Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/716

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TREATY—NICARAGUA. Maron 1, 1905. 1875 A.a·r1cr.n VIII. Amiooro VIII. _ Extradition shall notbegranted No se concedera la extradicion No aeirvery u in pursuance of the provisions of en conformidad alas disposiciones }{,,1Qj,,{}§"°° ”’ “'“' this convention, if legal proceed- de este Tratado, si los procedi- i ings or the enforcement of the mientos legales 6 la aplicacion de penalty for the act committed by la pena correspondiente al hecho the person claimed has become cometido por la persona reclamabarred by limitation, accordjngto da hubieren quedado excluidos the laws of the country to which r prescri cion de acuerdo con the requisition is addressed. PIL leyes delipais a que se ha dirijido el reclamo. Anrrorm IX. ABTICU10 IX. On being informed by tele- Cuando se dé aviso telegrafica- Application for graph or otherwise, through the mente 6 de otra manera, por el "`°"°i°““l °"°‘"‘ dip omatic channel, that a war- conducto diplomatico, de que la rant has been issued by competent autoridad competente ha expeauthority for the arrest of a fugi- dido una 6rden para la aprehen— tive criminal charged with any of si6n de 1111 reo r6fugo acusado de the crimes enumerated in the alguno de los delitos enumerados foregoing articles of this treaty, en los articulos anteriores de este and on bein assured from the Tratado, y cuando se asegure por same source that a requisition for el mismo conducto ue préximathe surrender of such criminal is mente se hara el pedimento para abouttobemade, accompanied by la entrega de este reo, y que el such warrant and duly authenti- pedimento estara acompanado de cated depositions or copies there- a 6rden de prisién y de las declaof in support of the charge, each raciones 6 copias de ellas debidagovernment shall endeavor to mente legalizadas en apoyo de la procure the provisional arrest of acusacion, cada (irobierno procusuch criminal and to keep him in rara conseguir la aprehensi6n safe custody for such time as may provisional del reo y mantenerlo be practicable, not exceeding sixty bajo segura custodia por el tiem days, to await the production of que fuere posible, pero sin excedl; the documents upon which the e sesenta dias, en es ra de la claim for extradition is founded. presentacion de los dbhumentos en que se funde el procedimiento de extradicién. Arrricuz X. Arrricrmo X. - Requisitions for the surrender El pedimento para l entrega aequxmnms. of fugitives from justice shall be de los pr6fugos de justicia se made by the respective diplomatic hara por los respectivos Agentes agents of the contracting parties, Diplomaticos de las Partes Conor, in the event of the a sence of tratantes, 6 en caso de estar authese from the country or its seat sentes del pais 6 de la residencia of government, they may be del Gobierno, podra hacerse por made by superior consular officers. 1osAgentes Consulares superiores. If the person whose extradition Si la persona cuya extradicién rapeu mquirea. may be asked for shall have been se pide ha sido condenada por un convicted of a crime or offense, a dehto, se acompafiara al pedimencopy of the sentence of the court to de extradicién copia de la senin which he has been convicted, tencia condenatoria del Tribunal. ' authenticated under its seal, with Esta copia estara legalizada con attestation of the official character el sello del Tribunal, y con la cerof the judge, by the proper execu- tiHcaci6n del caracter oficial del tive authority, and of the latter juez, por el funcionario a quien