Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1336

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INDEX. cxlix Pubik Buildinfs Omnibus Ac¢—Contir1uod. Plzé Public Buildings and Grounds, D. 6*.-0011. Pwr- Drstric1:0fC0 umbia, ccmmisdentoinvestb aplxroprintion for electricnhghts- ... 357, 996 gatc,_etc.; report on transfers, ctc., or telegraph, Capitol departments; plcndmg; conveyance to be held in 544 f Gun crgmund cables .. 357, gg a eyance .. . . or mntmemoria . - .. authority to send for papers, ctc . 544 for Washington Monument 357, 997 up roprmtion for expenses ... 544 restriction on advertisements and San yuan, P. R., rtion of site for building _ sales at. . . . 997

 city . 544 for repairs of building where Abraham

Washmgton D. C., acquiring additional - Lincoln died ..., 358, 997

 land ioingmgosr plant, authorized. 544 for watchman, old Baltimore and Pow- 358

ssl1mg1z0' n, . . iticntocourb- mma mac station .. . . - for court of rippeals 544 officer in chnrga made member of commis-

dcIiciency gypmprmtion for .. 2. - 491 vv sion) ODM istrictMi1ilt;z algmorykh. . . . 540

¤¤hmg|20` n, . C., acqu1rmg`site ctc. or n onumentp ying ver~ gcpartments (oflggata, Justice, hud 545 ltrpgérrents or selling articles nt, fm·é15 997 mma e an r ... 1 cn;exccption ... dcficicnc¥ alspropriation) for . 491 Publi: Cb1I1I0h19TH3G Statnbm, D. C'., ’ Denver, Qop., arnonnt for construction of aptpropriation tormaintenancq .. 286, 701 burldmg; lumt of cost ... 545 or constructing, on rescrvstron No. 8 286 contracts authorized; expenditures for 545 for nzggtaltion, Ninth between F and G 701 1909 ._ , ,.. s ts ... » . deficiency appropriation for . 491 for station, Dupont Circle. .. 701 Point t, Wl; V1., memoriaglof cole- 545 Pegafcrgzrcy appropriation for maintenance. 13, 918 ' rrd1am` att e 1774; au ond . u ic positaries, IAde6cie1g:L:ppmpd?tio§ {31- ,.. Bé 491 punishment farrfufaidlilrg to safely keep gov- 1105 wm, .,¤im¤r °dingmn erumcn n . ...

¤ld; proceeds ..,,,,..,. - - H . , - 545 for banks not, receiving on deposit, etc.,

acquiring new site authorized .. 1069 pilblic molwys .. . .. 1106 contracts authorized within limit of cont, Public Documents (acc alao Documents, Pubfor consti-uctiqngicnlargemooixlnts, cbc., to be hc), t to V gcnm] of th an a ro ons are o sen 0 an part,}?) ...,,,___,_. Y .. M5 Philippincglands . mov offers for sites to be presented in writing. - 546 use of conlytgghmd matter in, not to impair 1077 g { uildings standing; expqging to rig o owner . ‘ ... mn ,3-cm __________,,___,_ o __.,.,,_ 546 1·¤buwmmen(mP¤buc mu;. advertisement of proposals; examinations, PublicH'caltha·nd1{arim—Ho¤rgianlS¢rvi¤¢, eu; ___________,,,,,___,_,,. . . , 546 appropriation for Surgeon ensml, clerks, open space for protection from Hrs; reduc· etc . 205, 869 tion in exceptional cases 546 _ for medical officers and pharmacists. . . 329, 969 Detroit, Mich., tem mry addition ... 1068 for other employees. . ._ ... 329, 969 Public Buildings and ggounds, D. C., for freight, trsmsportutron, etc ..., .. 329, 969 appropriation for additional pay, 06cer in for fucl,_l1ght, and water .. 329, 969 { °"“€£§e;"‘·‘ee;‘e1e;n ‘‘‘‘‘‘ é}??? £3$".i§,";E‘é'S‘?a'it“‘t‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·····‘·‘ 333% 18 11 , , .. , 8 , ... , fg ggcmgu, gg,-gldcmm, etc ___,, . . 217, 881 for Hygienic Lahoratory . 329, 969 for watchman 217, 881 for maintenance of buspntals. . . 329, 969 im- watchman, Wnshingtonh birthplace {or gutsliga trceatment, etc . 323, . ti t uses . . . , or oo , c ‘ - , °;$n)<1;ur$i:r:]{)!i§uict revenues . . 217, 882 for leprosy hospital, Hawaii 969 for improvement and care of parks, etc 354, 994 for quarantine service . . . 329, 970 for Monumentgrounds, ctc . ... 355, 994 fonprcvcntion ofcpiglcmicn . . . . 330, 070 licenses for boutbouses in tidal res- 355 deiicrencyé appmpmmon for preventron of 10 ' . epr emncs . ... tegéggry structures on childrens 355 for trgrinsfcr oférppmrdatiom _ _____________, . ..,___ oro com an employess . . f¤1·PgtomncIErr?: ... -. 955, 994 for nnrveying depot, etc., {mm miscel· ' f B trcet· aneous ex uses .. 910 uwxmwcm ands8S . . 3 . . . 3 - f). 355 for quarantine slgvice . . ... 910 jurisdiction transferred . .. . 356 allowance of accounts for expenses incident roadway over tidal reservoir inlet. . 356 to fire at Chelsea, Mass . 251 half from District revenues . . . . 356 Public Health, International Office aj} maximum, coucreteéégc . , petvéelrnenits. 356, P agrlpropriations for annual quota .. 68] f 'l' stat n cn n.u tc mpmvemen s, _ fgrgrlohiidxslch Ex:c€u(tive Dgiraartments. 356, 995 . punishment for mnkrng contracts, etc., for, {0; trees, em., Library and Caprtoéw 99 P bl Jin cjxcess of appmpnarmus .. 1105 d _,__ _ ,.._.,.._,,, 5 ’ u it usnce, I for Egrrgclutive Mansion grounds ... gig, 35 § P rrunirzzmgnt for offenses agamst . ... 1111 I' , t _____ , _,,_, 5 _ u zz; an 3,

s};1;]g5nh§;!;;£:ti$; Mansion. . - 356, 995 i appropfgntifgéor Cofrunixioner of Gsueml

‘Hi b 'ldi .. . . 99’ n ce, c er s, etc . . 225, 889 for fugitghlegigivgglsudoug . 356, 995 { designation of temporary assistant 225 for greenhouses, ctc . ... . 356, 996 designation of tcgfnomrkrccordcr . . 225 for hghting; maximum . - .. 356, 996 for surveyormgene _, clar , etc ., 230, 893 part from District revenue . . . . . 357, 996 for registers and recervcrn . 345, 985