Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/693

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676 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1909. ANNUAL Ex1>ENsEs or CAPE SPARTEL LIGHT, COAST or Monoooo. C¤P<·> $v¤¤¤U*8b*- Annual roportion of ·the expenses of Cape Slpartel and Tangier Light on tlhe coast of Morocco, including loss y exchange, three hundred and twenty-five dollars. BBINGING HOME GRIMINALS. i Bi *.i¤ji¤¤ !¤<¤¤¤ Actual expenses incurred in bringing home from foreign countries ° persons charged with crime, seven thousand dollars. RESCUING SHIPWRECKED AMERICAN SEAMEN. Life-¤¤vi¤s w¤¤¤¤¢> Expenses which ma be incurred in the acknowledgment of the uml services of masters andy crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American seamen or citizens from shipwreck, four thousand five hundred dollars. Ex1>ENSEs UNDER THE NEUTRALITY ACT. iWE,{cP,f°°°**· “°“““‘ To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of R. S-. ¤¤<=.291,r>- 49- the neutrality Act, to beexpended under the direction of the President, pursuant to the requirement of section two hrmdred and ninety--, one o the Revised Statutes, eight thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. V EHEBGENCIES ARISING IN THE DIPLOMATIC AND GONSULAE SERVICE. ge‘l{g‘,;'°°°°¤ °‘°°" To enable the President to meet unforeseen emepigencies arising in ' the diplomatic and consular service, and to exten the commercial and other interests of the United States, to be expended pursuant R-S--“°·”*’¥‘·‘*°· to the requirement of section two hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes, ninety thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ALr.0WANoE TO Wmows OB Hmms OF DrrLoMATro 0EF1oEns WH0 DIE ABROAD. A m*’{*0>:’;Qg¤;%{;°*;j)gf Payment, under the provisions of section seventeen hundred and aulludennem dying forty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, 'to the “°'°° ‘ widows or_heirs at law of diplomatic or consular officers of the United · States dying in foreign countries m the discharge of their duties, five thousand dollars. TRANSPORTING REMAINS or DIPLOMATIC 0FF1oEBS, OONSULS, AND CONSULAR cumxs TO THEIR HOMES FOB INTERMENT. Briusms iwme M For defrayin¤· the expenses of transporting the remains, of diplo- Qliiliulzriilriadilggillgrgi matic and conslirlar officers of the United States, including consular clerks, who have died or may die abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this country for interment, and for the ordinary and necessary expenses of such interment, at their post or at home, five thousand dollars. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU or wE1eHTs AND MEAsU1z.Es. ,,_Q,',j‘“,§}”“$}g,’;*,},S $3 Qontribution to the maintenance of the International Bureau of nsxmgjs. m Vlfeights and Measures for the year ending June thrrtieth, nineteen ' ’p' ‘ hun red and ten, in conformitv with the terms of the convention of May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid, under the direc-