Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/753

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19].2 INTERN ATION AL-LIQUORS IN AFRICA. Novuumm 3, 1906. november s, 1006. Oonvention revising the duties imyosed by the Brussels Oonvention ’_‘*"_` of June 8, 1889, on spirituous iguors imported into certain regions of Afrika. Signed at Brussels November 3, 1906; adherence advised by the Senate February 15, 1.907; declaration of adherence by the President February 19, 1907 ,· instrument of adherence deposited with the Government of Belgium May 11, 1907 ,· proclaimed December 2, 1907. BY run Pnnsmnrrr or rum Ummn Sums or Aunmoa, . A PROCLAMATION. Brn sels Conven- Whereas a Convention revising the duties imposed by the Brussels g:" :°H-i°mm,€.:"ii$ Convention of June 8, 1899, on spirituous liquors imported into certain ggjcimwftw *¤*° regions of Africa was signed at Brussels on the 3rd of November, rmmbia 1906, by the Plenipotentiaries of Germany, Belgium, Spain, the Indev°l‘ 31* ’· wm pendent State of the Kongo, France, Great Britain, Ital , the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, and Sweden, which Convention being in the French language is word for wordas follows: [Translation.] Contracting par- Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Alle- · His Ma'esty the Emperor of "°°‘ magne, Roi de Prusse, au nom de Germany, ]King of Prussia, in the l’Em(pire Allemand: Sa Ma`esté le name of the German Em ire; His Roi es Belges; Sa Majestd le Roi Majesty the King of the Belgians; d’Espagne; Sa Majestéle Roi-Sou- His Majesty the King of Spain; veram de l’Etat ndeipendant du His Ma esty the King-Sovcrei n Congo; le President e la Re u- of the independent State of the blique Francaise; Sa Majestép le Congo; The President of the Roidu Royaume-Uni de la Grande- French Republic: His Majesty the Bretagne et d’1rlande, Empereur King of the United Kingdom of des Indes; Sa Majesté e Roi Great Britain and Ireland, Emd’Italie; Sa Majesté la Reine des ror of India: His Majesty the Pays-Bas; Sa Majesté le Roi de King of Italy; Her Majesty the Portugal etdesAlgarves, etc.,etc.; Queen of the Netherlands; His Sa Majesté l’En1pereur de Toutes Majesty the King of Portugal and les Russies; et Sa Majesté le Roi of the Al rves, etc., etc., His de Suede: Majesty th; Emperor of all the Russias; and His Majesty the King of Sweden; Object of c¤¤v¤¤- Voulant pourvoir a Pexécution Wishing to provide for the miin. 31, p. ism. de la clause de l`article I de la Con- execution of the clause in Article I vention du 8 juin 1899, prise elle- of the Convention of June 8, 1889, Vol 27, p. 920· meme en execution de Particle itself made in execution of Article XCII de l’Acte general de Bru- XCII of the General Act of Brusxelles, et en vertu de laquelle le sels, and by virtue of which the droit d’entrée des spiritueux dans import duties on spirits within certaines regions de l`Afrique de- certain regions of Africa were to vait étre soumis a revision sur la be subjected to revision on the base des résnltats produits par la bmis of results produced by the taritication précédente, previous rates,