Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1599

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cxvi INDEX. 1m1nm—oontmued. · Pm Ink, P°€°· lease between Senecas of New York and duty 011. ··--·--·--···---- · ·-··-··--·--· 14 I Edward Bolard, ratified ... 927 I p0Wd£l‘Sb' ---.··--··- · ----·-·----·-·· - · 14 nd·ta` ns, American, nquests,_ . ., _ appropriation for ethnological researches 395 I restrictrondop hoId1n;g_ . . .--.-. 974 ____________________________ 1 n mes an nves zga wns, cna e, Indians Enmjiigona, . gpépropriation for errpenses of .. 473, 1175 - deficiency appropriationfor prosecuting 7 5224 I deiicieincy approprratron for . . . . . . . 217, 879 22 , 1 27 nsane lens, Indians, Imam, excluded admission- .. - . 263 appropriation for asylum for, at Canton, Insane Asylum, D. C. (see Govemment Hos- S. Dak. - . . .. 284, 1072 I lprtgl for Insane, D. (L). I7I»d’Lg· ent Soldiers etc.,D. ., nsane, . ., _ · appropriation , for burial at Arlington, appronriation for expenses executmgw 995 etc 723 1400 unacy writs deficiency appropriation for burial of . , 220 for support of indigent .. 410, 1002 Indigo, for deporting indigent nonresident!. 410, 1002 duty on, carmined . . - 14 advances authonzed . . ... 411 extracts or pastes .. 14 Insane Persons, Alaska, on free list ... 76 appropriation for care, etc . 744, 1420 Ingurated Fiber Ware, 6 detention ll:Sospi3a§ for, authorized at Farr- 852 uty on. ... 7 an an ome .. Industnhl Ho¤nw£S'<}zool, D. C., I appropriation for construction; contracts. 852 appropriation or expenses 410 1001 nsectzbide Act, 1910, deiliciency appropriation for maintenance. . I 1298 appropriation for expenses of enforcing. . . 1264 Indu.·:triul Izmne School for Colored Children, de ciepcy appropriation for expenses, en- D. . orcing . . . 1312 appropriatioir for expenses 409, 1000 manufacture of adulterated or misbranded d ciennyappropriationformaintenance 209, 1298 argicles unlawful. . 331 for fue 209 punis ment for .. . . 331 Industria; Property,fInternatianol Union for introduction in gnltegtiate or foreign comrotectwn 0 merce pro i i ,...,, . 331 deficiency appropvriation for expenses of punishment for shipping .,,_,.,. , , , _ 331 I meetintguatt ashington, D. . 119, 775, 1290 for delivering .,.,_,_____,___ 331 ndustries, Pro iu, for selling - . 331 oflicials to correctly answer census in- 9 manufagigrére for export on order not inquiries ... . ... c u . ...,., 331 pnrinislunient {gr iailureéd . 9 regulation; for exainination, etc., to be orma on e us on y or sta — ma e .,..._.. . .,._ 331 I tics!} rgsigiftipn on publiriagzgn. .:1.. 9 examination by Department of Agricultry an a , ntemalzona pontwn ture ..._,,.,.. 332 of, _ _ _ _ _ hearings if found adulterated, etc .. - 332 appmpéxatronl fpr participating rn, at 345 pubhggtron of judgment .. . .. 332 ui-m,_ tay ... proce ings .. . . 332 Information Dlnanlatpné I)¢pm·t1mnt of (,‘om.— deinrgion of insecticides- .,.,,__,_,,_ 332 merce a ra or, o ams green . 332 ufzppriqgirizgon frgvoahief, cgerks, etc .. 527,1230 0; gawd areéenate ... . 332 nga , " rmy m or , o uugici e- . - 332

gpr(Eprita;1§Inforrep';I1s_. .. articles degznied adulterated . . ... 332

ns er avy an 01‘1ze ... . , , -. mis mn ...,_ , ..,,.__,,.,,,,,, 333 Ingozs, _ protection of dealer by guaranty of manuuty ou, mckel .. < .. 31 tacturer, wholesaler, etc . . - 334 steel . . . . .. 23 conditions requisite _,_________ _ _______ 334 coggod -··--... . ..·..- _ -...·-. 23 I serzpre of adulterated, etc., articles _______ 334 fcggeaxggpy wheels and tuelsg . -£ . Q1 . 29 I disposition ii condemned _____ _ ________ 334 on _ Copper, unmau ac ur , not ; return to owner; o dif _ ______ _ _ _ _ 334 specially provided for- . ... 74 I examination of wtioloogldipoggd _________ _ 334 I Plaliglumi; ·----·-»—--~·------·------- 78 admivsionhgfused if adulterated or mis. nllmm WW » mu _ .,____ 334 dug onitreble ----·---------------------. return to owner or consigrioo; condi- 0-p Y ·-----·.-.. . oo , tions ...______ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ 334 Iajwwtivn-v, 2 a lic rio re 1 od_ ____ jruisdiction of cirepit iouréts of appeals in tiiilia. .a. . fl f). I . . . . I _ p1‘0C€€dmgB 01*, _ 1811*101; Courts. . 1134 in effect Jann , 1, 19]] ______ _ __________ 335 provisions for, under Judicial Code . ,1162 I Insects (see also xomologv Bureau, Departrestnctronanp grgntrng interlocutory, based I ment of Aodcujtige), on eve unconstitutionalrty of a . duty on dried. ,,_________ _ ___________ 13 _ Slialé hiv -··--·-------.--... 557, 1162 I on free list, crude dried, drugs, not Specially Injuries to Goremment Employees, 5 provided 50; ____________ _ _______ _ 75 appropriation for medical examinations on I eggs of ... . .. l · 75 account of . 526 1228 _ Inserti , ````` settlemenltkiwf claims of Isthmian Canal im') I dutyzlgfi, cotgl, gu, etc_ _______________ _ 50 Gm YES--: ------·-- - -----·-·--.» oi. co ton, sx etc., mad L » Imwwv Iarmwzw- I Gothrougb m»·—m¤e.°. I1. .‘?TfT.f’T so restriction on grant1ni;, based on alleged silk. . .,,, , _,___________ _ ______ _ 60 unconstrtutiona ity of State laws. 557,1162 I woolen .,,,,,,._ _ _______________ 54