Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1279

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xcii INDEX. Kam-continued. Pm- Lvawnqei Gap , . . . P"g°~ appropriation for mm·shsls,c0ns11]arco1uts acquiring sitshandgmting public building 529 { 'soners ,,,.,,,,,., , a au or1z .. . .. fg;;?é;¤n;;Spzg§)g keeper ,,,,,_,,_,_,,. 181, 682 doticéncy appropriation for . 485 K b ,Allon J. · Luhm , awa", _ pairment from repairs, etc., public build- actngf legislature for electric light, etc., ing, Birminghgm’ Ala _____________,. 492 company in, amended and approved 608 Kam, Stanley H., _ _ Lake Boryrwi MM, _ _ _ _' dcicicncy appropnatron for contested- dcicicncz appropriation for rebuilding election expenses . - 512 Lak Chg1g zh0H5G, GEC ··---------— - ··------ 201 . e m m, L- deficiancg appropriation for celebrating La Crosse, WLS., _ _ _ three hundredth anniversary of disenlargomcgnt of public bu1lding at, author- 525 covery O; ________ B _________ H _______ 90 3 iz ...---------···------· - ici tion o Great ritain an France deficiency appr0pl’i¤l2l0¤ fo!' ---·--------— 483 put iiilvited for tercentenary celebration La appropriation for ...----·.·--- - --..----- 952 of disgovery of 1167 G1'¢md¢» 69- _ _ _ _ 5 Lake Charles, a. Mq\1i¥i¤g ¤ll·8h3¤d:5'°ctl¤8 Public bu1lding 531 | appropriaticpingor public building .. 952 at, authoriz  »..- - E C my ., . deficiency apgroprnatxcn for - | b;iq§tLa.uti;orizod across Ciliilllllét River in. 78] appropriation or ..--.---- -- · Lake mmar , N. J., Nova agazinc, La Guoira, _ i a propriation for public works 765 clsssiiication and salary of CODBHIBUB -- - 10} I Lat; Eno {sea also Great Lakes), _ La Paz, _ I appmpriauon for light-vessel, Pomt au classification and salary of CU¤B\l]Bt8 .-· 102 Pcleo 334, 973 Ln Pointe Wir-, Lake Erie and Ohm River Ship Canal Comlpany, L apgpmpriafiou or Indwn agonli tit ...--· 96, 813 S time extcrtdcd flor •.é>nstruIctil,;1gfaual y- . . 625 a a , ., _ _ _ _!l)akoHu1-on seeao mat acs, acquiring sittch and eoirecting public building 529 9 pmlimjslawdexamimtjonb Of, to bghugadc at, au oriz .; .»..--.·..-- - i an waterway etwcen ‘ e oy- deficicncy 2}ppr0p!‘l¤t1011 fo1‘ -·---·..----- 485 gan and Pctoske on Lake Michigan. 827 Labor Bureau, apartment of Commerce and Lake Michigan (see also Giicat Lakes), Labor, _ _ _ appropriation for maintenance, naval trainappropriation for Commmsioncr, chief stat- ing station , L 131, 757 istician, clerks, etc ..,.,.. _ 238, 901 g preliminary examination of, to be made infor per diem, experts, etc.; reapproprwésg 901 y lanldclzvmtorqvay boltlwgerh Petoskey tion ..., 3 ..., ¢ au o oy on a c uron . 827 for relports and materials for _ 239; 901 i preliminary exanugngtion to be made of for s are, International Labour Associa- i shore of, for complete, etc., improvebtiopé ..,._,_,__._,,_,__,,..,.__,_ gg, £ment of Chicago, ctc., harbor faciliior 00 ctc .. - . _ ties ... 825 for investigating condition of woman and , 1 Lake of the Woods, Minn., child workers; rcappropriation. - . 239, 902 preliminary examination to be made of appointments under civil-service rulcgag 902 Zipple Bay ... L .,... 8 27 required .. . .. Lake Ontario sec Great Isa os . Labor, Comm®m»er cj] _ _ _ , , Lake Superior (scc also Great Lakes), oppmpriagoncior, chief statistician, ctc. . 238, 901 appmmgcn mr Nord}: Point light stafion. 971 L bor Day . ., or 0 gas ig t station new ons. 971 aper diaui employees given lcavc of absence 311 for lgghting cigannels in Saint Louis ang34 or .. . ... _ .. u perror ays ... 972 Labor-Saving Defices, Postal Sermce, I payment of expenses of transferring light- ’ appropriation for testing, ctc . . .. 407, 661 . house tender for, to station al owed. 569 Laboratories, Testing, etc., _ further repprt ordered on canal to connect consolidation, atc., to be considered by Missrssippi River with, via the Saint Ncationai Academy of Sciences, . . . . .. 387 Lak (`roixw ,__,,.. ...,..,,. 828 L b a ustcms S ace e Surveys, ary, O a apggmincroased .. 1065 appropriation for...? ’ ... 1 35,761 Laborers on Public Works, Lake Traverse, S . Dak. and Minn., allowance to, if injured while employed; preliminary examination of, to be made-.. 832 conditions ,... - ... 556 Lake Waahmgten Canal Reservation, Wash., Labour Legislation, International Association rights céf wai; for municipal uses granted to or, catt c .,., 99 appropriation for contribution ... 239, 901 Late WasMn9ton,Wa.vh., _ Lackawanna Railroad Company, _ time extended for building canal to Puget; may bridfe Dolawarroi giver, Columbia, 586 Lak W_S0\zDd frgrn ... 613 N. ., t0Slat fo a ... e mm ago, is., Lafayette, Ind., e r appropriation for lighting, and connecting a propriation for public building .. 317 waters .. . 334, 972 Lajgyette, La., _ _ _ preliminary examination of Highcliff Harncquirilgg site for public building at, au- 034 Lak Nh0f';;:: bgd ·---... 834 tcd ..,,... ’ , es, or a o wc: , deocieiiz; appropriation for . 488 t appropriation for survey of 367, 1006