Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/795

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1954 TREATY-SPAIN. JUNE 15,1904. at his discretion to hold the ac- que no exceda de dos meses para cused for a period not exceeding que dicho Gobierno p/peda pretwo months, so that the demand- sentar ante el J uez 6 agistrado ing Government may have oppor- la prueba legal de la culpabilidad tunity to lay before such ]udge del acusado; si al expirar el peor magistrate legal evidence of riodo de dos meses no se hubiese the guilt of the accused, and if presentado ante e1Juez 6 Magisat the expiration of said pe- trado dicha prueba legal, la perriod of two months, such legal sona detenida sera puesta en liberevidence shall not have been pro- tad, siempre que a la saz6n no duced before such judge or ma - este aun pendiente el examen de istrate, the person arrested shnsl los cargos aducidos contra ella. be released, provided that the examination of the charges pre- - ferred against such accused person shall not be actually going on. ARTICLE XH; Aizcricuno XIII. L°g*‘ ““"“'“°°· In every case of a request made Siempre que se resente ima by either of the two Contracting reclamacién por cualquiera de las Parties for the arrest, detention dos Partes contratantes para el or extradition of fugitive crim- arresto, detencion 6 extradicion inals, the le l officers or Hscal de criminales evadidos, los fun- Ministry of th: country where the cionarios de justicia 6 el Minisproceedings of extradition are terio iiscal del pais en que se ad, shall assist the officers of the sigan los procedimientos de ex- Government demanding the ex- tradicién, auhliaran 5. los del tradition before the respective Gobierno que la pida ante los judges and magistrates, by every respectivos J ueces y Magistrados, lega means within their or its por todos los medics legales que power; and no claim whatever estén a su alcance, sin que pue- C°¤P°¤¤¤**°¤· or compensation for any of the dam reclamar, del Gobiemo que services so rendered shall be made pida la extradici6n, remuneraagainst the Government demand- cién alguna por los servicios presing the extradition, provided tados; sin embargo, los funciohowever, that any officer or oth- narios del Gobierno que concede ccrs of the surrendering Govem- la extradicién, que hayan presment so giving assistance. who tado su concurso para la mxsma shall, in the usual course of their y que eu el ejercicio ordinario duty, receive no salary or com- de sus funciones no reciban otro pensation other than specific fees salario ni remuneracion que deor services performe , shall be terminados honorarios por los entitled to receive from the Gov- servicios prestados, tendran dereernment demanding the extradi- cho a percibir del Gobierno que tion the customary fees for the pida la extradicién los honorarios acts or services performed by acostumbrados por los actos 6 serthem, in the same manner and to vicios realizados por ellos, en igual -· the same amount as though such forma y pr0p0rc16n que si dichos acts or services had been per- actos 6 servicios hubiesen sido formed in ordinary criminal pro- realizados en procedimientos criceedings under the laws of the minales ordinarios, con arreglo country of which they are officers. a las leyes del pais a que dichos · funcionarios pertenezcan Arrricnn XIV. Airricuno XIV. E¤¤=¢- This Convention shall take ef- Este Convenio entrara en vigor fect from the day of the exchange desde el dia del canje de las ratiof the ratifications thereof; but ficaciones; pero cualquiera de las either Contracting Party may at Partes contratantes puede en cual-