Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/436

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418 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cm. 206, 208. 1908. addressed to naval vessels, to make proper delivery_ of such mail, to receive matter for transmission in the mails, to rece1pt for registered matter (keeping an accurate record thereof), to keep and_ have for sale an adequate suplply of postage stamps, to make up and d1spstcl1 mails, and other posta uties as may be authorized by the Postmaster-Gem — eral, all in accordance with uch rules and regulations as may be presclripledtbby the commandipp ogg of tqe yesliel qr of the squaxclllrop tp w i e vessel is attac . mai c er an assistant ma' c er °•****¤**"°'*d· shall take éslgqm ointh of officie prpelscdlbedtggrsemploywql of the postal service an l ive bon to e ni 'tates m the sum 0 one thousand dollars Ear the faithful performance of his duties as such clerk, and shall be amenable in all respects to naval discipline, exccépt that, as to theipdiititels as such clerks,lthlealcpmmandin5l0iH<:;er;:)(;>f e v s upon w ic ey are stations s re uire em 0 overned by the postal laws and regulations of the Cnited States. _ When- SVB;`}. necessity agises tlgereforé my assistsfnt mail rsegrilkhmay be reqgéred by e comman ing 0 cer o e vesse upon w i e is station or of the squadron to which said vessel is attached to perform the duties °"""°""“""· of mail clerk. They shall receive as compensation for such services {.§°'“1.*‘*‘»‘3%¥.““’ ”°P“”*"‘23** i" t"‘}‘.3°? ‘3.2'““° "“*‘}1‘,L?°*i"i£f}:;’ ·‘*’3".: w IC ey are ass suc s n case 0 ai c no exceed five hundred dhlllaris per annum, and in that of assistant mail clerks not to exceed three undred dollars per annum, as may be determined and allowed by the Navy Department. Nm *¤¤¤¤hm{}°:,*j¤•:l’; That hereafter the P0stmaster—Genera shall each year prepare and zqnort. submit in his annpal report to Coqgrelsls estimates of the revenup alqd) expenditures in the postal service or e fiscal ear current, an a for the fiscal year next ensuing at the time said, report is submitted, together with a statement of the receipts and expenditures for the preceding completed fiscal year. m;Q§;§gQ};§§“ ”° That i the revenues of the Post-Oiiice Department shall be insuilicient to meet the ap\pr0priations made by t is Act, a sum equal to such dgiiciepgy ofdt e revenue of said Deparprment is herebyhappropriate , to pai out of any money in the reasury not otherwise a ro nate to su y said e c1enc1es in the revenues or the ostp' d, ppl 'ddtf' h f hP (lgce Department for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and the sum neegledl mpy be advanged to tihe Post-Olhce I De rtment upon requisition o the ostmaster- enera . ’°,{"Q$;j_ ‘g{°f°;?; That no part of the appropriations herein made shall be used to pay Ehud.' for the carrying in the mails andy malt, vinous, or spnrituous liquors, or intoxicating liquors of any kin , or any cocaine or derivative thereof. Approved, May 27, 1908. ¤ .1908- CHAP. . ,.I`a` f fi ·` _i'¤·l¤§a5__ ,i. ..322 ¤2£.$°§S.€LE‘}}€ ill£'§5£¤ TLS? aT3T.`,? ‘3T.¥.'Ei‘§¥.2tt'tZ”S¥E€?S.§}.°£E$Y [Public, No. ws.] dred and nine, and for other purposes. _ Be it enacted by the Semis and Hmrse oflffresentatvlves of the United ,,§,f,‘}“‘°“” “”’°*"‘“’ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, apptrgpriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropria , for the payment of pensions for the tisuqal year ending Ju qc t irtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for _ 0 er purposes, name y: _ dg:;*'*°· °*°-· Pm For army and navy pensions, as follows: For inval1ds,widows, minor children, and dependent relatives, army nurses, and all other pensioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be placed ,, . thereon, under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress, one Navy pensions. hundred and (isqxty-two million dolllaaxiqz Tlgt the appropriation a oresai or navy pensions srom e income 0 the navy pension fund, so far as the same shslube sufficient for that pur-