Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/612

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. Dao. 3,1903. 1771 tesse le Khédive d’Egypte, agis- Emperor of all the Russias; saut dans les limites des pouvoirs His Majesty the King of Servia; a lui conferés par les iirmans im- the Swiss Federal Council, and periaux, His Highness the Khedive of Efgypt, acting within the limits ' 0 the powers conferred upon him _ by the imperial iirmans, Ayant jugé utile d’arreter, dans Having deemed it expedient to un meme arrangement, les me- establish in a single arrangement sures propres a sauvegarden la the measures calculated to safesante pub xque contre ’1DV8.SIOH guard the public health against et la propagation de la peste et the invasion and propagation of du cholera et desirant reviser, en plague and cholera, and desiring les completant, les Conventions to revise and supplement the insanitaires internationales actuelle— ternatioual sanitary conventions ment en vigueur, ont nomme pour at present in force, have appointed Leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir: as their lenipotentiaries, to wit: Sa Majeste l’Empereur d’Al— His "hgajesty the Emperor of P*°°*P°*°¤“°'*°¤- lemagne, Roi de Prusse, Germany, King of Prussia, M. le Comte de Groeben, Con- Count de Groeben, Counselor seiller de Léigation et premier of Le tion and First Secretary Secrétaire a ’Ambassade impé— in theTm rial Embassy of Gerriale d’Allemague a Paris; many at Igsris; M. Bumm, Conseiller intime M. Bumm, Superior Privy Gov- · supérieur de régence, membre du ernment Counselor, Member of the Conseil sanitaire de l’Empire; Board of Health of the Empire; M. le Docteur Gatfky, Conseil- Doctor Gaifky, Privy Medical ler intime de medecine grand- Counselor of the Grand Duchy of dueal hessois et professeural’Uni— Hesse and Professor at the 'niversite de Giessen, membre du versity of Giessen, Member of the Conseil sanitaire de l`EH1]i2‘€Z Board of Health of the Empire; M. le Docteur Nocht, edecin Doctor Nocht, Pliysician of the du port de Hambourg, membre Port of Hamburg, ember of the du Conseil sauitaire de l`Empire; Board of Health of the Empire; Sa Majesté l’Empereur d`Au- His Majesty the Emperor of triche, Roi de Boheme, etc., etc., Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie, etc., and Apostolic King of Hunarv. M. le Chevalier Alexandre de g M. le Chevalier Alexandre de Suzzara, Chef de section au Mi- Suzzara, Chief of Section in the nistere imperial et roval des Af- Imperial and Royal Ministry of faires etrangeres, Commandeur Foreign Aiiairs, Commander of dc l’Ordre de Francois-Joseph, the Order of Francis Joseph, Chevalier de troisieme classe de Third-class Knight of the Order l’Ordre de la Couronne de For: of the Iron Crown: M. Noel Ehner d’Ebenthal, Pre- M. Noel Elmer d’Ebeuthal. Pressidc-ntde Yadministration maritime ident of the Imperial and Royal imperiale ct royale 91 Trieste, Che- Maritime Department at Triest, vaher des Ordres de Leopold et Knight of the Orders of Leopold de l·`rancois-Joseph; and Francis Joseph: M. Joseph Daimer, Conseiller M, Joseph Daimer. Counselor au Ministere imperial et royal in the Imperial and Royal Minde l’Interieur, Chevalier de troi- istry of the Interior, Third-class sieme classe de l`Or<1re de la Knight of the Order of the Iron Couronne de Fer, Chevalier de Crown. Knight of the Order of l’Ordre de }:`rane;ois—Jose h; Francis Joseph; - M. Kornel Chyzer, Clonseiller M. Kornel Chyzer. Counselor au Ministere roval hongrois de in the Hungarian Ministry of the Ylntérieur, Chevalier des Ordres Interior, Knight of the Orders of de Leopold et de Francois-Joseph; Leopold and Francis Joseph;