Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/668

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. Dec. 3, 1903. 1827 turques ar cha ue `lerin en Turkish ounds for each il 'm I P *1 P6 _ P P gm surp us. in excess. Le débarquement des pelerins The pilgrims in excess of the dépassznt le nombre régulier est reguaar number shall be landed eifectu a a premiere station ou at the iirst station at which a reside une autorité compétente, et competent authority resides, and le capitaine est tenue e fournir the captain shall be obliged to aux pelerins débarqués Pargent fprnish the landed pilgrims with nécessaire pour poursuivre eur e money necessary to pursue voyage jusqu’a destination. their voyage to their destination. Ama 15'7.—Tout capitaine con- I Alrrrcnn 157. Every captain Landing pugnms vaincu d’avoir débarqué des pe- convicted of having landed pil- g} §§,§‘§f,,f§§',}_”l““ lerins dans un endroit autre que grime at a place other than their celui de leur destination, sauf estination, except with their conleur consentement ou hors le cas sent or excepting cases of vis de force majeure, est passible major, shall be liable to a iine of d’une amende de 201ivres turques twenty Turkish pounds for each par chaque pelerin débarqué a pilgrim wrongfully landed. tort. Am. 158.—Toutes autres in- Arrrrorn 158. All other infrac- viggggigg fractions aux prescriptions rela- tions of the provisions relative to mums. tives aux navires a pelerins sont [pilgrim ships are punishable by a punies d’une amende de 10 a 100 ne of from 10 to 100 Turkish ivres turques. poun s. Ama 159.——Toute contravention Airrrqmz 159. Every violation m_{ggr¤gg<>¤;"t¤ 2; constatée en cours de voyage est proven in the course of a voyage health, em. annotée sur la patente de santé, shall be noted on the bill of health ainsi que sur la liste des pelerins. as well as on the list of pilgrims. Uautorité compétente en dresse. The competent authority shall proces-verbal pour le remettre a ilrawnp a ilgeport thereof and dequi de droit. iver it to the proper party. Anr. 160.-Dans les ports otto- ARTICLE 160. In Ottoman ports, migggutigugggggg mans, la contravention aux dis- violations of the provisions con- ports positions ooncernant les naviresa cerning pilgrim ships shall be pélerins est constatee, ct Pamendée pgoven and tllie tinle imposed by 1n1 osée arl`autorité competen e the compe en authori y m concorilomigment aux articles 173 et formity with Articles 173 and 174. lgpfn, pp, ism, 174. ‘ ‘ Anr. 161.—Tous les agents up- Anrrvmx 161. All agents called yipnishmenr or pelés 5. concourir a Pexécution des upon to assist in the execution of ”*‘°° °‘ prescriptions do la présente Con- the g?l‘0VlSls;I;S of thei psesenti conntion en ce ui concerne es ven ion wi regar o pi grim ligvires a peleriiis sont passibles ships are liable to punishment in de punitions conformément aux conformity with the laws of their lois de leurs pays respectifs en cas respective countries in case of cle fautes commises par eux dans fan ts committed by them in the Fapplication desdites prescrip- application of the said provisions. tions. . Trmn IV.- Scavr:1r.r.Axcn mr TITLE IV.·—SURVEII1LANCE Am; uspurgglnuce and ].;xf;(;UTI();•;, EXECUTION. ` I.- Cbnse/l xanitaire., maritime et I.-The Sr1p2°z‘ar_»/, ilfaritime, and ymn·antenah·e dlhliqypte. Quarantzne Board of Egypt. Am-. 162.-—Sont contirmées les Anrrcu: 162. The stipulations m§g_¤l;gl;,v»Q`1g£;g; stipulations de l”anneX€dIlhrdG_la of Annex IIIVof_ thef Oanitary une Board orngypt, Co e tion sanitaire e enise Yonvention ot emce o . anuary dungo ianvier 1892, conoernant la 30, 1892, concerning the composicomposition, les attributions et le tion, rights and duties, and op-