Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1081

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. 2523 Provided, however, that this proclamation shall not take effect digfgggggnyjgggg from and after_March_31, 1910, but shall be null and void in the event against American comthat, at any time prior to the aforesaid date, satisfactory evidence “‘°'°°‘ shall be presented to the President that the_ Government of the Netherlands has made such change or changes in its §resent laws or regulations afecting American commerce the etherlands in Europe,_t.he Island of Curacao, and Dutch Guiana as to discriminate ulndu y in any way agamsthsuah commerce}, andhu.; the furthlpr event t at a proc amation the resident o suc act revo ing the presenl{Nproclamation, shall have been issued. ’ IN ITN ESS WHEEEOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afiixed. Dom: at the City of Washington, this twenty-ninth day of January, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and ten, and [SEAL.] of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-fourth. W H M Tam By the President: P C Kuox Secretary of State. BY run PsEsmEN·r or THE UNITED STATES or Anmmcn. F¤¤¤¤¤¥".1°¤°· A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it is provided in the Act of Congress aplproved August ,,,',§`,,°‘,L§',,,_°° G°""‘°" 5 1909 entitled " n Act To provide revenue, e ua ize duties and P¤¢¤¤¤¤· ¤ ’ . . - q am p.81 encourage the mdustnes of the United States, and for other ' purposes"— That from and after the thirty-lirst_day of March, nineteen hundred and ten, except ascpthei-Evise provided for 11 section,:here shall be lev1ed;'hcol{]ect;—ld ’ n a ar ic es w en im r rom an oreign count in o e m Silateg? lor (inter any doll itshpossessiogig (except th; Ehglippine Lslgriils audi the islangs {G and utu` ),terateeo uty rescrie tesceuesan paragraps gf thliaagixtiable list of section one of this Xct, and in alddition thereto twenty-five per centum ad valorem, which rates shall constitute the maximum tariff of the United S“2f‘i°° ";°`.T"'“’1.”i.E;‘1i.YZ.‘Z.§'?§.¥°.I.;?£°§'?S.Ei3*€£1¥€§ff E“‘Qi£23°'*‘ “l?§vE°°?t'i.`;“é’t';°L* en, n so e , in o - dgter of the concessions granted by the minimum tariff of the United States, that {ge goverpitnlenfté oftany oreigncourltryé imposgs no tepns or restrictions, either in t a o ri ra es or provisions, ra e or o er r s ions, c arges, exactions, or ineahiyyother manner, directly or indirectly, upon lite importation into or the sale in such foreign country of anyagricultura , manufactured, or other product of the Lguitec} Smtieihvzhichbupduly discrutpmate against thetlinnteil States or the produclt? 1, , an a suc oreign coun ry s no ex r oun y or imposes no ex dullzrabr rohibition upon the exportatidiilof any aiitiicle to the United States wlgiith uncfiil giscriminates against the United States or the products thereof, and that such ihreign country accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which is reciprocal and equivalent, thereeupon and thereafter, upon proclamation to this effect by the President_of the Unit States, tl} “{»‘ti}?°p"“¤°iSiL'L‘$`L“§.?d"€i‘fZ,°l*§¤‘i..lii'§‘$dGil‘i.€.°“;°3”·'iit?£££°? ‘§.?“°”‘""§ ‘?’i?f"” e 1 in n , msuc orgn country shall, except as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Act. Am) WHEREAS satisf2;ctl<;ryGevidence has been presented to me that the Government o the erman Empire imposes no terms or restrictions, either lin the way of tariff rates or }provisions, trade or other regulations c arges exactions or in any other manner directly or indirectly, upon the phportaitiou, into] or thedsale in Germany of my sgncu tura manu acture or o_t er ro act of the United States, which uniduly discriminate against this United States or the products thereof, and that the Government of the German Empire