Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1421

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SIXTY-FIRST oouerrsss. sm. III. ou. est. 1911. 1397 To carry out the objects of the "Act concernin carriers e ed in *“*’*P'“‘*°“ °‘ '““‘ interstate commerce and their em loyees," agproved Jlrligiggiirst, w%ll%%?il2g4e?` eigpteen hundred and ninety-eigsht, iilteen thousand dollars. ` he President of the United tates from and after the passage of u§‘,§§;',;l’i$,{u‘° ’·°‘ °' this Act is authorized to designate from time to time an member of ` the Interstate Commerce Commission or of the Court of gommerce to exercise the powers conferred and the duties imposed upon the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission by the provisions of the "Act concerning carriers enilged in interstate commerce and their V°‘·“°·’·‘“ em{ployees," approved June t, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight ; an the mem er so designated, during the period for which he is " designated, shall have the owers now conferred by said Act on the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission. _ To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed p,§§‘§§§§,'f’ "‘°"' "** regarding and to enforce compliance with Acts to promote the safety Vg; &·531= V¤1£· of employees and travelers upon railroads, including the employment p`, pp: gse. ` of inspectors, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the gayment of all authorized expenditures under the pro- g,§‘{‘,'Q‘{§§’,‘f"°“"° °"‘ visions of the Act of February seventeenth, nineteen hundred and S¤1¤11¢¤ ¤¤<1 sxeleven "To promote the safety of employees and travelers upon rail- p°ii$°¢$§p.srs. roads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their locomotives with safe an suitable boilers °and appurtenances thereto," including such stenographic and clerical help to the chief inspector and his two assistants as the Interstate Commerce Commisssron may deem necessary and allowances in lieu of sub- ` sistence while away from official headiparters to persons whose travcling egrenses are authorized by said ct to be paid at not to exceed 1 foulrgldgl arsper day, two hundred thousand dollars, to be immediately av a e. · That the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission to ,,§§,*§,§‘?,‘.f,‘f’ *“‘°" "** extend the period within which an common carrier shall comply with  ;%;d¤<>¤1r>11- the provisions of section three of the Act entitled, "An Act to supple- ana, p. as ` ment ‘An Act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their cars with automatic cou lers and continuous brakes and their locomotives with driving-wlileel brakes, and for other purposes,’ and other safety-aplpliance Acts, and for other pu oses," approved Aprrl fourteent , nineteen hundred and ten, shsllg apply to cars actually placed in service between the date of ,c§,`“,,'g’,*$J$§§,"A’,§‘,if'{§j the passage of said Act anc the first day of July, nineteen hundred 1910- ¤11<U11l>‘ 1- 1911- and eleven, in the same manner and to the same extent that it applies to cars actually in service upon the date of the passage of said Act. To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to investigate bk§Q,;§,;f,;§°j;g{‘en;2,f in regard to the use and necessity for block-signal systems and appli- ece; 1 an 966 ances for the automatic control of railway trains and any appliances °‘ ’p‘ ‘ or systems intended to promote the safety_ of railway operation which may be furnished in completed shape, mcluding experimental tests, at the discretion of the commission, of such of said systems and appliances only as may be fumished m connection wrt such invlestrgation free of cost to the Govemment, twenty-five thousand dollars. UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. “"“ D°1""““°‘“· Armomns Amy Ansanars. muA:'1¤°1’i°¤ wd me Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F¤·¤1=i<»¤1.P¤. For one buildin for the storage of scrap, ten thousand seven hundred and fifty dogars; 88740°——vor. 36, rr 1—ll——90