Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/36

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12 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. Dutiable list. DUTIABLE ChSm;D¤;.§é.i;md Sonnnuus A.—CHEMICALS, Ons, Arm PAINTS. mfiisis- 1. Acms: Acetic or pyroligneous acid, not exceeding the specific gravity of one and fort -seven oneithousandths, three—fourths of one cent r pound; exceeding the specinc gravity of one and forty-seven one~thi>usandths, two cents per pound; acetic anhydnd, two and onehalf cents per pound; boracic acid,_three cents per pound; chromic acid, two cents per pound; citric acid, seven cents per pound; lactic acid, containing not over forty per centum by weig t o actual lactic acid, two cents r pound; containing over forty per centum by weight of actual laeiztic acid, three cents per pound; oxahc acid, two cents per pound; salicylic acid, five cents per lpgund ;_sulphur1c ac1d or oil of vitriol not specially provided for in_t section, one—fourth of·one cent per pound; tanmc ac1d or tannin, thirty-five cents per pound; gallic acid, eight cents per_ pound; tartaric acid, five cents per pound; all other acids not specially provided for in this section, twent —five r centum ad valorem. _ _ _ Alcoholic com- 2. Xlcoholig compoimds, including all art1cles consisting of vegep°`md°‘ table, animal or mineral objects immersed or placed in, onsaturated with, alcohol, not specially provided for in this section, Sl.Xty· cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valprem. _ A11¤¤·1i¤=. ew 3. Alkalies, alkaloids, distilled oils, essential oils, expressed oils, rendered oils, and all combinations of the foregoing, and all chem1cal compounds, mixtures and salts, and all greases, not specially provided for in this section, twent?-five per centum ad valorem; chemical compounds, mixtures an salts containing alcohol or_ in the pre aration of which alcohol is used, and not specially provided for in tliiis section, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall any of the foregoing pay less than twenty-fivelper centum ad valorem. 4. Alumina, hydrate of, or refined auxite, containing not more than sixty-four per centum of alumina, four—tenths of one cent per pound; containing more than sixty-four per centum of alumina, six-tenths of one cent per ound. Alum, alum cake, patent alum, sulphate of alumina, and aliiiminous cake, containing not more than fifteen per centum of alumina and more than three·tenths of one per centum of iron oxide, one··fourth of one cent per pound; alum, alum cake, patent alum, sulphate of alumina, anc aluminous cake, containing more than fifteen per centum of alumina, or not more than three~tenths og one per centum of iron oxide, three~eighths of one cent er ounr . 5. Iiimiionia, carbonate of, one and one-half cents per pound; muriate of, or sal ammoniac, three—fourths of one cent per pound; liquid anh ·drous, five cents per pound. - 6. Argols or crude tartar or wine lees crude, five per centum ad valorem; tartars and lees crystals, or partl refined ar ols, containing not more than ninety per centum of liitartrate ofgpotash, and tartrate of soda or potassa, or Rochelle salts, three cents per pound; containing more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of potash, four cents per pound; cream o tartar and patent tartar, live cents er poun . P 7. Blacking of all kinds, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; all creams and preparations for cleaning or polishing boots and shoes, twentv-five per centum ad valorem. 8. §3leaching powder, or chloride of lime, one-fifth of one cent per oun . P 9. Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper, one—fourth of one cent per pound.