Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/3

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1V · LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. S*ra·r¤·m H—1910. Page. Bridge, River. An act to amend an actgatitleg "i3hn met to guggncggrgeacg t§_authori:§ theci 0Sam'tLouis,acorporationo ni uner e wso e_ o_ msouri, constriict a brid? across the River/’ approved January mnth, nineteen himdnd and nine. anunry 7, 1910 ..· . ..-- _ . 185 Bridge, Cumberland River. An act to authorize the Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky Railway to construct a bridge across the Cumberland River at or near the town of Gamesboro, Tennes· 185 see. January 26 191 .. . .. . ...-.--·-----·--·---·- · ··-·-·--····---- Bridge, Missouri Rover. l An act to extend the time for the completion of a bridge across the souri River at or near Yankton, South Dakota, by the Wmmpeg, Yankton and Gulf Railroad Company. January 26, 1910 ... _ .,.. , .. 186 United State; warn, cmd Ckulottg, N. C. An act to change the tunes for holding the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of the United tates at Greensboro and at Charlotte, in the westasm district of North Camlma. January 26, 1910  : ... 186 Biloxi, Min., lands. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to convey certam lands to the cig of Biloxi, Mimimippi, for street January 26, 1910 .. 186 Bridge, Bayou . An act to extend e time for Ashley Coimty, Arkansm, to construct a bridglaacross Bayou Bartholomew, at_a pomt pear Mogrelj. January 27, 1910 . 187 Bridge, Jlliuiasippi 'ver. An act to authorise the city of Minneapolis, m the State of Minnesota, to construct a bridge scrum the MIQEEEI River in said Jan 1910 .. 187 Bnklgu, Hiwaame River. An act to authorize ecotmtres of B Mc , Tennessee, by authority of their county courts, to construct a bridge across Hiwamee River at Charleston and Calhoun, in and counties. 27, 1910: ... : .. _ 187 Brilge, Hiuiu-ippi Riva. An act to authorise the city of Mgnneapohs, in the State of Minnesota, to construct a bridge across the Mimmppi River m said city. January 27, 1910. . : 187 Brilge, Rio Grands. An act authorizing the construction of a rmlmad bridge across the Bao Grande ~ River between Lared0k'ILexas,;nd guevo mo, Repubic of Mexico. Ianuaryn 27 , lm; ‘ 188

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a bridge acres the 1[onongahela River between Fayette and Greene counties, geunsylvania. 188 Jmuary 27, ‘ 10 . .. - ... Publ€ehnd¤,hme¤¤d.•d¤as. An actextendingthetimsforeerhninhcnxesteademtoestabhsh residence upon their lands. January 28, 1 10 . . 189 Bridge, RedRi·ver. An acttoautbo1izetheconstructionofabridgeacrostheRedBiverandw establish it as a post-mad. Januagy 28, 1910 189 Bridge, Arkansas River. All act glprovide for a change in the bridg authorized by an act entitled "An act to authorize the bding of a bridge at Dardanelle, kansas/’ approved September tbirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety. January 28, 1910 .. 189 Bridge, Bayou Bartholomew. An act to extend the time for Ashley County, Arkansas, to construct a bndge acmss Bayou Bartholomew, at Portland. January 28, 1910 .. 190 Bnklge, Bayou Bmrtholmnew. An act to extend the time for Ashley County, Arkansas, to construct a bridge across Bayou Bartholomeyv, at Wilmot. Januaig 28, 1910 190 B1-alge, Miznwippri River. act authorizing the town of Bass rook to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River, m Itasca County, Minnesota. January 28, 1910 .,_,,.,. 190 Reno, Okla., Masonic orphanage. An act to amend section twelve of an act entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of the lntenor to issue patents in fee to purchasers of Indian lands under any law now existing or hereafter enacted and for other purposes/’ approved May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, and ior other ur . January gl, 1910 190 Bnkige, Snake Rim-. An act to legalize a bri ge across the Snage Ever, between the States of Idaho and Oregon. February 3, 1910 . . . 191 Bridge, Kansas River. An act to extend the time for the commencement and completion of a milroad bridge across the Kansas River at or near Kansas City, Kansas, in the conmty of Wyandotte, State of Kansas. February_3, 1910 ... . 191 Bridge, Koaterun River. An act toauthonze Bonners Ferry Bridge Commission to construct s bridge across the Kootenai River 3,1; Banners Ferry, Idaho, February 3, 1910 ___ , _ ,,,_,.,,,_, 192 United States bands, gold paynum. An act prescribing certain provisions and conditions under wzlaich bonds andi‘c<;)rtificat•is glgidebtedness of the United States may be issued, and for 1 2 0 er purposes. e mary , .. . . . ..,...,,,_,,,,_______, 9 l1a1rre,t/;`1{ont.,l`Ea1lr:d dwlstriff, Igra act for the establishment of a new land district in the State of Monna. e mary o, ... , .., 192 Dea llzfngs, Iowq,_la%g17ice. An act to abolish the United States land office at Des Moines, Iowa. e ruary o, . . . 193 Bridge, Missalsnzgpi Rirer._ An act to legalize the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at Hill (,1ty, Aitlnn County, Minnesota. Feb 15, 1910 . 193 Brhige, Mississippi River. An act to authorize the city oi Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota, to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River in said cit . February 15, 1910. ..,.. 193 Om Hundred and Two River, Mo. An act to declare One Hundied and Two River in Missouri _ nomiavigable. February 15, 1910.: ..., , ..,,., . .,... 194 ltodawiiglghver, Mo. An act to declare Lodaway River in Missouri nonnavigable. February 15,

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Big Tarkio Rirer, Mo. An act to declare Big Tarkio River, in Holt, and Atchison counties, Mis-. souri, nonnavifgllge. February 15, 1910 ,,____ _ _,,__,__,,_,___,___,,,_,___,____,_,__ 194 Lake Miclngan, tglep . act ior_the establisnment oi telephone service between the lifesaving station at ;1`wo Rivers, Wisconsm, and the light-house at Twin River Point, Wisconsin. February la, 1910 _,,,.,_ . _,,,________________ y _______________ 194