Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1359

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clxxii INDEX. South Carolina, Pm- f Sparta, Wis., P¤Z¤· coudemned cannon, etc., granted to, for appropriation for land for Army target State-house grounds ... . ... 1069 ! range ...,, 364 South Chakago, Ill., 1 for additional land, Army target, range. . 1003 acquiring site for public building ut, au- · Speaker c_/_the House of Representatives, uhm-ized ,..,__,__________,_________ 533 appropnauou for secretary, clerks, etc.: 188, 850 deficieney appropriation fm- ,,___________ 437 Q to nssue vertificates for ungaid sulanes, public giuldgxg, open space requirement; 1 = t Representatgyss f20m klahomaxé. 933 1- me ___________________________ 069 4 o serve on commu ee o rearrange,- e ., South pakomy * _ Hall of the House of Representatives. 1168 apFmprm»10¤:0r_1¤dm¤ semce in .. 93, sos [ SP¤¤¤l and Sew Cvmmmees, Hmm vf Rvwor asylum for mssme Indians, Canton. . 94, 811 “[’**'!"””· for smeymgenem, mem, enc ... 231, 894 ¤vgr<2r>¤¤¤¤¤ for ·¤2<pe>¤¤e¤ -----·------- 192, 855 Bellefourche landldisuicm, created ,... 597 4 de ¤€¤°Y ¤PP'°P¤*=m°¤ W €XP?¤¤°¤-gi)-512 ggé gI'2.Il f ai D . l — v t 0m%?hE°;¤¤g1{1¤‘;¤1é?.T??g-w’.?t1. sos SPM! ·4·¤¤¢¤··mwn¢‘0f¢V<=<¤» D- 0, ’ aye_ gw_, if not accepted ______________ 808 appro-Briattion for salaries, Z _,_,,__,_,_,_ 278, 692 jurisdiction oyer of feuses by Indians in 1151 SY:;;;) Plfigggi/1: igstgésgzegu emergency reservations m .. ' sale of unallotted 'hmdn, Cheyenne River cams ----·-·····--·------·----··-· 411, 665 and Standing Rock reservations". . 460 · fm`,f°°° to m9$$°¤§°{¤ -··~--··---------- 411, 665 South Dakota, Unwnmy cj, dciicncucy appropnatrou for fees to mesgranted condemned caunou ...,.,, 442 S . I Efnugff -··· H ····-·- E -- 24v 31k?}0» 930: 943 South Omaha, Nebr., _ t · Iglgmpdgliogcgz} me of cpresmtr aes, 854 ‘““" °§{€‘$§’$‘€. TT.`?????  ?'¥T7“f’}’T} my ·’¤·m*··~g. L·*¤·~~ <#~ M I¤¤·=i¤·¤*·=¤ $0*4*** OMG R¤”'°¤¢' QM .B¤*'ve C<meP¤t·¢/· carryi tdzcglls forbidden [ . 418 ¤·¤¤ ¤;¤=¤d<·>d f<¤ b¤<¤z¤¤z M¤¤¤·>¤¤ Rm spckmnfmum Hmmm, wm., Sm P··»;”M¤~··’’‘éb%i€·3é»Z `````````````` 167 °""'°"J}”}T.‘3éL‘$.‘f‘TT‘T‘?¥‘?‘TT‘€??‘TY?Y:_‘???‘: 813 apvwprmtion f<>r¤;¤i¤w¤¤¤¤¤<>f ¢1¤¤¤¤¢1-- 361 denciencv appropriation for allotments to regulations for navigating, etc., authorized. 818 Inaigns of __________ _ ______________ 19 p<>¤=>1w fw v}<>¥a¤¤¤¤¤ -·---·-------·--- ; · 818 allotments to mums .,,____,__________ ___ 458 use vfcappwgzztigggi rgddredgc ¤1¤<¤1¤ m 429 »gncu?um1m¤as,u¤a110¢m, to be opened ' ·---··········-· 0 entry ... 458 6`WUWmP¢¢m, ment t . . ,,_, 459 classitication and salary of consulate .. 