Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/5

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vi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. · Pace. ridge' olwmbia River and Cclib Canal. An act to authorize the Oregon Trunk Railway of the B hgte of Washington to construct a bridge acrom the Columbia RIVER and Cehlo Canal. 230 2 1910 _ _____ ,, __,,_,,,,__,,_,,,____,,,,,,,,,,________ _ _,_____________________,, Bridge, Tug Feirk, Big S River. An act to authorize Thomas J. Ewing, George B. Patton, Otto B , Williamand Milton E. Foster to construct a bridge across the Tug Fork of the _ y River. March 2, 1910 . .: .. Z ,. _ .. 230 Tranny umanto, An act two hundred and forty-su and two hundred and forty-seven, Revised Statutes. _ h 2, 1910 . .. _ _ ... 23 1 District of Columbia, City and Suburban Railway. An act to(£rov1de for the extension of the underground system of the Citi gndgggburban Railway mpany on North Oapwol street, and 231 ‘ or other urpcws. . ..---..-- _ _ ... Z. ; . , District of Colwynbia, Belmont road and Waterside drive. An act to acquire land in the vicimty of the Connecticut Avenue Briggs for the extension of certain streets. March 2, 1910 . 1 . . 232 Distrkt of Columbia, Twmtydlird a R stmgta. An act to authorize the extension of Twenty-third and R streets southeast, in the District of Columbia. March 2, 1910. .: _ ...,.. 2 32 United Slater courts, New York noulhem distract. An act to amend in part section six hundred and Bit -eight of the Revised_Statutes. March 3, 1910..._ ... _ ... , . 232 Bridger, Bay, Choctawhalchee, and Apahdncola nvm. act. to authorize the Isoursville aud Nashville Railroad Comgny to reconstruct, mamtam, and ope1ate_1ts railway bridges across the Escambia Bay, octawhatchee River, and Apalaclucola River, m the State of Flofidl. March 5, 1910 . ... . .. I .. , 233 Uadtal States courts, Arlmuus western act to section two of an act entitled "An acttoregulatethepmcticeincerhmuvimdcrimmalcasesmthewesterndistrictof Arkansas? March 5, 1910 ... ; .. _ ... 2 33 Tormaguduea. An act concerning tonnage duties on vessels entering otherwise than by sea. 234 ch 8 1910 . . ... . ·-·...·...--·· Smmérs "A. .Wol·v·in" and "Cambria."An act m authorize the change of name o£_the steamers A. B. Wolvig and Cambria, ownediby the Port Huron and Duluth Steamship Company. 234 Much 8 191 . . . . .. . .·..- Army, article: hf war. An act to modify the one hundred and twenty-second and one hundred and twemz-iourtli articles of war, and to repeal the one hundred and twenty-third article ~1ge°fs`m`0r»¤Rh8’19ii‘iiQ ‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘’‘‘ ts; we ·‘‘‘‘‘ · ·‘·‘ ‘······ tx ‘··· " 23* B' aintiver, rmi' e iscommsn 'way mpany cons c

 and mw a     scrum the Saint Croix River between the States iii

Mwmssd `s·°*·· “"$,*1z2·3;’1°· ····-··---··--· s ·-·-·· S ····- ··-· 235 R' o ot 'na eaervatimm, r. nactgran' imto e ot prings treet way 19 goiigany, itspsiiciessors and assigns, the right to 1T.a§11tain and operate its electric railway along the southern border of that portion of the Hot Sprir§; Reservation, in the State of Arkansas, known as the Whittington Lake Reserve Park. rch 12, 1910 235 Alter road, Detroit, Mich. An act to authorize the transfer of the government highway, known as the Alter road, to the city of Detroit, Michigan. March 12, 1910 235 Cave Hill National Cemetery, Ky. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to effect an exchan e of a certain parcel of land owned by the United States for another rcel owned by the gave Hill Cemetery Company, of Louisville, Kentucky. March 12, lg;) . . . ,.. 236 New Mesvko judges. An act authorizing the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court of the Territory of New Mexico to assign the said judges to the several judicial dis- · tricts of the Territory. March 12 1910 . . ..,. . ..,. 237 Public lands, Johnson County, Wyo. hn act providing for the sale to Johnson County, in the State of W oming, of certain lands, March 15, 1 10 .. , . 237 Pubhb lands, wah under Carey act. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to make temgmrary withdrawals of public lands for certain purposes. March 15, 1910 237 Public lands, Va district, Oreg. An act authorizing the creation of an additional land district in the State of Oregon, to e known as the "Vale land district." March 15, 1910 238 District of Columbia, square 328. An act to facilitate the use for manufacturing pu of square numbered three hundred and twenty-eight in the city of Washinritgii, as auihorized in the Act of Congress of February first, nineteen hundred and seven. ch 23, 1910 .. 238 District of Columbia, Masonic Temple Assocehtibn. An act to amend an act to incorporate the Masonic Temple Association of the District of Columbia. March 23, 1910 239 Brndge, Missouri River. An act to authorize the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railwa Comgany to construct and maintain a bridge across the Missouri River in the neighborlirood of ible , Missouri, and to remove the existin structure. March 23, 1910 ... . .. 239 Dihtnkt o{ tzolumlnh, _Woodk%_ptace. An act to cga e the name of Twenty-third street north of _ Ca vert street, m the istrict of Columbia, toI§oodley place, March 237 1910 ____________ 240 Dtemct of Columbia, Forty-first street. An act to authorize the extension of Forty-first street north- West. March 23, 1910 ,,,,.______ , ,,,____ _ _____ , _______ _ ______ _ ____ 240 District of Cotumbeh, Jeferson street. An act to direct that Jefferson street northwest between Fourteenth street and Colorado avenue be stricken from the plan of the permanent system _ of highways for the District of Columbia. March 23, 1910 ... . 240 District of -olumMa, highways phm. An act to authorize certain changes in the permanent system 0f h` hways plan, District of Columbia, March 23, 1910 ..,_,_____,..,._,___,,_,,______, 24] Surety bang, corporation. An act to amend an act approved August thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, entitled "An act relative to recognizances, stipulations, bonds, and undertakingg, and to allow certain corporations to be accepted as surety thereon." March 23 1910 241 Dtstnct of Columbia, _Columbna road. An act to authorize the extension of Columbia road northwest, in the District of Columbia_ March 23, 1910 _,___,,,,,,,___,,, , ,_,_,__,,,,,_,__ , _ _ 242