Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1365

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clxxvm INDEX. Surveyors-Genzral, · Pm- Tacoma, Wash., Pageappropriation for clerks, atc 230,893 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 998 resmctiou on clerk hire 231,895 preliminary examination of harbor, to bc Surveyors-General’s Ccrmyicates, made . 834 patents issued on applications made be- Tahiti, tween June 5, 1901, and Jnmc 20, deficiency appropriation for rebuilding 1907, declared valid 468 consular building ... . .. 942 to issue on pending applications 468 classification and salary of consulate .. 102 Surveyors of Cmmms, Talbadega, Ala., pay of dc uty, increased .. 1065 acquiring site and erecting public building Survqyofs (fjiicc, D. C., at, authorized . 528 appropriation for salaries ... 278, 693 deficiency appropriation for . 484 or temporary employees . 279, 693 Tallapoosa River, Ga. and Ala., for surveys of old subdivisions .. 695 preliminary examination of, to be made; Surveys, storage reservoirs, etc ... 825 appropriation for river and harbor im- Tamatavc, provemeuts ... 822 classification and salary of consulate ...,,, 102 Surveys, Ocean and Lake, Tampliw, appropriation for ... 135, 761 classihcation and salary of consulate _, 101 Surveys of Mhqsral Lands, Ta·msu·i, ‘ excess of deposits for, to be repaid 645 classification and salary of consulate .. 101 permanent appropriation for 645 Tangier, _ , Sunws, Scientijfnz, appropriation for interpreter at consulateconsolidation, etc,, to be considered by -gencra1 ..,.., 181, 682 National Academy of Sciences .. 387 classification aud salary of consulate-gem Surveys, State, f 335 T . , .. T. 101 _ appro riation or fI11'D1H]1IDE·points to. - - , 974 angier ig t, orocco, "Suther£md," Brihhh Steam: ip, appropriation for annual contribution--- 175, 676 deficiency appropriation for refund to Phil- Tapewhula, ippine Islands of tonnage tax crmnc- classification and salary of consulate .. 102 ously collected from ... 910 Tar River, N. C., Sum, preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 830 classification and salary of consulate .. 102 Target Practice, Army Small—Ar·m.s, Suwanee River, Fla., appropriation for ammnmition for; targets, preliminary examination of, to be made.-- 824 etc . 124, 750 Swamp Lands and Indemnity, for ma.rksme11’s medals, prizes, ctc 124, 750 appropriation for adjusting claims for. . . 345, 985 Target Ranges, ctc., Army, Swansea, appropriation for buzzer aumunciators classification and salary of consulate .. 101 at . . .. 734 Swatow, Tarifs, International Bureau for Pubhbatabn classification and salary of consulate .. 102 of Customs, ‘ Sweden, appropriatiou for annual contribution... 176, 677 appropriation for minister to 172, 672 Tariyb of Foreign Countries, or secretary of lcgation .. 172, 673 appropriation for collating .., 238, 901 deficiency aplggopnatiou for paying, Sa- Taxation, moan c `ms .. 478 on national bank circulation secured by S wif! Creek, N. C'., United States 2 per cent bonds . 550 preliminary examination of, to be made... 830 by hivher rate bonds .,.. 550 Sunftaure Bank, Juan de Fuca Strait, Wash., by otger securities . 550 payment of expenses of transferring light- Taxes, vessels, to station allowed .. 569 recommendations for new, may be made by Swinomalsh Slough, Wash., President if estimates exceed probpreliminary examination of, to be made., . 834 able revenue .. 1027 S’lU’i¢Z87`l(l7Ld, Taxes, D. C., appropriamion for minister to 172, 672 appropriation for advertising arrears of. _ 281, 695 gr secretary of Wtiou .. 172, 673 Taxicabs, D. C., Sydney, New South ales, Q Schedule of rates to be established for ..,,, . 724 clasmfication and salary of consulate-gem I Taylor, President Zachary, eral ... 101 [ appropriation for purchase of bust of, to be Sydney, Nora Scam, Elaced in Capitol. .,,_ _ 1019 classification and salary of ronsulatc .. 101 Taylors ayou, Tcx., Syracuse, N. K, improvement of canal connecting Sabine acquiring site for public building at, au- ‘ and Neches rivers with, permitted thorized ... 535 by citizens, etc., of Texas; condideficiency appropriation for . 488 tions .. 659 preliminary examination to be made of T. channel from Sabine and Neches T Street NW, D. C., rivers to mouth of ...,__ 833 deficiency appropriation for extending 494 O Tea Culture, Tabriz, I apgropriatiun for investigations, etc 256, 1045 elassmcarion and salary of consulate .. 101 g de ciency appropriation for _,,___,__ _ _ 30 "Tacoma," C'. S. S., · Tea, Examiners of Cuawnm, appropriation for repairs - .. 769 I pay iDC1‘€9.S€d of ..,,, _ __________ _ _ 1065