Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1556

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INDEX. District of Cqlumb·1hj—Continued, P¤ee· Dalstrwbt of C'0lumbak1—·C0ntinued.. Pisseappmpmmn for ugdeg: of laws, etc., what- appropriation for widening of First Street mg to the Dxstnct. . .. 966 eagt _____________________,,______, 333 for pluchasibg officer; dutips ... 966 sale, etc., of land not needed for street motorcycles for elevator mspectors 967 urposeg ,,__,_._.. 383 bz;ildin§up<iir;?t.s mzgrtlge canceled and 967 sugifitution of land for flagstaffs on 38 E6 rc 11 ‘ COB 1 011s .. . p za ,,,_,,___,__,,,,,_.,.,,,,, 3 Annual leaves; regular annual em- for assessment and permit work .. 384, 975 pl0ye0¤;_ cxpcptm]1. I .. 967 for paving roadways 975 {or care of Dxsgixct Bmlding .. 375, 367 f deposit of collection? . ..,. 975 oramessofs 0 cc ... 375 68 or work on streets an B'VG11'l1%' sch · . temporary clerics] services .. ’ 968 ulqs ... J . 384, 975 ¥"' °‘m,,.°“°;.1b°é.‘£u0ard ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ §Z§i3£§ ‘°q°iL‘iHi"‘i§’“ E£'°°‘“ "°"°d me g"“`“§84 976 or pe - . . . 1 uc , e .., , go! coggzztofs giilice .. { limit for . . . -*2121384, 976 or au 1 or’s 0 ce ... or paving ar 0 pace m vpn for co ration c01mscl`p offnce 376; 969 to Eighth Streets ,. . 384 _ for Bi! -flllld office. .  ; 376, 969 D Street NW., from Seventh to Eighth ` for coro:ner’s officc ... 377, 969 Streets 384 for market masters. ... .. 377, 969 for rep9iripgE Street NW., from Eleventh for superintendent of weights, measures, _ be Thqtceuth Streets .. ‘. .; . 976 and markets ... . ... 377, 970 for 1§nproving Eegentecuth Street NW ., 9 for engineerk office .,,,.,..,, . . . . 377 970 rom B 120 treats ... 76 for municipal architects office. .. 378; 971 for ccnncctin€v Belmont and Fifteenth for special assessment office .. 379, 971 Streets N ...-...--···--...-- 976 for gtreetpsweeping office ,..._ 379, 971 for gmding s§reet.s, Gfc . ... 385, 976 for bourdof exan1incrs,steum engineers . 379, 972 for coudm-:mn(;g1§ streets. etc; ... 385, 976 {oy automobile board _ ________,,, 379, 972 for county 1- s, constructron, ctc 385, 976 license tax on motor vehicles . . . . 379 part of U Street NW. to be known as for insurance department. . . . 379, { V€{D0l1 t .*2; ··-·---·-----.---· gun 1 rg rig r ° _ ,___,, , .. OI 1‘€p&11'S, B . 6 . . .. for suylzagycgg omg? _________,,,,... 379, 972 amount. for hpater method; contracts- . l 386 iu; 1;-eq public lib;-»,;·y_ , ,,_,_,,. . 380, 972 changes in wxdths of rcwways 386 for contingent expenses . - ... 380, 973 relocation of tmclgs Anacostaa and Porestrictzion 011 use of horseshctc . 381, 973 Rxver Railroad .. . ... 977 iK¤?ratg;>ns in reports fcgagglggu $81 for mdewaltlis andmcurbs, G0vemmen;87 978 UG or 6 insulmlce pro 1 ---- , r6S§W& ODS, 6 .·-- · . , sgb] uses _____________ _ _______ 381 973 MCMIUAH Park ... 978

