Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1713

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ccxxx IN DEX. Sagety Appliances cm Railroads-—Cominued. P¤z¢~ Sain; FranmLwil{e, I ll., _ Pageauling defective cars at risk of carrier 299 budge authouzed aero Wabash Rxver by 292 liability ford injuries to employees not 299 Sam George Iqlavrg, Alaska, t t_ 327 im im ___________________________ e a specm ovemmen xpserva non. . . UBC of limited to cars with live punishment for illegal lauding on, etc.. . 327 stock or perishable freight., ... 299 purchase of seal leases on, etc 328 moving <%:;;e§3ve cars except for repairs 299 SamtlGem·ge Sound, Fla., f to b _,___,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,. re unim:-ly cxaminatmn o e ma c penaluil , etc ... 299 P for cop-water harbor; 669 powers oylnterstatc Commerce Commission Saint Joe National Forest, Idaho, extended to enforce ...,, . .. 299 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of 1251 Safely Fuses, Saint John Rive]; S ·c;_uty on, notiomposed of cotton . . 66 bridge auégonzideo across, gan lguren, Mi, 904 a ety Lam iners’, to int nards, cw 1'llI1SW1C . on free ... .. . 77 Saint John River Cmnmwlsmkrn, _ Sajivwer, . deiiciency appro-griatiou for expenses of 203, 1290 on free list, and extract of . . .. 79 Saint John River, e., Safroflln, 1 79 1mmanufa.;:;1ured produge of forests ond on im; ...,.,. , t . itte 65% of .. 79 Z2'; for {LE 55,, ’ .. 9 1 S . 79 SaintfrJoh{•’s Bread or Bean, 79 ag ar , . ., 011 ee ist ... preliminary examination of, to be made. . 673 Saint Johns, Fla., Owstofms District, Sazsm 39 sm?;$»hm1$?dm1{Zfmnvmc ··········· ·· . . mn o m wer . Saginaw Igivgr, MM., . _ appropriation {pr i!!;]7IOV6IBBl1t of, from IS appmpmtnou for uuprovcment of .. 656, 1406 P Jackk;0nvfJ1;&a{toH0ceau; contracts. . 645, 941 @0 4 alan to . 941 q¤,frce list, crude, and Hour . . 79 for lighting ..,,,, ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,. 754 SMM Amws Awdvmy, Ardmvre, Ohh., light vessel authorized at mouth of 536 payment to, from funds of Chickasaw Na- prelimin4;r¥A;;axami1ia.tion of, to be madeu. 954 tion, bplance for tuition of Chicks- through kc Dexter, etc .. 670 Saint A saw chtgdrcu .. 282 ffrom Ja<iklx?3nvi11e tg Paagzjkgia. . 670

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appropriation for imgrovcment of harbor. . 631 0 C and-? . . . . ... . 954 Swim Andrews Bay, F ., Saint Jams River, Del., appropriation for improvement of ... 644, 1406 appropriation for improvement of . . . 638, 937 or nmpmvcment of channel from Apa.- Saint Joseph Bay, Fla., lachicola River to . . . 645, 941 preliminary examination of, to be made... 670 rpade subpcrt of entry ·..-.-..· - -· 1080 transferred from Pensacola customs dis- Smnt A1m’3 Infant Age; um, D. C., trict to Arxlgchicoh ___,, , ___,,_____ 897 S qpprgprintion feglgare of children in. . . 410, 1001 Sain; Joseph, M` ,, mnt ug·ust·im, . dff pnau" £0bugefm·'ts rglease of of End at Fort Mxicn to. . 1057 e cmgggszlggm t 1313 Sam} Charles, _0., barge for light—£¢;)11se depot, authorized 536 bnd authorized across Missouri River at. 600 may bridge Morrison Channel of the Saint Sain; Cvupty Wis., Joseph River .. 243 budge autbonzeé across Saint Croix River, preliminary examination to be made of _ between Washington County and. 235, 921 harbor ,,___________ _ ______________ 955 Sam; Crm}: Fully, Wis., Saint Joseph, Mo., bndge authorized across Saint Cyoix Rive: appropnation for improvement of Missouri _ between Taylors Falls, Mum., and. 263 I River at· contribution by city rc- Smnt Croix River, Me., qugmd__Z _____________ __ 661 nppropriationfor improvement of . . . . . 631 terms of court at . . . - l · - · - · 1117 negotmpon gdb ggeat Britain for coopem- Saint Joseph River, · • · - - · non, nec . . 631 b 'd h m'g0 hmm unmanufacturcd produce of forests on n gcoazqayog Mlgich.? . F 243 sswed, etc., m Canada, admitted dam authorized across , near Mottgriilc free for twyears , . .,,, 91 3 Mich .,, , ’ 904 Saint CrorixRi·vcr, is.andM·inn., { at Sturgis, Mich:;::.-no-U--lunU-H 893 appropriation for improvement of . . . 657, 947 Saint Leonards, New . · · · l I - i _ · l _ budge suthemzed across, between Saint bridge authorized across Saixit John River gg; and Washington C0uutiesé35 921 S _ IL tqW;:1gum1;:rMe., from ... 904

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betwgex} Ti§?sr¤\1~_;;.us, mam., and sm °',€Z’n‘§, “" “""“°° R‘""°“" "‘”” _ _ wlx ,_ YH} ---- - ······---·~·-· 263 b `d B ' S preglggmayy Zxzimmatnou Of, to be mae". 672 ’““’ LE...l?f1f.YY'?TZ.°T-??°“h°“t”’ ug am_ rmww, 1: . _ _ SaintLoru' B Lake»S permr' - UH.--U brxdge guthonzéd acrqss Samt Francm appmp1;;tig!r{,forligh1;mg chgmnels in · 754 · _ Rwer, between Fnsk and - . 179 Saint Louis Elecmk Bn? Gym 7,, ````` Sam: River,_.Ark. and M0., time extended for ridginléa i appmpmtnou for mpmvement of .. . 651, 945 River at Saint Louis M0 b PP 196 budge authorized across Fisk M0 .. 179 352 Sa~intLou' E pong ’ ’ " y °``` " mm Ark . ’ . ’ ,199 aeacing ax · ’· { ,,4.-,,, ,,1,, · prelimimiry examination of, to bs made., 669 at . .. if 223 ` A-.~ J