Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/664

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640 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 19lO. with the regort submitted in House Document Numbered Five hunhmm I rt dri}; and ii yiéme, Sgxlty-first Corégreiss, second iession. C ° °°N°"P° provin orfo arbor an the ap roac es thereto, and the Nei"' m` channel to léewport News, with a view to olbtaining a depth of thirty- five-feet of water from the navy-yard to the sea, and increased depth in ig1;tSoIpithI?raneli.1of thf-> gDl1zabetllrIRiver aligve the iiiaviynyard, and a t y- ve oot c anne etween ewport ews an Od Point, in accordance with the relports and recommendations submitted in House Documents_Numbere Five hundred and fifty and Five hundred and gftly-one, S1xty-tirst Congress, second session, six hundred thousand · dollars. · V:¥’l’°"”"‘°* BM'- Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance of channel and the diversion works at " ?Gt6I‘Sbl11`% including work recommended in the report submitted in House ocument Iumbered Nine hundred and fifty-two, Sixtieth Congress, hrst session, thirty-three thousand dollars. ` DY’“°”°’°°*· V°~ Improving Dlymers Creek, Virginia: Com leting improvement in accordance wit the report submitted in House Document Num-

 Three hundred and twenty-five, Sixty-fi.rst Congress, second

session, nine thousand dollars. ·’*¤¥¤°¤ R**'¢*·V** Improving James River, Virginia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. v§¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤<1 River. Improvmgl Nansemond River, Virginia: Formaintenance, five , thrilsand dollars. N¤¤¤i¤* C¤*>k·V¤- proving Nomini Creek Vi inia: Conf uing 1; d . fo1&maintenanc·6>£t five tI1;0Iil{S£Ild ldgollars. m lmpmvcmcn an 0¤¤¤<=¤¢kRiv¤r.V¤- _ mproving ancoc iver Vi `nia: Completing i ro t 1; acieogdanlpe thedreggrt Esubmiited iii Iéouse Doc1ii11i)entinNu1iiii- ' re ix un an y- wo, xxti t , ii t ° thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. 6 Ougmss rs 88881011,

  • ’”g““R*V°*·V“· Improving Pagan River, Virginia: Com leting improvement in

accordance with the report submitted in Ilouse Document Numbered Three hundred and ninet -seven, Sixtieth Congress, first session, four thousand six hundred dollars. R;%§,?8§h“"°°°k §fg§§I3;1§§ n§3gH;l1S&¥1I106k RIVGP, Virginia: For maintenance, , a . mgexirgi M¤c1¤<><¤¤¢ th;I¥ggO;€D$ Hlppgz Mtiiclpigoc Creek? Viiiginia, indatigorgallilédwith o o e_ ar o ngmeers or ivers , t d gecemberdtifiengeth,Cmnetean lgndred anclll nig; anidr riiiisnted (in ivers an ar ors ommi ee o t b d F S' - U ba Cmk V firit Congressbsicondgessionv ten tlildldisiiiiid dldllllangllc Om`, lxty

  • M · ¤· mproving r ana reek, i ini : C f ` 1; .

Y k t m V fo1imaintena1¥e,l§i§;it thousanld; fivaia hddldigdmdillglrgiovemen and 0* ·°°·· ¤¤· ¤· mproving _ or , atta oni, and Pamunkey rivers d O gjirteelhl Virgigngz lfontmuiiig improvement and foi· ailiiaintgiialhlgg ousan dollars. V&g;§*2'¤Y wm <>f Iymproving waterway on the coast of Virginia: Com letin improzernfxnt Li; apicofzdancle wgh the repgt submitted in Hiiuse Doon. men rum re .1ne unrec ad t- ,S`fthC W t `_ H lk firsit session, twelve thogsandpne liundréid Sddilgrs. IX lc Ongmssa ¤ ¤¤’W¤Yé~<> 0 m roving waterway rom Norfolk Harbo , V` ` , t Albe l igiilbemm S°u°d’ Sound), North Carolina: For maintenance of- imiilxgdgginegt of ihiggg water route from Norfolk, Virginia, to Albemarle Sound North Carolina, through Currituck Sound, five thousand dollars. ’ Njfg Beaufort Inlet Improving inland waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort pagename of Alba- Inlet,_North Carolma: The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to ,‘}‘€",',,‘;_“§‘§ ,$,’;fn°:; enter into nytiations for the purchase, as a part of said inland water- Swmv. canals. way, of the bemarle and Chesapeake Canal, or the Dismal Swamp Canal, together with all Sropertg], rights of property, and franchises appertaming thereto; an he IS rther authorized, if in his judgment