Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1601

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cxviii _ INDEX. Interim- Departmmt—C0ntiuued. _ _ Pag°· Inwriot D€P¤"tm!”i·iCQ¤ti¤u€d· , agi;} appropriation for Senate Office Bmlding . . 738 dei1c1g:ncy appr0pr1at10x1 for pensmns. 1310, 1323

  • m§;·rgi*;g?1aPit01g’°lmdS ········ $§§·%ii}i -§3§t§?§§§§§?i;ga‘¤;$¢e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1323

f l' n ...-- - - - - . . ················· fg; ggantfoged inilitary reservations. . 742; 1417 for Howard Up1vers1ty . ... 1323 for Bureau of Mines .. . 742, 1418 for education 111 Alaska . _ 132?z for Geological Su_]··vgy_ ______________ 7437 1417 for abandoned mi1it3r¥{ )*gg€]·vt3,t]()H5__._ _ _ for Indian Department. . 269, 744, 1058 Bureau of Mines estab 1Sh€d 111; offimals for expenses of disbarment pr¤ceed— and functi<>ns_ . _ -... 369 ings 744, 1419 chief clerk to be cluef executive 0iHcer of ; 1213 S C t t __________ _ 744 1419 duties ... I . ' ig? lalggcfglis t»?)l§l{1(£iZE)§;.(?mC8fS- .,., ’ 1419 investigation by Pjoint Congyesmonal comfor cam Og insane, Alaska ___,_.. 744,1420 I!11ttf%8_Of oresp Semcq angi -.-. , . 871 for education in Alaska, _____________ 744, 1420 13353 Of bu;]dt;;%)f()r C]v1]fSgI·vfg O]é[i]ml§— 795 { · d { A] k ______________ 744, 1420 sion an ureaus 0 aut _Ql'1Z€ fg; ;>€;·gLz§€;01$>fgaa;1;iin Alaska . 745, 1420 surveying public lands, 7 additional per for suppressing liquor t1`3.$C 3·H10Dg AIRS- dwm to SUYVGYOH for ····-·- · ···-·—- 890 kan natives ______________ _ ________ 1420 Internal and Forézgn Commerce, _ _ f f 1 arks ,,,,...,_,,.,... . _ . . 745 1420 appropriation oy experts etc. procurmg Ogggrggggtigh of San Francisco water ,1420 I lgcbs relative to ... 526, 1228 1 ____________________ _ ,_____,_ ntenw avenue Bisgllygi gtatcment required of receipts appropriation br Commissioner, deputies, and gxpgnditurgg of prim- year ,_,_,, 1421 clerks, etc . 491, 1193 for Govemmenic)Hc;spitgl %r I11§a;1c.£_t745, 1421 §0r ctlgemxsts, egg., cgguatmed alcohol. f (j] b' n um ns1u- OIB m agen G or t§,;g1?_ _ ga _? ______,_,, - ,,,_ 746, 1422 for salanlias, c0l.le}:t0rs, surveyors, ctc; rc- 1 {O1- Howard Uuivgrgity ________,_, 746, 1422 striction 494, 1196 { F1- gdm ’ H ‘t,a1_ ____ _ ,,____ 746 1423 for agents gaugcrs etc . . . . . 494 1196 fg; priixtingegnii b(;£l§11g of .. 768; 1446 for miscellaneous éxpeuses .. 494; 1196 for pensions 842, 1085 for expenses collecting corporation { dim De ment _____,.,... 269, 1058 tax 494 1197 deiggiegcy a6%p {;1;011 for new qumtcrs 123 for &]pssifying, ctc., returns of corpoxgli, 1197 f m c e it -.-... mus --.-- - -·...·------. . for regairs, ctc., heating apparatus . . 123 restriction on inspection of returns. 494, 1197 for Capitol . 123, 212, 795, 889, £0r S0l1c1&or of . . . 5 22, 1224 { S tg Officg Building .. or pa er or stamps, an freig t. 713, 1390 fg; pfogzcutiug fraudulent Mexican Kick- for refgpding collections 713, 1390 gpm Indian allotments. ... 123 for pumshing violations of, laws . 713, 1390 for Geological Survey .. 124, detailed statement of expenditures- 713, 1390 212, 222, 795, 811, 890, 1309, degnil for enforcing laws relating to { ub1'c12u1ds - , apartment 713 1390 or P I 222, 226, 796, 810, 814, 1307, 1323, 1326 deficiency appmpriatiou for corporation- , for Indian Department -·...------ .. . 124. tax expenses ---------.··- --- 120,7}%,1291 212, 222, 226, 797, 811, 814, 1309, 1323, 1326 for refund of stamps 011 export mamfor House Office Building ·. f fem 1 .21 . E ... fh .. 219,809 fo1' i(`€ Pmnt ··----·- · -------~-- - ·-·--·-- ~ ~ 0i' 'piylng lu gm9¤ ¤g9·i¤€t 0 CWB for completing filing systcxp .. . . 212 of  :. . .: 219, 225, 809, 1321, 1326 for pgyjng Court ofCla.1ms]udgI1lGHtS 11::18 807 for refunding illegally collected, taxes, _ 219, er . ..., - 1292, 1321 gor special inspectors .. 2gg2§g6g§ég im p§1nishi;gg viglagous of, laws. .é. . 219,1321 0 co tin nt ex uses . , or r em mn o s m 19 225 1321 fo; Br$·ea§(:>f Edggation 222; 1323 for paper ger stamps, 0%): , 777; 1292 for reindeer in Alaska 222, 810 for refund of taxes; reissue of drafts for. . 778 §§i ‘2‘im"“;"“£§2§;‘“‘ M ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Eg? HZ? “§‘?§§¥y%2‘gg°5€; ‘”‘€,;,;I;(;;;.;4.;I;:t;.; ;;; 12**1 for hotolghographing, Patent Offxce. . . 226 turns . , I, ... 1291 for gamut Office ...1 . . 795, 810 agents to examine books, etc., for assess. for Columbia Institution for Deaf and ment of corporation tm; ,,,_____ 115 Dumb ... Z .. 796, {309 alcohol O1' high-proof spirits may be wig};- for Government Hospital for Insane . 496, drawn 111 tanks, etc., free of tax, for 1309, 1323 Government use ... 1014 for Freedme11’s Hospital and Howard 9 certified checks receivable in payment of, University 7 6 taxes . 965 for Mesa Verde National Pug}: .. 796 5 corporation excise tax rovisious . 112 for Lewis and Clark Exposition, Oreg- - . 810 [ distilled spirits, basis og capacity, of filtrafor contingent expenses; reimbursement 1305 I ti01raemtio¤ process mash ... . . - 590 for establishing Bureau of Mipcg . - . - 1305 ¥ period for iilling tubs; filtration-aeration for rent, Civil S€1'ViC€·COm.mlSSlOH, age.: 1305 I process added . . 590 for movipg ogice egqxpmeut, etc., CIVII ? fruit brandy ugade from artiiicial13{ sweet- Servjxce (JOHIIIHSSIOI} ... 130g i cngx} wma, qxempt from mtilledfor Pensmu Office, repaus . . ... ‘. 1300 spirits regulauons . . 1014 im {gygigsi tgpbuildiug . . Egg gcucm}:1 laws made applicable to corpora- 0r ’1 . i ton - `on-tax provimons. ... 117 for Pension Ogce . . 1306 pay of smrckeepers smrgk y for c§£ca.tioni etc., lands in Northam 1307 gaugcrs, érhile tmfgmgggggi C sm -·--·---·---··---·---- - ..·---··-···--..···.· 369