Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/472

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454 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Ch. 216. 1908. forty-two north, ran thirty-one west of the fifth principal meridian, and running eastward': along the north line of said section twenty-eight and ninety one-hundredths chains to reach the point of beginning; thence from said int of beginning southwest on an angle of thirty- seven degrees andXtwenty-seven minutes one chain; thence southeast on an angle of sixty-six degrees and twenty-seven minutes five and fifty-eight one-hun redths chains to the lake shore; returning to the point of beginnirig; thence running northeast on an angle of thirty- seven degngees an twenty-seven minutes one and twenty-seven onehundredt chains; thence southeast on an angle of sixty-four degrees and two minutes three and nine~tenths chains to the lake shore. The foregoing lines, together with the lake shore, form the boundaries of ggéno. said tract, containing about one and one-sixteenth acres: Pmmded, ‘ That a walk six feet wide shall be permitted across this property leadin from the Government school to the dock, as the same is now locatecf gavmold www- On the Leech Lake Indian Reservation at or near the old agency: Pd"' All that part of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section seventeen, township one hundred and forty-two north, range thirty west of the fifth principal meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the quarter post between sections seventeen and twenty, thence north seven and seventy-three one—hundredths chains to reach the pointof beginning, thence from said point of beginning east three and seventeen one·hundredths chains, thence north three and seventeen one-hundredths chains, thence west three and seventeen one·hundredths chains, thence south three and seventeen one-hundredths chains to the point of be `nning, containing one acre, more or less, on which said tract of lam.? the c urch is located. Also that part of lot four of section seventeen, township one hundred and forty-two north, range thirty west of the fifth péincipal meridian, described as follows: Starting at the quarter post tween sections seventeen and twenty and running , thence north sixteen and ninety-four one—hundredths chains, thence west seven-tenths of a chain to reach a point of beginnin , thence from said point of beginning north two and twenty-eight one—hundredths chains, thence west two and twenty-eight one—hundredths chains, thence south two and twenty-eight one-hundredths chains, thence east two and twenty-enht one·hundredths chains to the said point of beginning, containing three—fourths of an acre, more or less. Also the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section seventeen, township one hundred and forty-two north, range thirty west of the fifth principal meridian, containing ten acres, more or less. m§,g::¤;¤,,g,0<;;¤*·¤¤¤¤ That the Secretary o the Interior is hereby authorized and directed ness nlm io, sm- to issue patents in fee to "'I`he Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions ", ‘°“°°“·°°°· organized under an Act of the Assembly of Maryland entitled "An Act to incorporate The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions", approved April sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, for the lands set a rt to the Catholic Church on the White Earth and Red Lake Indian Reservations in the State of Minnesota, as follows: ,,,Q°,‘§,lgc‘?,”$,,1§{,‘,‘,*,},_§·P,2 On the White Earth Indian Reservation at or near W'hite Earth; Wgztfag-agi; The southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-six, Ptownshipone hundred and forty-two north, range forty-one west of the fifth }principal meridian, containing forty acres more or less; also the nort west quarter of the northwest quarter and lots two, three and four of section tbirty-five, township one hundred and forty-two north, range forgy-one west of the nfth principal meridian, containing ~ one hundred an thirty-one and seventy-five hundredths acres, more or less; also the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty~four. township one hundred and forty-two north, range fortvone west of the fifth principal meridian, containing forty acres more or less; also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, township one hundred and forty-two north, range