Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1300

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INDEX. · oxm National (scc also National Banks), ¥’¤S¤- { National Guard, D. C.-—Continued. P¤€•· approprmtnon or superintendent redemp- public property, liability until notice of tron of, clerks, etc...: .. 203,866 examination and correctness of acfor repairs to cutting machine, etc 203, 866 counts ______,_____________________ 633 for expenses, superintendent, etc 203,867 payof,when ordered out incsseof riots, etc. 634 for special examination, etc .. 203, 867 when called into actual service of United for_ xstmctnve paper .. . .. 326, 967 _States ,__,___,____,,________,____ _ 634 deficiencly appropriation for employees on military courts provided for ... . . 634 _ re emption of, Tres.surer’s office 909 courts of inquiry, purpose, reports, etc-. . 634 punishment or forging, counterfeiting, ut- procedure to vem ,._,________ _ __,___ 634 _ tenng false, etc, 1115 members notiiable for acts done in line issuing, etc., of expired corporations 1122 of duty therein .,, - ...,.,. 634 1E1I1I1g;, etc., advertisements similar to. . 1122jurisdiction to be presumed .,.., 635 advertising on 1122 punishment of witnesses failing to spmut1lating 1122- pear, etc. ; restriction . ...,. 635 Natumal Ourreney Associations (acc National execution of sentences . . . . 635 _ Banks). arrestofaccused failing to appear .. J 635 Natumal Forests, pay to musicians during annual encompapproprration for protecting, etc ... 250 ments and on parades; maximum or expenses restoring to public domain rates . ..,.,.,,..,, 635 buds in . 346, 986 estimntes to be submitted annually by for topographical surveys .. 350, 989 commanding general ..,.,,... . . . . 636 for expenses, administration and improve- reserve corps organized; composition .. 636 ment of . 258, 1047 term of enlistment duties, etc . .. . . 636 deiciency appropriation for restoring lands po , etc., wheucailed for military duty,. 636 in . : ... 18 and enlisted men exempt from for surveying .. 30 jury duty , 636 for investigations . 32 gener!] militia lawstoopplyto .. 636 creation of Calayems Bigtree, Cal.; lands to naval battalion status nmchsmged .. 636 be secured . . . 626 date of comminions, etc . . . 636 exclusion of certain counties in California National for Dhabled Volunucr Solfrom entry of agricultural lands in, dma, • repealed . ... . 554 appropriation for expenses, Dayton, Ohio- . 368, Crow Creek, Wyo.; enlargement of maneuv- _ 1007 ering grounds . 42 Mnlwaukee, Wis .. . .. W, 1008 Minnesota, crested·landsinc1uded 268 T0g|-IB, Me ... 369,1UJS purchase, etc., oflsnds from Chippewa. 271 Hampton, Va .. . . . . . 370, 1009 punishment for unlawful trespass, etc., on Leavenworth, Kaus. . 370, 1009 Bull Run, Oreg . . - 1098 Santa. Monica, Cal . . . 370, 1010 Nazirmal Guard (see Militia, Or§snized). - Marion, Ind . ... 371, 1010 National Guard, D. C. (see also ilitia, D. C.), Danville, Ill . 371, 1010 organized militia to be designated as _. - . 629 Johnson City, Tenn .. 371, 1011 composition of land force .. . . 629 Battle Mountain Ssnitarium,S. Dal: 372, 1011 organization; changes by President au- forclothing,sll branches 372, 1011 thorized .. . .. 629 for salaries and expenses, Bom of Manotlioers, issue of commissions, oaths, etc 630 agers .. 372,1011 to be nominated by commanding oili- admission for service in Indian cam~ cer ..,,,_.., . . 630 . .. 372 promotions in line above second lieuten- for Stouega Coal and Coke Company . 372 ant ... 630 admission for service in Philippines, second lieutenunts from enlisted men. . 630 China, or Alaska ... . . 1012 examinations for romotion; retirement for aid to Stnte or Territorial homes. . 373,1012 for disability; discharge 630 deficiency appropriation for Dayton, Ohio . 15, 940 of enlisted men for grade of second for Danvi e, I l ... . . 15, 944 lieutenant. ... 630 for Johnson City, Tenn. . . . ... 615 board to examine incapacitated ... 631 for Santa Monica, Cal . . 921 certificate to President . 631 for Hampton, Va . . . . Z . 940 retirement, voluntary;rank 631 members of Board of Managers appointed, increased grade for service ... 631 Brownlow Walter P ... 576 at age of 64 ... . - ... 631 Hammond, Edwin P ... . ..,. - 576 rimleggs, duties, etc ... . .. . 631 H00d8KBOD, Tl10h13S J . ... . . - . 576 gi; physical disability . . 631 Smith, Joseph S .. . ... 576 noncommissioned officers, appointment 631 pensioners transferred_ to Government Inenlistment period for three years; reenlist- , sane Asylum, disposition of pension ments .____,..,..,.. - ..,.. 632 { money ,,.. . ,,.,..,.. 593 discharges before expiration of term, hon- National Monetary Cmrzmissian, 0;-able _____,_,. . .. 632 created; composition and appointment 552 without honor _,__ _ ,,__,,..,.. 632 3 soope of duties and authority . . . . 552 dishgnomble _,,,_ . 632 themployment of assistants, eu: .. . _. 552 public property, responsibility for ... ; 632 powers to examine witnesses, make investidgtgmiining value of lost or destroyed . . - 632 gqtxons, etc ..r 1 ,. _ . 553 retiring officers to transfer; survey on appropriation for expenses, rmmedmtely failure ._,.,.._ 633 available; audit of accounts . 553 proceedings it officer fails to transfer, etc . . 633 present members continued .. 931 gn death or desertion of officer . . .. 633 appropriations contmued . 931