Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1333

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INDEX. 2361 HomeopatIzzc_Hospital,`D. G., National, Page- j Honolulu Quarantine Station, Page appropriation for care of mdigent patients 304, 720 i appropriation for electric and water systems 961 for payment of debt; condition ... 304 ] Honmable Discharges, limitation extended ________,________, _ 720 granted Behan, James ,,,._____,,.,.,.,,, 1233 Hgmgggagd Entries, PubligLg1id,g, Burgess, Alfred _ ______________,_ _ _____ 1399 allowed Daniel \V_ Abbott _______________,_ 1534 Dame, Robert S_ ,____________,__ , ,_,, 1437 commutation allowed John F. Rivet ., 1.534 Fordyce, Isaac N _ ____________________ 1531 commutation certificates canceled for lack Holt, Corwin M ... 1434 of residence, reinstated if entryman Pryor, Jackson _______________________ _ 1,557 resided eight months preceding final _ Voorhees, George M . ... 1434 pl‘00f ... . .. 467 , Hood, George F., not to be canceled for commutations made pension increased ____,___________________ 1427 under act of 1880 .. ; 467 Hood, William A., canceled entries reinstated .. 467 pension increased ..._._______.____ _ _ _ 1288 confirmed to children of Paul Clendenin. . . 1188 Hoofer, Charles, Widow of Sigbjorn H. Aaby .. 1189 pension increased ,...,,._________________ 1333 lands in Minnesota under drainage laws Hook, Stephen J., subject to qualifications, fees, etc., pension increased _,,,.._.________,_______ 1193 for 170 Hoopa Valley Indian Agency, CaZ_, permitted OI1 Cane Island, Ark . 684 appropriation for support, etc,, of Indians second entry permitted in place of lost or at .,.__.______,._____ _ ______ , _____ 77, 787 aball 0D8d, exceptions . 6 Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, Cal, time of payment extended for, on certain appropriation for wagon road on; investiceded Indian lands in Oklahoma 41 gation ...,_..,.,_.. _ _______________ 77 time extended for establishing residence, proclamation adding part of, to Trinity Huntley Irri tion project, Mont. . . 44 National Forest .._,_,____,_.______ _ 2243 imallotted lands o§aChippewas of Minne- Hooper, Emma (widow), sota outside of National Forest pension ,... . ...,.,._._______,_____ _ 1565 opened to .. 272 Hooper, Thomas, Fort eck Reservation, Mont., opened to pension increased .,____.,,,,._ _ _ _ 137] entry . 561 Hoover, Hants, Homestead, Pa., pension increased ...,.,..._,,.___ 1306 acquiring site and erecting public building Hoover, Henry C'., ‘ at, authorized . 531 pension increased 1180 deficiency appropriation for . 486 Hoover, Wesley, Hmnesteads (see also Enlarged Homesteads), pension increased ..,,,_.,.,.__ _ _ _ 1528 entries of 320 acres of nonirrigable, etc.,' Hoover, Mllim, ‘ lands authorized in certain States pension increased ... . ._.. 1485 and Territories 639 Hope and Help MvLs.s·ion, D. C., entries not affected by enlarged homestead appropriation for care of women and chilact ... 639 dren in . 307, 723 not allowed entrymen under enlarged Hope, Ark., homestead act . 639 acquiring site and erecting public building commutations not allowed under enlarged at, authorized ...,. 528 homestead act . 639 deficiency appropriation for . .. 484 Kiowa, etc., reserve lands, Oklahoma, set- appropriation for ,.. 951 tlersallowed moretimeiorpayment. 41, 636 Hopkins, ridget (widow), Osage Indians may designate, from lands pension increased 1568 allotted them ... 1167 Hopkins, Deloss, restriction on alienation b Indian al- pension increased .. . . 1186 lottees of more than hall-blood in Ok- Hopkins, Ormond N., lahoma, continued .. 312 pension increased 1274 ]]0ndura,,g, Ilopkiimwille, Ky., appropriation for minister to 172,672 acquiring site for public building at, auor secretary of legation ..i... 172, 673 i tlloflzcd ... 534 Iloneywell, David, deficiency appropriation for . ._.,__ 488 pension increased ,,...,._____,,., 1500 Hopper, George, entucky lblunteer Infantry, Ilongkang, , pension increased .,_. 1239 classification and salary of consulate-gem Hopper, George, United States lblunteer Ineral ... . ... 101 fantry, Honnyman, Elmer, ~ · pension increased ... . .,,, 1293 pension ,..,, . .,,...,, 1190 i Hopper, William M. (son), Honolulu, Hawaii, pension ... . 1269 aplpropriation for naval station, repairs ..,.. 141 Horch, Henry, or improvement of harbor- . . 360 I pension increased ..., 1486 for u lic building .. . .. 951 X Horder, George W, for Ellini in lands, coast artillery post, , pension increased .,_. 1216 Wai iki ... 1004 Horn, Henry, amount for constructing public building. . . 541 t pension increased ... . .,_, 1556 limit of cost . ... 541 Horn, Island Pass, Miss., contracts authorized within limit ... . 541 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 828 expenditures for 1909 . 541 Hombeck, Benjamin, deliciency appropriation for . 490 pension increased ,,...,., 1598 inspectors of ulls and boilers to be ap- Hornell, N. Y., pointed for . . .. 428 acquiring site for public building at, ansalary ..,.. 428 thorized ..,,..,.,,,.,_..___ 535 terms of court at .. 839 deficiency appropriation for . ..____ 433