Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/552

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528 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 297. 1910. two messenger boys, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; three messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; elevator boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; chief mechanician, one thousand eight hundred dollars; mechanician, one thousand five hundred dollars; mechanician, one thousand four hundred dollars; two mechanicians, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two ·mechanicians, at one thousand dollars each; mechanician, mne hundred dollars; three watchmen; skilled woodworker, one thousand dollars; skilled woodworker, eight hundred and forty dollars; three skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twentyc dollars each; draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; pac er and shipper, eight hundred and forty dollars; messenger; egmeer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, ht one thousand two hundred dollars each; assistant engineer, oneitbousand dollars; assistant engineer, nine hundred dollars; three Bremen; glass blower, one thousand two hundred dollars; electricié, one thousand two hun- · dred dollars; electrician, nine hundred dollars; four laborers; two janitors, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; janitor, six hundred dollars; two female laborers, at t ree hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, two hundred and one thousand four hundred, and forty dollars. _ Appmumeoe. For ap aratus, machinery, tools, and appliances used in connection with the buildings or with the work of the ureau, laboratory supplies, materials and supplies used in the construction of apparatus, machinery, or other appliances; piping, wiring, and construction incident to the installation of Eparatus, machinery, or agpliances; furniture tizfnlaboratories and offices, cases for apparatus, orty-five thousand ars. ‘ Remus. d {or repairs and necessary alterations to buildings, one_ thousand o ars. wwellsnwm For fuel for heat, light, and power; office expenses, stationery, books and periodicals (subscriptions to periodica s may be paid in advance); traveling expenses; expenses of the visiting committee; expenses of attendance of American member at the meeting of the International Committee of Weights and Measures; traveling expenses of two delegates to the International Committee on Electrical Units and Standards, one of whom shall be an officer or employee of the Bureau of Standards; and contingencies of all kinds, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. ¤°•'*¤·'•”¤·°'°· For grading, construction of roads and walks, piping grounds for water supply, lamps, wiring for lighting purposes, and other expenses grggdent to the improvement and care of grounds, three thousand . dollars. Electric ¤¤rr¤¤¤. For investi ating the effects of electric currents u n as and water ,,,f'§,Y,Q°§§{'§°.§i°°°°°°” pipes, and upgm the reenforced foundations of buildihgs? bridges, and ot er structures, and for determining methods of discovering and pre- Seating the destructive effects of such currents, fifteen thousand o ars. <¤¤¤¢i¤z¤¤¢¤¤1><=¤¤es Corrnnonrrr nxrnnsns, DEPARTMENT or Commmzcn Arm Larson: For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices and bureaus of the department, for which appropriations for contingent and miscellaneous expenses are not specifically made, including the purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars), stationery, furniture and repairs to the same, carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, sogp, sponges, fuel, lighting and heating; for the urchase, exchange, an_ care o horses and vehicles, to be used only fdr official purposes; frerght and express charges, postage to foreign countries, telegraph and teleplhone service, typewriters, and adding machines, including their exc ange; repairs to the building occupied by the offices of the