Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/920

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EXTRADITION CONVENTION—PORTUGAL. any 7, mos. 2079 tracting Parties for the arrest, de- mar a captura, detencao ou extention or extradition of fugitives, tradicao de accusados ou crimicriminal or accused, the legal ofH- nosos fugitivos, os funccionarios cers or fiscal ministry of the coun- judiciaes ou os magistrados iiscaes try where the proceedings of ex- do paiz onde se proceder a extratradition are had shall assist the dicao auxiliarao por todos os officers of the Govemment de- meios legaes ao sou alcance permanding the extradition before ante os respectivos juizes e mathe respective judges and magis- gistrados, os funccionarios do trates, by every legal means paiz que fizer a instancia e, pewithin their or its fpower ; and no dido algum de remuneracao por claim whatever or compensa- taes servicos sera feito ao Governo Compensation tion for any of the services so que reclamar a extradicao exrendered shall be made against ceptc se qualquer funccionario ou the Government demanding the quaesquer funccionarios d0_ Goextradition, provided, however, verno reclamado, que assim tivethat any officer or officers of the rem prestado seu auxilio, nao resurrendering Government so giv— ceberem no exercicio ordinario ing assistance, who shall, in the de suas attribuicoes outro salausual course of their duty, re- rio ou compensacao que deterceive no salary or compensation minados emolumentos pelos serother than specific fees for serv- vicos feitos, porque, n’esse caso, ices performed,- shall be en- terao direito a receber do G0- titled to receive from the Govern- vemo reclamante os usuaes emoment demanding the extradi- lumentos pelos actos ou servicos tion the customary fees for the que hajam prestado, do mesmo acts or services performed by modo e na mssma importancia them, in the same manner and to que se aquelles actos ou services the same amount as though. tivessem sido praticados em prosuch acts or services had been cesso crime ordinario nos termos performed in ordinary criminal das leis do_paiz que servem como proceedings under the laws of funccionarios. the country of which they are officers, Airrrcuaz XIV. Amico XIV. This Convention shall take Esta oonvencao entrara em ¤¤¤¢¤~ effect from the day of the ex- vigor no dia em que forem trochange of the ratification thereof; cadas as suas ratiiicacoes; mas but either Contracting Party may uma ou outra das duas Partes at any time terminate the same Contratantes podera, em qqalon giving to the other six months’ quer tempo, dal-a por da notice o its intention to do so. notificando a outra, com a anticipacao de seis mezes, a sua intencao de assim fazer. The ratification of the present As ratiiioacoes da presente con- mEj)$]*;¤¤8¤ ·>f ¤¤¤**- Convention shall be exchanged at vencao serao trocadas em Wash- ` Washington as soon as possible. ingtpn no mais breve praso possive . In witness whereof the respec- Em testemunho do que os tive Plenipotentiaries have signed respectivos Plenipotenciarios asthe above articles, and have here- signaram as clausulas acima estiunto affixed their seals. pqladas e lhe pozeram os seus se os. Done in duplicate at the city of Feito em duplicado, em Wash- s‘g"“*“"°* Wasliington, this 7th day of May, ington, aos sete dias do mez de one thousand nine hundred and maio de mil novecentos e oito. eight. Enum Roor. [L. s.] Ayn:. [L. s.] 80893-voL 35, rr 2-09-59