Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1261

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INDEX. 2295 City and Suburban Railway, D. C.-Cont'd. Pm- Clajin, Charles, l`¤1¢¤· ume of construction limited; extension. . . 248 ension increased 1415 joint use of tracks; terms .. 248 Clgims, City Bonds, appropriation for attorneys, etc., defendacceptable as security for additional na- ing suits in . 236 tional-bank circulation . . .. 549 for defending suits in ... 374, 1013 conditions . ... 549 for defense in Indian depredation 374, 1013 City Delivery, Postal Service,deficiency appropriation for defending appropriation for superintendent, clerks, suits in ... - 21, 508, 928 etc . 233, 896 for judgments, Court of Claims 27, 514, 938 for letter carriers ... . . . 411, 665 for awards, Spanish Treaty for substitute, auxiliary, and temporary (Hz1J11S Commission 27, 515, 937 carriers . 411, 665 for paying, certified by accounting for new offices . . .. 411, 665 ‘ officers . . .. 27, 515, 939 for horse hire and vehicles ... 411, 665 for damages to property, etc., Philippine for car fare and bicycles ... 411, 665 Islands r... 499 for street car collections ... 411, 665 for judgments, Indian depreciation 514, 938 for mechanics ... 411, 665 for compilation of laws, etc., relating to. . 934 for marine service, Detroit 411, 665 destruction of Northern Liberty Market, for incidental expenses . . . 411, 665 D. C., to be audited, etc ... 1060 for special delivery ... 411, 665final adjudication of Chinese indemnity. . 577 for supplies . . 416, 669 time extended for presenting State, war deficiency appropriation for carriers, new with Spain 42 offices . . 24 punishment or presenting false, etc .. 1095 for horse hire, etc . .. 24 taking away etc., papers relating to, for car fare and bicycles . 24 , against tlnc United States .. 1096 for supplies . . .. 24 * court odicials, etc., dealing in fee, etc. . . 1107 for expenses ... . ... 31, 510, 518 pirosecuting, ctc., by officials ... 1107 Oily Refuse, D. C.,embers of Congress and officials reappropriation for removal of ... . . 285, 700 ceiviug compensation for services in, Givugd uarez, against the vernment . 1169 classification and salary of consulate .. 102 Claim; Cornmisaion, Spanish Treaty, . Ciudad Porjinio Doha, appropriation for expenses . 374, 1013 elamineation and salary of consulate ... 102 de ciency appropriation for paying awards Civil-Pzmion Roll, _ of ..,, . .,. 27, 515 establishment of, in postal service, pro- Claims, Falx, hibited -..·-----·--- - -~·-~-- 417, 670 l punishment for presenting, aiding, etc., Civil Rqyhu, _ _ for public property 555 punishment for conspiracy agamst, of l Clam.: of Confederate oldren, eitizeng ____,_, . 1092 deficiency appropriation for paying, for depriving citizens of, on account of I properctp wrongfully taken .. 499 mee, etc., under color of State time extend for presenting ..,_ , _,.,,.._ 499 laws, etc ... . ... 1092Clancy, Sylvcsler T., conspiring to prevent holding of office, * pension increased ,.,,,.__,_._..,, 1568 etc ... . . , ... 1092 Clapp, lVilIiam JI., unlawful presence of troops at elections. . 1092 pension increased ... . , . ., 1529 interfering with voters by Army and Cla p per, Eugene, Navy officers, etc . . 1092[pension in¤·r¢ms•;·<l .. . . 1275 prescribing qualifications of V0tc¤• by C arrmlrm ( 'ounly, S. ( '., Army and Navy officvrs ... 1092 bridge zmthorizml across Smmtw River in. . 613 interfering with election officeru by f Clarirula, [mm, Arm and Navy officers . . . . l092 ‘ nrnrroprintion for public building . :117 disqualification from holding office, ud- Clar , Almrdn ( uridow)', . ditionul penalty . .. 1093 [pension increased .. . . 1341 Civil Service Cornrnzhsian, C ark, findrew, appropriation for Commissioners, secretary, Ipenmon mfr0B8H} -. . .. » .. 12-19 clerks, etc . . .. 197, 860 C ark. Am D.. for field force, examiners, etc . 197, 860 pension increased ... . ,... 1172 for rural carrier examining board . 197, 860 Clark, Bmjamin F., details from executive departments , ension increased . . .. 1208 forbidden ..,..., 197, 861 ¥ Cllirk, Billings A., - tmnsfer of employees . . . 197, 861 { nsion increased . . .. 1385 for traveling, etc., expenses .. 197, 861 ¤ Cliifk, Calesta (u·idou·`», for contingent expenses ... 229, 892 I pension .. 1189 for rent ... . .. 229,893 l Clark, Charles, for printing and binding . 383, 1022 ; pension increased . . . 1192 for additional clerks, expenses, etc .. 1019 3 Clark, Charles A., for additional rent . 1019 nsion increased ... . 1495 deficiency appropriation for printing and Q Cllirek, Charles T., binding ..·. . .----. 51-1 * [pension increased ,... 1514 Civil War Service C ark County, LQ.. · increased g-mule, etc., io retired nuvul lpavment to .. 1445 'oflicers for, not. to deprive other (" ark Crock, S. C., officers of their rights .. . 753 preliminary examination oi, to be made. -- S32