Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/500

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. EIAY 26, 1906. 1659 4. Les frais de transit des cor- 4. The transit charges on ar- t,cE,g“}§§§10;{'{,u{},§{ respondances at destination des ticles for countries outside the countriies, where pays en dehors de l’UnionHpostale Postal Union are payable by the payab °’ '"°‘ sont a la charge de l’O ce du Office of the country of origin, ays d’origine, qui fixe les taxes which fixes the postage rates in daifranchissement dans son ser- its services for the said articles, vice desdites correspondances, but these rates may_not be lower sans que ces taxes puissent etre than the normal Union tariif. inférieures au tari normal de l’Union. 5. Les frais de transit des cor- 5_ The transit Charges on ap- umQ_¤gsim¤1¤¤cg;¤p respondances origmalres des pays ticles originating in countries out- tries. en dehors de l’Union ne sont pas side the Union are not payable a la charge de l’Office du pays de by the Office of the country of <1eStiI12ti0I1. CND OHF30 dlstfiblli} destination. That Office delivers sans taxe les correspondances qu1 without charge articles translui sont livrées comme complete- mitted to it as fully prepaid; it ment aifranchies; il taxe les cor- charges unpaid articles double the respondances non aifranchies au prepaid rate applicable in its own double du tarif d’aifranch1SSe· service to similar articles ad- . ment applicable dans son propre dressed to the country where the service aux envois similaires a said articles originate, and insufdestination du pays d’oi1 pr0· iiciently prepaid articles double viennent lesdites correspondances, the deficiency; but the charge et les correspondances 1HSUmS3m· may not exceed that which is ment aifranchies au double de levied on unpaid articles of the Pinsuiiisance, sans que la taxe same nature, weight, and origin. puisse dépasser celle qui est percue sur les correspondances non aifranchies de memes nature, V poids et origine. 6. A Pégard d6 I3 1‘€Sp0¤S8bi- 6. WVith regard to responsibil— ,R€g*$*<***d MW , lité en matiere d’objets recom- ity in the matter of registered ces' mandés, les correspondances sont articles, the articles are treated: traitées: pour le transport dans le res- For transmission within the sort de l’Union, d’apres les limits of the Union in acstipulations de la présente cordance with the stipula- Convention; tions of the present Convention; pour le transport en dehors For transmission without the des limites de 1’Union, limits of the Union in acd’apres les conditions noti- cordance with the condifiées par l’Office de l’Union tions notified by the Office qui sert d’intermédiaire. of the Union which serves as the intermediate Office. Arrrrcnn 18. Airrrcnn 18. Témbres-poste contrefaita. Oounterfeét postage stamps. Les hautes parties contractan— The high contracting parties I_uf;g‘·QS*g*`f{1*;;(_r,€{;} tes s’engagent a prendre, ou a undertake to adopt. or to propose im:. em. proposer a leurs législatures res- to their respective legislatures, pectives, les mesures nécessaires the necessary measures for punpour punir l’emploi frauduleux, ishing the fraudulent use of pour l’aH'ranchissement de cor- counterfeit postage stamps or respondances, de timbres—poste stamps already used for the contrefaits ou ayant deja servi. prepayment of correspondence. Elles sfengagent également at They also undertake to adopt, or