101 gigs at 3Q5g0n of undigpoggd of lands Southern Pamffic Company, after 4 years ...,.,_____ , _______,___ 459 deficiency appropriation for refund of school lands tobepurchased forWasb.ingcustoms 9 10 ton; ,,,,.,,,________ _ _ 459 Southern pacmc Railroad Company, _ reservatwu for agencybschools, etc . _ 459 granted right of way acrbss Fort Muon timber lapds reserved m sale .,._..,___ 459 Milimy Reswmon, cm ... 585 ¤¤<;t¤f Mmbir for fuel,;;; .. gg Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colo., I gsiesmgggaiuig gxér ·‘············ · - h mn · _ _ ; proceeds ... 460 “""’°’1S‘¢‘%3£‘fTY . ? .‘Y?‘??i‘?‘Tf‘ 788 I a¤P*0P;;:?tééf?TB‘3T$P"¢ °‘ ém M 460 Saumwm _Lq1ge Light Station! Ccmn., I sppkam Indians, Wash., I `' H -``_°_``` ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤w¤ K0? ¢0¤1P}€¤¤8, Dm New 1 appropriation for fulfillin treat with. . - 96 812 Hrwen --·----..------·------------ 970 ! Spokam; River, g y ’ Smllhwsl Pass, Mississippi Rirer, · bridge authorized across, near Coeur appropriation fur imznovement of .. 361, 10()0 _ d'Alene, Idaho 40 useofapprnpriation ogtoprocuredredging g Spokane, Wash., plant, .: ..., _ _ .. r 816 Q appropriation for public building ... 318, 957 regulatmns for navigating, etc., authorized. 818 Sprmgfield Arsenal, Maas., penalty for violations ..,,... 818 appropriation for cure, etc 354 gp,,;" or _`re pmpemion ,,,,,., , _,________ 993 4pF}0I,,·g,m,m gm. mmmé,. t,, ___________ 172, 672 for increasing transportation facilities,- . 993 or secretary of legmiun .. 172, 673 S€;;¥g‘W»tM“$;-· br b ld_ 5 Spain, WaT1’_i¢h‘ l pfla 10ll Of PU 1C lll 1I1g.-: .. 9 7 time extended for presenting claims of Ogfcgst ;;‘"°“°d* public bmlding ··-- 521 sum gnd Terrimrigs _____,.,_,,_,, 42 _S,pmg;ield ZQM; ········--·-··-··········-- 685 8F1mi0h 7;¤‘¢¢{¢y Ulfom! C’YM!M¤¢¤"¤» appropriation lor publir- building ,,.,,_,,, 957 npprvpnntwn W A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*· A*·¢¤¤¤¤Y· limit of cost increased, public building 522 Gmleml ·~---·--·---·--·----·-·---- 236 Springfield Rrjlcs, Obsolete, M ¤¤l¤¤¤¤ ¤¤<! ¢¤r>¤¤¤¤¤ ------------ 374.1013 donated m Alabama new 1¤¢1u¤m¤1 f··r.¤·¤¤s ¢•—¤¤¤¤¤¤y =~¤¤>=¤¤ --~·-------- 375 scum m¤mmgn¤m.. 443 deficwncy appropriation for paying ¤W¤¤i¤ Albert Sidrxey J ohuswu 0i};``é5h}é{1Z _ °[ ···············-············ 273 515v 937 . crate Veterans, Heuston, Iltex ,____ __ 53 Spanwh War Veterayzsz Unitedy _ _ Henry (jowdy Relief Guard, Walden, member of cnmmmmou on memcual amphx- N . Y ..,, _ ___________ _ __ _ 443 theater at Arlington Cemetery to be John Buford Post G, A_ R_ Rock . . 7 1 desrguated by; dunes ... 540 Island, Ill ...,_ _ _____________ _ __ 443