfggmgfs-_m__` Third. For pay of members of the commission and officers and aegrsgnphcew on employees on t_ e sthmusother thanskrlled and unskilled labor, includu,,, ,,,m,,,,,,_ ‘ ‘ mg crvrl engineers, superintendents, mstrumentmen, transitmen levelmen, roclmen, draftsmen, timekeepers, mechanical and electrical ingrneers, quartermastcgis, clprks, gccountants, stenographers, storeee rs messe rs, 0 ce o s oremen and subforemen, wa on '1'¢¤¤v¤¤¤v ¤¢¢¤¤¤- masltcerst watchnnifir and steward)s, including those temporarily detailed for duty away from the Isthmus, in the departments of construction and engineering, quartermastefs, subsistence, disbursements and examination of accounts, and expenses incident to conducting hearmgsand examining estimates for appropriations on the Isthmus, three mrllron eight hundred and sevent -one thousand dollars; ¤**°*‘- Eourth. For skilled and unskilled labor on the Isthmus, including engineers, conductors, firemen, brakemen, electricians, teamsters, eranesmen, machinists, blacksmrths, and other artisans, and their helpers, janitors, sailors, cooks, waiters, and dairymen, for the departments of construction and engineering, quartermastefs, subgrshence, disbursements, and examination of accounts, twelve million o ars; ,,§j‘§g§f‘° °‘ "“"’° Fifth. Forpurchase and delivery of material, supplies and equipment, mcluding cost of inspecting material and of paying traveling expenses mcrdent thereto, whether on the Isthmus or elsewhere, and