 --·-·- i   ------------- gg}; gz; H aeqpeirs, county reeds ·-----------· 332;, 3;;

t · .------ I 0 dglis ·---···--··—·~·---·-~-·--— ,

gxllgirggrzi ____   ________,_, 381; 974 subway for Cexlar Street under Balm- ’

comnefs, etc., expenses ...· . - . 381, 974 m0Y€ and Obie mfcks -··-··--·----·— 387 inquests restricted ____________ _ _____ 974 for xmprovmiconnecung street bepweeu motor vehicle for engineer c0mmis· 381 gxteeuh Samet NW .,(`0lumb1u and 978 ¤i<>¤e* --·------------·------·-·- ‘ uq ee ¤ ----------------· _- · ui ‘ H , { - new h1 wa plan northwest, whomr&l1icl<2?]:ztc?ll. . . . . 381 ing Zgoologllcal Park; expenses .. 978 advertising ,..,_, , ,__,,_,,___ _ _,,,._ 381, 974 for brid ge a(:roealR0gk (pt, Q Sxreetd 979 euforci me and Hsh laws ... 382 974 con emnm an o wr cn, e c., _ forsuwe;§f§awger0us, abc., buildings. 382; 974 Street N \€’. {expenses .. 9 L 9 for erectwn of tablets to mark hrstoncaész 974 gor s<€we1;s,clcann;1:§, exc ggg, 3 ..., or¤rc·csc».··.m , c .. _ .. . .1 ..

 recorder of deeds. . ’ 974 horse-propelled st.rect,-wu.uh1ng machme , 389

for copies of wills, etc., to assessor 382, 974 authonty to take over cnntmct work; fer meter-vehicle ings ------»--·------ 382, 975 eqiiinmenh eie ---- 2 -·----·-·»·---· 980 for classifyin , etc., old records 3232 for rqmuving snpw argd xne ... 389, 980 for re airs of iuildings injured by fire. 382, 945 for dxsppsal of c1ty re use, corrtmcts. . . 389, 980 ' excqmnga of typewriters, etc., .per- 2 for sta lg, etc., street-cleaning depart- 980 witted ---·--------·»-.---·-------- 38 mer; -------- _- -; -·-»---- A ----·--··- for equipping sand and szmvel wharf;. 382, 975 fer Barking eemmissivn ·------. 383, 980 for beek ivpewriter fer surveycfs efhee. 382 fer iithirig beaeh ------~-.-·-·-·---... 38 ,980 recording by tvpewriters authorized. . 382 for public scales; deegjvells . 389, 981 transfer of Réservation 185 as prop- for playgrounds; from lxstncjt rcvenuesl 389, 981 €!‘(y yard ,__,_ , __., , , Z ____.,.,.,,,_ _ 383 c0¤dgum3()0D fg]- ultgmgr park In fer file eases, register of wiki -·---·---~. 3§f§ squsre 534. . . Z . I ...,... 981 for testing fireproof matenals ... _. I 383, 9: 0 for public convemence smtwns ... 390, 981 small purchsses without advemeieg __ for condemning insanitary buildings., a90,9s1 fo¤’ €0¤i~¤1€"¤ ---·-··-~···- _-  ; · - ·; — - 9;*} for electrical department 390, 981 fer making surveys of vid subdivislcnsiri - 9i 9 gm- gaming expenses ________________ 390, 952 fm' T0 e¤i¤*» €YC·~ W Hmrkets --···· · · · · 383, gz? sézaemeut; of arc·lighting contract 982 fur adlzlition to cement warehouse ..-·.· 9i 7 fé’1.0l€c¤.ic]· ming _ 391 fol' purchase of construction, etrn. ma- 9__ Union Smlgou Pléé ```` 391 {arial —--·-·-·---·--···--····· · ····· L? dditi 1mlHr‘e·z1l:u‘1;ri);)x€S 391 for apparatus for asphalt imspeewr .--.-. 9· 0 ivaqhigl ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘` { _ . . · · ~ _ gton Aqueduct . 391 982 f"’ $§‘i§$i§§°‘??__*?T?‘T‘?_ ?f€"?‘i’ii·‘;?; . Elf?} zss for fiiiwien pliim --------··--·»--·»·· 392; eee