Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/744

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S1xT1ETH CONGRESS. Sm. 11. ou. 250. 1909. 727 work authorized by_ appropriations may be employed exclusively to carry mto effect said appropriations, and be pai therefrom, when spirgcriically and m writing ordered by the ommissioners of the _trrct, and the Commissioners of the District in their annual estimates shall report the number of such employees perfor ` such services and their work and the sums paid to each: Provided, x di lfhatdthe explenciléturies hereunder slarll rirotdexcpied ten thousand dol- cure. ° pm ` ars uring the ca year nineteen un re an ten. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are further author- m}’;g;§m;“°°’ °°¤· ized t0_ employ temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers, and Tempcairylnborvrs. meclhamcsl as may be arilequired in connection with gvateggdepartment °°°‘ wor- , an to mcur necessa engrneeri an ot r e enses exclusive of personal services, irlihidental tongaon sux work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, said laborers, skilled laborers, an mechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to be done under contract, and to hpaiy forilsuchservices ang from the appropriation under w c suc servrcesareren e an e ensesrncurre . Sec. 5. The Commissioners of the Diflirict of Columbia are author- ,uQ£¤¤¤l*¤¤°¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ ized to employ in the execution of work the cost of which is payable Experrscspaldfrom. lfiomfthe gppggpariation account crleateélnig thedDiistrict appmpmxim v° ‘**·"“°· ct or the c ear nmeteen un an ve, a rov ° twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, and lgmiwn as Itihe "Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits, District of Columbia," all necessary inspectors, overseers, foremen, sewer tappers, skilled lalblorers, mechamcs, laborers, special polrcgimen stationed at streptrwa cross` , one inspector o gas tf , two janitors or laboraliories om Washington and GeorgetownlUas Light com anies, market master, assistant market master, watchman, and one lirborer for the wholesale producers' market, horses, carts, and wagons, and to incur all necema expenses incidental to carrying on such work and necessariy fordtgp propef execution thereof, such services and c enses to e ai om said appropriation account. Xgno. 6. The Commissiolpers oi)IthepDistri}:t of Clolurmbia shalh npt tiggit ¤¤ ¤—¤r·¤i=·i~ make requisitions u on the appropriations rom the reasu o the ` United States for al) larger ahhmrit during the fiscal year Imneteen hundred and ten than they make on the appropriations arising from the revenues, including drawback certificates, of said District. Sec. 7. That until and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ,h»;g_ry;¤·‘~**· from me and ten, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to y` gdyance, on tge requlisition of the Commissipinprp of the District of 0 umbia, ma e in the manner now prescri . xy aw, out o any moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary from time to time to meet the general expenses of said District, as authorized by Congress, and to reimburse the Treasury for the portion of said advances payable by the District of Columbia out of the taxes and revenues collected for _ the support of the government thereof: Provided, That all advances QQYQ, 0,, 8,,- made under this Act and under the Acts of February eleventh, nine- *¤ggf¤j,, P 766 · teen hundred and one, July first, nineteen hundred and two, March \;ol; ai. ripriassr. third, nineteen hundred and three, April twentyseventh, nineteen §§{j33j·,E,{f·5§‘§Y*,¥$$’j hundred and four, March third, nineteen hundred and five, June A¤¢¢· r>· 3*1 twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and six, March second, nineteen . hundred and seven, and May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and eight, not reimbursed to the Treasury of the United States on or before June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, shall be reimbursed to said Treasury pir; of the revelrreues of th; Dispirict of Columblia time to time, wrtve ears, ginnin,¤· u rst, nineteen un re and ten, together with inierest thereon at the? rate of two per centum per annum on annual balances until so reimbursed: Provided further,