Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/888

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ARBITRATION CON VENTION—SWEDEN . MAY 2, 1908. 2047 Oonvention between the United States and Sweden for settlement of dis- M·w2.1908- putes b arbitration. Signed at Wasltington, May 52, 1.908; ratification aegrised by t/re Senate, May 6, 1.908; ratgfed by the President, July 6, 1.908; ratified by Sweden, June 13, 1.908,* rafifteations ewgggnged at Wczsh2'ngt0n, August 18, 1.908; proclaimed September 1, 8. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED SrA·rEs OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America. and S,§€§,‘;§'“‘*°“ ‘"“‘ the Kingdom of Sweden providing for the submission to arbitration Pr¤¤¤i1>1e- of all questions of a legal nature or relating to the interpretation of treaties, which may arise between the two countries and which it mag not have been possible to settle by diplomacy, was concluded an signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the second da of May, one thousand nine hundred and eight, the original of which Convention, being in the English and French languages is word for word as follows: . The President of the United Le President des Etats Unis °°““°°**“$P°"°’“~ States of America and His Maj- d’Amérique et Sa Majesté le Roi esty the King of Sweden desiring de Suede désirant, en ap lication in pursuance of the princilples set des rincipes énoncés dans les forth in articles 15-19 of the Con- articlles 15-19 de la Convention V¤>.1788.178¤. vention for the pacific settlement pour le reglement pacifique des of international disputes, signed conflits internationaux, srgnée a at The Hague July 29, 1899, to la Haye en date du 29 juillet enter into negotiations for the 1899, entrer en négociations pour conclusion of an Arbitration Con- la conclusion d’une Convention vention, have named as their d’ Arbitrage, ont nommé pour Plenipotentiaries, to wit: leurs Plénipotentxaires, savorrz The President of the United Le President des Etats Unis *"°°*P°**>¤"¤**°*- States of America, Elihu Root, d’Améri ue, Elihu Root, Secre- Secreta of State of the United taire d9Etat rdes Etats Unis States dir America; and d’Amérique; et _ His Majesty the King of Swe— Sa Majesté le Roi de Suede, den, W. A. F. Ekengren, His W. A. F. Ekengren, Son Charge Charge d’AHaires ad interim at d’AH’aires ad interim a Washing- Washington ; ton; _ who, after having communi- lesquels apres s’etr·e commumqué cated to one another their full leurs pleins pouvo1rs,trouvés en owers, found in good and due bonne et due forme, sont conlhrm, have agreed upon the fol- venus des articles survants: lowing articles: ARTICLE I. ARTICLE I. Differences which may arise of Les diiierends d’ordre juridicziue d§’,§‘§’§§Q‘§{§‘g,,f§",$g;} a legal nature or relating to the ou relatifs a Ymterpretation es g1_jgg:;<€¤g;;<g Mb;- interpretation of treaties existing traites existant entre les Hautes m ' between the two Contracting Parties contractantes, qui vien- Parties and which it may not draient a se produire entre elles 80893-—vo1. 35, PT 2—09——57