Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1676

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INDEX. _ cxciii Philippine Tarif of 1909--Continued. Philippine Tarij of 1909—Continued. ‘ Anmctss on mera us·r—continued. Anrrctss ON rams usr-continued. [Heavy-laced figures indicate paragraph.) Page. · [Heavy-raced ngures indicate paragraph.] Page. manufactures, native, exported without scones of ores . 306, 168 drawback and returned unchanged scrap metal, baser __,_____,_,.,. , __,., 306, 1,68 111 value; fegulatlvlls 347, 173 sculptures, specimens or casts of, for so- $:;‘.“'°".,.,.,,.=,,",:"""‘ ····················· 3% }23 ,,m.,,°‘°“°“~ °‘°’ ···················· 32% {Z3 materials ng §¤Aé{£r{é66il§`é£é.§`6r`§;ééée§‘i9’ 173 ¤eu1m§'§éié6¤§`Aili1"1i6{séibi&'kséct§,¥ ’ regu tions .. . . etc., con itions 8 171 medals, etc., received as prizes 328: 169 shoots, live ... 305; 168 models, not for practical use .. 313, 169 silkworm eggs and cocoons; conditions. 330, 170 moss, live...’., ... 305, 168 silver, bars, scrap, etc .. L .. 815, 169 mules; conditions . 332, 170 skms, raw, etc., not tanned . .. 316, 169 Muntz metal .. . . 306, 168 societies, scientific, etc., collections for. 841, 171 museums, public, scientific collections, stamps, collections of . 327, 169 _ etc., or ..,. 341, 171 statuary, etc., for societies, etc. . .. 384, 170 music inraised characters, for the blind. 326, 169 steel, ingots .. 306, 168 · newspapers, ...,.,._. 326, 169 submarme telegraph cables - .. 321, 169 nickel, pigs, etc ..,,, , ... 306, 168 supplies for foreign consulates; condiggkum ______, _ _ , ,__,,_,,,,,,_,,.,..,. 308, 169 tions . , . _ . .: ... 342, 172 onions ___,_, , ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,. 314, 169 text-books used in Plulrppme schools. - 326; 169 eyes, ,_____________,__, , _,___,_...,,. 306, 168 theatrical equipment, etc.; conditions-, 280:, ' {jugs 11, em ___,____ _ ____,,,.,,. 824 169 tin, scrap, ingots, etc ... . .. pad: glarisofor presentation to public is- ’ 1 0 tools of trade, e§., of settlers, not for nigga, 171 sm tj ___________________,,,, 85 7 etc.; con tions . . ... works hg? agtlllexpopted and reggrned tial.; 173 travelers’ dlicgrsehold effects, horses, etcéé; 171

ng, _ _ COI] ODS - . . . . . . . .

paper pulplgseriidlixtdreskl? .. i ... ¢1Y€¢1¤¤; limimdom ··-·· · C8lB.-. ·--·. ·.·· ··-··· — s ve-·-· ········· ···; ······ ····· personal) effects of residents dyiggyi 171 medals, etc., received as .. __________________ , ,,.,,. vac . . .. Philip;)`i]]0, dBt»C., VTIB, !€p$irs l§):£tc· · ki •é£(; - b to- . . . . , ¢_ -» ? · pts,.,Yp{?Z,r r,&,H?Zpp.m,s, em., me ’ · _ ;eg»;1a¤¤¤¤ . , . SM, ess. 168,173 pieties, schools, libraries, etc.; reggis 172 Phrlgggrge, etc., repairs made abroad 8 173 for inlggilldalsi ZZZZZZIZ] gg; pg wearinlgetapparel ¥;0§h11;%p1¤e_ residerigs ’ photographs, and y ..----------- · --·- • . "'mng » "’€“ ' ‘ { ‘ ‘ , tc, ur-poses. 329 169 tions .. : 344 172 £K{§',g“”“sv,;. YYY’iifT’]`7.Y°...’.i’ scsi ms mr, Wi!-‘111€<1 muy, ... ,._ . 311;169 pktinum, bars, scrap, etc ______ _ _____ 315, 169 work animals, bovine: c011dli10¤S .. 332, 170 .p0sw,.S’ 3dVc,.,_iHing_ _________ _ ________ 325, 169 works W pasntings, egg . . . 324, 169 - _ _ _____________ _ _______ 314 169 expo su return unchanged in

 etc., received ss- . . . 328; 169 value; regulations. . , .   . . 2 . .   847, 173

products, native, exper;} wrtclacgut draw- for rgrgseumuon to public inst1tut1or§§5 170 m ..•••••·. y $;ld{e;ai·]<;ulrrii;iI:>rri‘s. - 847, 173 for public rnuseumagalleries, etc. . . 841, 171 profemional instruments. etc., of settlergés 171 z1r;<;Ps§Ir;'pbpr;§;§ etc . . ... 800, 168 d'tions ...---·- - ···---·· · publiccdlgcdmenw, eto, of foreig¤ govern- ’ ¤b¤<¤~(1¤¢mp) --·----·-·-- · ·--····--··- 862, 174 ments. ..,. 327, 169 copra . ... 354, 174 pulp, paper . . ... gig, stpgar . . . . Y ls; d't . acco .. _ , .. , ... _ . , §L‘i?.l’§§?§5s“{,1Zg,2?£€,°F??-.F?f 1 TT?. egg; {gg me m£%p,$d,§m,,;2c1s topped duect ‘ ' , t . 3 _ _ nr .

 .°;i*1gf·;·m1ii§i§1:*9*; ‘°’¥ @***35.,, ,,3 P’;ZE§Z,? b‘£*&’ SéZi‘r’£%"r‘*#§¤£"£‘r?$'erCKLY2’$”Z’e7’a

m¤.1;`°ii§£(}i&" `ié EJéri¤Hé¤i6éd 'riiiup- ’ _ seismic sam Francis, Ark .._. m pine etc. vessels; proof 348, 173 Philosophwal Apparatus, etc., residents returning from abroad, wearing on {reel list, for colleges, etc., not for 78 ff i; P¤$¤· sa e _. 1 apparel an household c . (344 172 for temporary erdiibrtron, etc., not for reviewgegplggggigiéj I 2 Z I I Z I Z I I I ----- 326; 169 isle, §<>¤51i!»1<>¤¤ -----·---··-------·- 81 1 l ssel , rn for conditions.843 172 Philosop rea A ocwties, etc., zrriillgso cdrirmoicgl: ligimiion ---·-- 333; 170 on free 1¤¤¢, eppwqw, em, for -·---··-·-- 78 of my égmmemigl value ,____, , , ,,,, P ’ei;e_, or; hnui: __,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 74 .h lbook .. . .. hom , _ _., _ gghggls, scigntific collections, etc., for . . 171 apfpropnatior;) fofdlndum School ...,.,. 273, scientific books, apparatus. etc., lor socr- or public ur . itk, ié eties, schools, libraries, etc.; regul;16 172 constrtpttrogl e or cap- U i · I - l - · 570 for i§•i$dé§ié§`1i¤§1iZ`.'.`$ ZXZIIQ ais; 173 . nm: or cost increased, public building". 677 88’Z40°-vox. 36 rr 1-11--106