Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1007

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’¤¤°*'¥ "· ”'°°· Arbitration convention between the United States and .Ec·uador. Signed ’ at Washington, January 7, 1909; advised by the Senate, , January 18, 1909; ratyied by the President, March 1, 1909; ratiyied by Ecuador, .November 5, 1909; ratifcations exchanged at Washington, June 22, 1910; proclaimed, June 23, 1910. BY mm Pnnsmmrr or mn Umrnn Srarns or Aumuoa. A PROCLAMATION. ,m»nn:n»¤ wan Whereas an Arbitration Convention between the United States E"P“°,.,‘¥{;u,,_ of America and the Republic of Ecuador was concluded and signed - by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, the original of which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: ceumamgrewm. The Government of the United El Gobierno de la Republics. States of America, signatory of del Ecuador, adherente al conthe two conventions or the Pa- venio de Julio 29 de 1899, y si - cific Settlement ’of_ gitemational natario del de Octubre 18 do ` Disputes, conclud at The 1907, ajustados en La Haya V¤1·32,1>-1'm· Hague, res ectivgly, on July 29, sara el arreglo pacifico de con- ~ ·M¤·v-2*99- 1899, and Bctober 18, 1907, and °ctos internacionales, el Gothe`Government of the Republic bierno de los Estados lynidos de of Ecuador, adherent to the said América, signatario de ambos convention of July 29, 1899, and convenios; ` atory of the said convention blggctober 18, 1907; V¤1.32,p·178°· Taki into consideration that Tomando en consideracién ue by Artligle XIX of the conven· con arreglo ai los articulos xix tion of July 29, 1899, and by del convenio de 29 de Julio de ·"""’# "·2m· Article XL of the convention of 1899, y XL del convenio de Oc- October 18, 1907, the High Con- tubre 18 de 1907, las Altas Partes tracting Parties have reserved to Contratantes se han reservado el themse ves the right of conclud- derecho do a`ustar acuerdos, in Agreements, with a view to con el objeto (ie acudir al arbireierrin to arbitration all ques- trage en todas las cuestiones que tions winch they shall consider consideren posible someter a tal` possible to submit to such ,treat- procedimiento; ment; Have authorized the under- Han autorizado a los infrassigned to conclude the following critos para concluir el siguiente Convention : Convenio : 2456