Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1557

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1XX1V INDEX. Dzktrict of Columb1b—C0nti1lued. P¤z¢· District of Cqlumbia-—Cqnl;inued. Pimappropriatiou for coagulant plant .. 392 approprlation for acqumng Montrose Park. 1005 gr water meters for GOVGIDIDGDZ Printing for water department ... 412, 1006 OEce, etc ___,,,,______,____,, _ ____ 392 employment of temporary dmftemen, for ging gucigg ________________ _ ______ 392, 983 etc., 011 BBWQIS, BUQGTB, GV}. .-·. 413, 1007 for Mc]liE11an Park, grounds 983 Ia.b0l‘€1'S Bhd I11€€h3¤10¤ ·-····---· · 413, 1007 for Washington A ueduct, lining ... 983 horses, wagons, etc 413, 1007 for survey, etc., qPatuxent Bliver as a water deélartment temporary employ- source of water supply . 983 ees, la orers, etc. ._ .. t . . 414, 1008 for remodelin Geo etown reservoir 983 employees to be pald from mlscellafor repairs to 5$.b1l1!§0hI1 Bridge 983 neous trust-fund deposlts ... 414, 1008 for Rock Creek Park .. · ... 392, 983 limit of requisitions from Treasury. 415, 1008 for Public schools ________,_,____,,,__ 392, 983 lighting contracts; maximum rates 1008 for mstruction of deaf-mute persons- . - 398, 989 transfer of apparatus, etc., from Sugfrcolored deaf mutbg ,______,_,.,, , __ _ 398, 989 intendent; of Capitol, etc., to 0 er for iIlBt!'\lClZl0I1 of indigent blind chil- officcs or the District ... 1011 dren __,,, , __,,,,,__,,,,_..,. 399, 989 for court of appeals .. 529, 1233 for police department ,_,_,_,,,..__ 399, 990 for supreme court .. : 529, 1233 enforcing child-labor law ... 39Q, 990 for storehouse for naval mihtia. . 717 National Bureau of Criminal Identi- for site, etc., for fountain in McMillan jcation ,,,,,,.,,,.,._,,... - . ..,.. 399, 990 Park . . 717 for fire department ,,,,,,,__,... , , , 400, 991 for Zoological Park .. 719, 1396 restriction 011 absences from District- . 992 for burial of indigent soldiers, etc., at Arinvestjgatiou for high-pressure system. 992 lington , ... . . Z23, 1400 for health department .. . . 401, 992 for improvement and care of public for court of appeals reports ... 403, 994 bmldmgs and grounds . . 725, 1402 for probation officers ... 994 for destltute patients, Providence Hos- V for ]\1V8]1i1€ court 403, 994 p1t8.1_ 731, 1407 moneys for abandoned families, etc... 403 for dGBDFl1t»8 patients, etc., Garfield for licecourt .. . . .·- - 403, 995 Hosdpttal 731, 1408 forlillrlacywritls . . 404, 905 for Chil I'€I1’B Hospital, additions, etc. 731, 1408 for municipal court 404, 905 for courthouse repairs ... 747, 1423 for interest and sinking fund .. 404, 995 for National Training School for Boys, for emergency fund J .. 404, 996 buildings ... 747, ·1423 for support of convicts out of the Dis- for investigating titletolandsin. 749 trlct 405, 996 for fees, United States district attorfor courthouse em loyees . . ... 405, 996 ney ... . 750, 1426 ' for court of appeal; building .. 405, 996 office expenses restricted .. 1426 for jail ... . . 405 for city post-ofiice building ...,. 1384 for jail prisoners, etc . . . . 996 deficiency appropriation for care, etc., of for expenses, supreme court . 405, 996 chlldren ...,.,..,_,.,,,, _ _,,,____, 122 for Board of Charities .. 405, 997 for water main to National Training for reformatories and correctional iusti- School for Bo s ,,________ _ ____,____ 122 tutions . . 406, 997 for rtable schoollhouseg ,_,_____________ 122 for medical charities . 407, 999 for ggtioual Training School for Boys 125, acceptance of voluntary medical serv- 786, 800, 1298 icc authorized .. . . - 409 for println buildin regulations ,,._..., 208 for care of children, etc .. 409, 1000 issue ang sale aulionzgd ______ _ ______ 208 for temporary homes, etc ... 410, 1001 fort writing public—schoo1 yrolls. .. 208 acceptance of Ni%ht Lodging House by 1001 for lxfustrial Home School lj; Colored for suiliport, etc., o insane .. 410, 1002 Children ...,.,. . 209, 1298 for re of of the poor . 411, 1002 for judgments against ,___________ 2097 787, 1299 for tmnsglormtion of paupers ... 411, 1002 for support of prisoners _______ _ _ _ _ 209, 2237 733 expeu itures for reformatory, etc,, for supreme court expenses .. 209, 788, 1299 within ten miles of Mount Vemou, for support of convicts 223, 788, 811, 814 prohibited; exception . . 1002 for cor0uer’s office 782, 783, 1296 for workhouse . . 1002 for plumbing regulations ,______________ _ 782 delivery of jail prisoners to workhouse 1002 for postage ...,..,,.,,,,, 782, 1296 work to be performed by them .,.. 1002 for judicial expenses _____________ _ _ _ 782 1296 jurisdiction of Commissioners over _ for advertising ... . .. 7 83; 1296 pnsoners . . 1003 for damages ...,..,.._,..,,,,.., 783 authority over jail and prisoners trans- for printing police regulations .. 783 _ ferred to Commissioners 1003 for repairs county roads .,... 783 yall and asylum combined as Washing- for improving Nichols Avenue SE .. 783 17011 Asylum and Jail .. 1003 for condemnation expenses ..,.. 783 superintendent to be appointed; for- for assewment and permit work .. 783, 12% lI}f:l' 0HlC€·S ilbcllshéd . 1003 for extension Of cm-gain Streets and dunes; bond requlred .. 1003 avenues, wholly from District revcommitments hereafter ..., _ , , 1003 emlgg_ _________________ _ _______ 783 1297 supreme court, D, C., powers over jail for Piney Branch parkway ,,__,_,..,... , 784 tmrlsferred to Commlssiouegsz ._ . 1003 for purchase of lands, Government resersale of workhouse products; dlwsion of vgmlms ______________ _ __________ 784 1297 ~ receipts ... . ... 1004 for sewers . , .., 784 fo!' militia €Xp0D8€8 . 41}, 1004 for electrical dgpgytmgnt _____ _ _______ _ _ 784 for extengiqu of water mains _,,...,__ 412, 1005 for lghting _________ _ _ _____ _ __________, , 784 f·>rA¤¤¤<>¤¤¤ Rlver FM -·--------·--... 1005 for \ eslem High School Building ..,_., 785