Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1516

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• INDEX. xxxm Butter, _ _ P•s¤· Cadets, Military Academy, Pmappmpmnon for inspection oi manufzc- appr0p1iationfor(§»uy ,..., 312, 1015 ture of process, etc .. 420, 1239 successors to be aa mittod after three years’ duty on, and subsmutes for .. 36 course of . - ,..,...,.,. 323 cocoa. . 36 hazing regulations modified. . . 323

 Knivca, 27 comt-1x12,r;;ial trials; effect of dismissal. .  

u y on . . .. d1sposa' o ndmg' cases .. 2 Button Forms, Cadillac, Michqpe duty on cloth . . .. 65 appropriation for public building 1368 Buttons, acquiring site qnd erecting public building · duty on . . .. 65 at., authorized .. - .. 686 collar, cuff and dross, of silvsr, etc . 67 Cadmium, . forms, clotix ... 65 on free list ... ; . 74 woolon 54 Caine, A. O., Byron, I ll., deficiency appropriation for credit in dam authorized across Rock River near. . - 922 _ acconmts . . 799 Byron Water Power _Comp¢my Cairo, Egypt, , - may dam Rock Rxvsr near hymn, 111 . 922 appmpmtxon for agent and consul— §cnsra1 ... . . 337, 1028 C. Cairo, I l L, . telephone cable authorized across Missis- Cabbagc Seed, sippi Riva: to Bird Point, Mo., hom- 336 _ duty on _, . ..,.. 37 terms of court at - ... 1110 Oagbages, 36 Cajspg; 011%;% 77 uty on . . . . OD 9 . . . Cabin John Bridgc, Md., · Cakes,

ro tion or re ' , etc., a uoduct duty on I. . . 36

PP ... I . g 2 .. 9 sa cazmem, _ _ Cabinet Fumuure, duty on; dctormmsmon of ,.. 31 duty on wood ..., , , 34 Calcaxicu Rive? and Bass, Ld., Chbind N'a¢1ZorMlFore•¢, Mont., appropriation for xmprovcment of mouth, aggmwntioninrt maintenance, cbc., oi. 425, 1?A7 Odd etc ... 647· , ‘ ood; . um, . duo, on ¤ov}odboQrds,etc..L ,., s. Y 33 duty and alloys. . ... 29

 logs mughcrh0wnon1y...;.. 81 Caldumcwumid, ·

Cable Cars, éostai Senficc, _ 011 f1'6&I1B¢ . . . .. . . 76 apprupmhon for mul uansportanon by 364, 1336 Calendars, _ _ _ substitution of wagon service author- duty 011, hthogmphxcully printed ..,. 62 ized . . 364, 1337 Caéfabins, _ Gable City Bridge Coma-u.cti¢m Compan , uty on, b00kb1IldGIB’ ... 68 changes allowed in bridging Argsnsas · tanned, or tanned and dressed . 68 River, Dsxdansllo, Ark, by  ;. . . 189 Calhoun, Guy ., Cable Corn. ua, may be appointed professor of mathematics, hold to ggrcommon carriers .. 545 Navy; rank, psy, etc , 352 charges to bs just and reasonable; if un- Calhoun, Tmn.,_ _ _ just., unlawful _,_,,,,...,,,,.,. .,,, 545 budge authorized across Hnwassoc Rxvor, classification of messages . ... 545 between Charleston and . 187 contracts with carriers for exchange of Calaformia, _ services allowed ... 546 ‘ appropriation for support, ctc., of In- Cables, diana ... Z. .: 273, 1062 duty on, hemp .. . ...,...,,,, 49 use of appropnatnons for Northern Inistle, Tamp1c0 fiber, atc ... 49 egisans to purchase lands for laudloss 2 3 Cables, Elecmb, n mus 7 authorized across Galveston Channel, Tex. 372 for surveyor-gqnsml, clerks, ctc .. 517, 1219 Cables, ¢¢c,, for naval tmxmng stauon 609, 1269 laying authorized across Mimimip i River, garbage crcmatpry, cbc . . . 1276 ’Morg's;_ns Point, Ark., to ¥lichm·d· deficxeggy Eppmgnatnon for rssurvoys in 22 son, cnn . 586 n 1 _ `ounty .. 2 Cables. Telegraph, etc., for naval siation .,,...,.,_, 1304 duty ou, composed of metal, rubber, etc . 24 to ninth ]ud1cial circuit. . 1131 Calmey, Parker, Onuxha Allotuc, E Calyornm Débm Commission, erroneous allotment to, canceled . 278 } apgropriation for expenses . 730, 1407 Camo ~ do ciencg spprofriation for .. 2Z) on {mg list, crude ,,,,__,,,,,...,., - ...,., 74 Califonnh_ atwrm Forest, Cal., iibcr, leaves, and shells .. 2 . 74 sp roprmtion for maintenance, ctc., of. 425, 1247 Cache Natokmal Forest, Utah and Idaho, Calilpomw Northam J·udic1hlD1Zs¢rict, gggropristionkfor maintenance, etc., of. 425, 1247 addinpnsl judgqallowcd for  ; . 1%; C Ra ver Ar . commas composmg. ..,.. 1 xgpmpyijmiou for improvement of . - 651, 945 méms of court 11,27 0 0 Lake La, acrament,0 ... _ 9 spproprixitiomfor construction of dam at Cali/`omja Southern JHd1}}1hlD|:3t7‘iCl, foot of ... , 650 counncs composing nort.hom division . 1107 Caddo Lake, La. and Tex., southern division ... . ... 1107 - pmmnjunry examination to be made of, tcrmsof court ... . 1107 for lock, etc . .. . .. 955 San Diego .. . .. 589 88740°-vor. 36, rr 1—-11--96 —