Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/481

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1640 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAY 26, 1906. A.R’1‘ICI.E 2. Anricmz 2. Erwois auacquels skzppligue la Articles to which the Oonvention Oorwention. applies. mg*f°P° °‘ °°¤'°”‘ Les dispositions de cette Con- 'I'he stipulations of this Convention sétendent aux lettres, vention extend to letters, post _ aux cartes postales simples et avec cards, both single and with reply réponse payée, aux imprimés de paid, printed papers of every toute nature, aux papiers d’af- 'nd, commercial papers, and faires et aux échantillons de samples of merchandise originatmarchandises originaires de l’un ing in one of the countries of the des patys de l’Union et a destina- Union and intended for another tion ’un autre de ces pays. of those countries. They also {alles s’appliquent également a plpply to the exchange by mail of échange postal des objets ci- e articles above—mentioned bedespus entre les pays de llglnion twgen the coimtrges of the Umépln et es pays étrangers at nion an countries oreign to e toutes les fois que cet écha?e Union whenever the services of emprunte les services de deux es two of the contracting part1es at parties contractantes au moins. least are used for that exchange. Anrxcrm 3. Anrxcnn .3. Transport des dépéches entre pays Oomzeyance of mails between can- _ limitrophes; services tiers. tiguous countries; third services. Suez1x1..?;-ee 1. Les Administrations des 1. The Postal Administrations Z§§“§,u,,{,;§§” ""` postes des pays limitrophes ou of contilguous countries or counaptes it correspondre directement tries ab e to correspond directly entre eux sans emprunter l’inter- with each other without availing _ médiaire des services d’une tierce themselves of the services of a Administration,déterminent, d’un third Administration determine, commun accord, les conditions by common consent, the condidu transport de leurs depeches tions of the conveyance of the réciproques a travers la frontiers mails which they exchange across ou ’une frontiere a Pautre. the fronaier or from one frontier to the other. M¤ri¤¤¤¤ •=¤¤· 2. A moins d’arrangement con- 2. In the absence of any con- "’"°°' traire, on considere comme ser- trary arranggment, the direct sea vices tiers les transports maritimes conveyance tween two countries eifectués directement entre deux by means of Packets or vessels depays, au moyen de paqugbots ou pending upon one of them is conatiments épendant e l’un sidered as a thir service· and d’eux, et ces transports, de meme this conveyance, as well as any que ceux effectués entre deux bu- performed between two Offices of reaux d’un meme pays, par l’in— the same country, by the medium termédiaire de services maritimes of sea or territorial services mainou territoriaux dependant d’un tained by another country, is autre pays, sont régis par les dis- regulated by the stipulations of positions de Particle su1vaut. the following Article. Airncm 4. Aaricnr 4. mm. F rais de transit. _ Transit rates. ·r¤¤m gcnm- 1. La liberté du transit est ga- 1. The right of transit is guar-

  • °°°‘ rantie dans le territoire entier de anteed throughout the entire ter-

· l’Union. ritory of the Union.