Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1650

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INDEX. clxvii New Mambo, Swte of—C0ntin ed. P . · . '““d“* i""g‘““‘ °“‘°°· °*°·· $0** ----~----- $4 ”€“;p%2’;fi§i%3%; r{x¤1§§$Oa2°mued‘· 1 · P°g°` €¤foN§€}¤€¤t of laws; rights of Same and for navy yard public ug£p°°1a www 708 clp%€uB.`.-·---`°""' ` ’ '‘‘ • fOr$3y0mcé'p€l11 g ·-.··'-.- c°m!;*§2°¤ tv Select grunted lands; Sur- 565 coiyzmctautliorized étcs Y · --______•_____-____--·.._--·__-. •f.••---·--`...••--—--··.-.. 7 Teprggglgsé Qgxiggntmued W State- · · · gg for bzggé gfficc annex and pier. . . . 166, iugiigigg gyizcrmtedm. ei{;s1%K;.‘e;r;ui;; 565 “”mg° ° 6 ‘éEi‘Li‘??..‘?T. f?°°“““"°“°“ °‘ 1378 _ _ _ Vm81'§&;cers;t;e , 565 { ``'`'`'``‘ " ]unsd;ction; dgtzrxpuatiou of peufiglsg fg; mp0stut,00f5?;1%)£j1%?g§s?t;;'r'e8' 'Bé appeals an wuts of error .. 565 for neumatic - tube system custom- ’ °u°°°°°1°“ of °°“““ ····--· - ···---··-·-· 566 lgouse and appmisery sw;-és 708 1385 mmfcr of Federal cams ·······-----—··· · 566 · for marine hospital recoustrucmigi · ’ 1373 °th?.c3s°S ·····- , ----··-· · ····-·----- 566 for_rent,, pension gégncy _____ _ _____ - 843 degglmgggtgfygggg §g€*;b%t6d ------. deiicneagy app:·3priatign in public works, trqnsfem to circuit court: of appeals; -- 567 for agsaV§y03£C€’a€i2q§§Pé{é£{: ``````` 182329 mute not before admissxon .. . . 567 from balance' of parting etc, Statue subsntuted for Territory in Federal fund ...,,.,, y __,_ I, _ _ 1292 °’?"’“ ···--; -·-·—----—·-----·--—- -- 567 fcrrpcnsionage c ,re t . Q-:;,,::i;; 1313 g;¤r·;gh1¤¤g of 1<zg¤¤1¤¤é¤r¢ ... . .. sev acceptance or ksnghiwumm, pncmuq ylsggtzgggon o Senators and Reprc- 567 tgobrgé customhouse to appmisers’ 20 , ·-···----- - -··--------·-- - s . ,,., _ _____,____ 1 0 Qmvp of State government , 567 ld N5 me th · d { d · 'lgemmrml lm. continued; Uma Sm g° °?6rLig°$ g0¤3“w§.“£€. . .?’¥{°?T?° °‘ 965 iawq ·-·-·-- · --·· _ —-~··- - .----·-·... V 567 Jamaica Bay improvements subject appropglalgon for elcctxon and convention 568 cixdoptiqn of gcncm.u>lan by citi 635 , ·····-— _ ·--- : ··--·-—-··--·- ID3 OSB certzf ° mm ll expendntures under dnrcctxon of Secretary y within .? . g X 866 _ oithe Interior ... . . 568 approval of Secretary bf War and Chief of gling buds reserved ____ _ _______________ _ 568 ¤ Eugi_nggy5,;, _______________ _______ 866 New Mexwo· Tea;a.9_Bou1u1ary Line (see Texas __ liability foriaamsges . .. 866 Nm Or New iffxrco Boundary Line). , nfgnrgasponsibility Uuit;e;11S(t£tfs ii: . . 867 _ ,_ . _ pre uumary examma on u appropriation ’ for amnstant trea.surer’s at, to be made. . ._.? 1} . . 674 ojiice ,__,,,.. . . 495, 1198 term of cigcuiy court of appgalp at . 1132 for m1¤¢_8t _ 497, 1200 terms of circuit court for cnmmal cases. , , 232 for public buildmg, post offme, and court- district court at J .. . 1119 _ h9u¤e . : 706, 1377 New Xork Eastern Judebial Dnktrm, hmxt qi cost increased . 678, 1377 dciicwncy approgriatiou for pay, additional for public works, naval station . 616 district ju §e . . 890 for eqmpping and jgutting immigm.t.ion . additional judge a luwed for ... 838, 1087 _ gmugu in (épergtnqu .,.,... 1441 counties composing . . 1119 acqumng mtzau ekémlding for subtreasury 694 terms of c<;urt;'éd . ... . (i . . 1119 at, authoriz . concurrcn ju iction wi wut ern ip- Port Eadg light-house depot transferred to. `536 trict over New York harbor waters, berm of cnrcuit court of appeals at . . . . 1133 _ etc I . . ._ ... : ... 1119 all agpellate proceedings from court at interch¤.1%e with pxdgcs of other districts,. 1120 capmont, Tex., to be heard at 1133 New York_ gzrbor, _ _ terms of district court at . 1113 approgrnatnon for nmmement of, mclud- New Orleans, La., Customs District, _ mg AmbroseC nel . Z- . . 635, 935 NBatIx;¤ Ragga made subport. of entry m 335 tgor enforcing anch0}·age mgulatgms m. 712, 13g9 ew iver, . C., or improvement 0 wowuuus ay. . 7 8 appropriation for improvement of; and for improvement of Ambrose Channel: . . 729 N R_ wattcjrrways to Beaufort ... 641, 938 for 1mpg·t<:*er1¤;c1xt qihwamrs connecting 936 ew wer, a, Ran {1 qy_w1_ _. . ._ ... dam authoriéed across, near Foster Falls, for preventing nnxjunousdeposxts m..- 736,14iYI Ya ,____ _ ____,_,,_,______ , ,,.,,___ 921 preliminary exammation of. to be made, Ivanhoe, Va _____,_,,________,, , ,,.,,_ 922 4 around Staten Island .. 953 New Rochelle, N. YZ, at navylyard ... _ .. _ . 953 appropriation for public building . 686, 1377 New Yqrk Arcrthenp Juduruzl Dutrwt, New Y ark, countnes compusmg. . 1119 deficiency appropriation for expenses, tegms of court . I .. : . 1119 raising volunteers, etc. - . 1 . 1321 m nprthem counties on appointment of assigned to second iudrcml circmt . I - . 1131 _ Judge. . 1 .. _ . , . ., .. 1119 to deposit contributive share improving interchange of ]ud§es 111 othqr d}st.r1ct.s 1120 Delaware River at mouth of the New York Squtherrg ud·u:»alD18tnct, Neversink .,..,__, 637 three gdduwnal Judges allowed for. . : . 1087 New York City, M counties composing . , 1119 appropriation for dnspatch agent .. 340, 1030 terms of coqrtz . ._ . ._ . _ ... _ . . . 1119 for transferring foreign mail from steam- concurrent yunsdxctwn with eastern dmmct ghipg ____ _ ____ , _,_,___, , _...,.,_ 364, 1337 I over Nqw York harbor watqs! gte, _ 1119 for assistant tre2.surer’s office 498, 1198 1I1t€l’ChDHg8W}(h gudges of gtl1er dmtncts. . 1120 for away 0Ece at,. . . 499, 1201 terms of cucmt; court for cnmmgl cases. , . 232