Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1596

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INDEX. 2937 Hammond, Ind.,_ P¤E€· Haner, Alpheu.9, Page bridge authorized across Grand Calumet pension increased ... . 1676 River at ... 293 Haner, George R., Hterms 05 Cguit ag . 1111 I pension increased . ... 1678 ammon , 0 n ., lanes, Erastus W., pension increased 1644 pension increased 2089 Hammond, Ba., _ _ _ Haney, Mary (widow), appropriation for public building .. 1373 pension .. 1766 acquiring site for public building at, au- Hanford, Q'al:, _ _ _ thonzed ... 689 appropriation for public building .. 1373 Hammond, William, acquiring site and erecting public buildpension invprrgasedb . . 2122 H iiéi at, authorized .. 684 Hammond ·i mm . anford, arles C., ponsioniincreased. . ., . 1939 I pension gacreased ... . 1984 Hamon Benjamin Iangings, aper, pensibn increasdd ... . 1838 duty on .. 63 Hampton, Amos H., Ilanlcinsgn, J. L., N. B. gial, and Associiates, pension . . 1550 may am Savannah iver at mout of Hampton, James, Stevens Creek, S. C. and Ga 180 pension . . 1796 Hankinson, Richard H., Hampton Roads, Va., . pension increased . ... 1982 invitation to be extended for assembling Hanlin, Robert J., and review of fleets at, on the way pension increased . . .. 1790 to opening of Panama Canal, etc. 1289 Hanna, Calvin, 2092 Hampton Va., Penswn m?’°”°n. ---··-----··—-···--·--·- epprepéietien for indian eeheei .. . 286, 1074 HMM, Hq¢¢w(w¤1mv). or public building . 1373 Pennmn Increased ·--···--··------·--··—·· 2060 for expenses, Volunteer Soldiers’ Hamm, farm Fw Home ___________________________ 773, 1410 pension increased 1781 deficiency appropriation for Yolunteer Hmm; him Bw So diers’ Home .. . . 211 v<+¤¤¤>¤ 1¤¢¤¤··¤¢<1 ----—·----------··--·--- 1534 eequiriiig site and erecting public buiidiiig HMM, John N-· ei, authorized _. . . . oss Hpszggydmjgexeg ------- - -------·------- 1574 11·¤··rW=» Jm"”* nsion increased i, 1511 pension increased 1586 Hginafmd Alamo ````'```'````‘

 38 Hpension}r;,creased...’ . 1483

Hamed, roam F,-7 ,,,,6 ‘{.';'.i$..£§.Z'.e..e,i ..,. me H£$;S“;;;2;r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ Hanner, Alexanderh · 1 ·. . 1 ension increase .. · - - - . . 17 6 pension increased ... . 1628 Hgmw, John Hmwhiillv 4'¢¤1’1d"» pensiim increased ,,.,.,,,_,, . . . . .~ . , , 2047 pen=1on increased 1575 · H k D .d Hanntbal, Mo., 'm°°°. · .°m i terms of court at .. 1117 H£:?;£ni;;i;°;S?1d ···‘‘*‘·*‘·‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ 1724 Hannon, Jeremiah A]., 05 . 1 . ·· pension increase 18 P€1¤1°¤ 1¤°1’°°·%°d ·---····----············ 1496 zzimeeer, Freaerak A., . Hand B"“k"· Rqllwayv . pension increased . . 1852 cars to be equipped with I 298 Hmmm, Paw ° ° specnn v¤>ve*¤¤¤¤ fa °°” with Ms °°m’ 298 appropriation for public building .. 1373 nmdluen ‘·····‘‘ ‘ •··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ acquiring site and erecting public building Hand Holds, Rmlway, at, authorized . 687 cars to be equipped with secure, on lad- [7,,,,,,,,,-({_ Thgymm L_ GW H d Ofléfd ·.-..·-·-·--- - -··· · - - - 298 pension increaseg ..,. . ,._ 198` an » {WT, H . rd Wlliam . Hp:5tl·ioni>1_creased ... . ..---------- 1520 . fprggioii increased.; .. 1741 a `¢"€‘h’i4? 8, · Hanson, Enoch T., duty on cotton . · -----»- 46 , ’on increased ..,,.,_,_,______________ 1774 embniidered, cotton, flax, etc ... 50 ‘ Hgpsgoz, Ephriqm, {lax, hemp, oiriaramie .- - ·------· gg pgngiozincrgaged ,,,,,____ _ ____________ _ _ 1993 HPR, cotton, X, BU! ..-.-- · -···---- Human, eorge ,, silk . . ..-- - ---··---- 59 · nsion increased .,.,.,..,,.,____.,,_____ 1583 Handle Bolts, Wood, _ Hgrison, Ida F. (daughter), on free list, not specially provided fo1‘ ··--- $1 1 pension ...,____.,.,,___.___ _ ,____._______ 1614 Handley, Patrick H., ‘ Hanson, Joseph T., completion of homestead entry by estate pension increased ________________________ 2053 er, enowed . 1868 Hansen, Lola 0. (daughter), Handling Facilities, _ · penswn -·----------..·... 1614 included as transportation in interstate i Hanthorn, Charles, commerce _______________, _ ,..,. 545 | pension increased ... , 1564 Handly, James M., Harber, Rear—Admiral, Giles B., Navy, pension iugrggged ________ _ __,_ , . .. - . , 1822 V f€lmbUI§€Ill€Ht of . . .., 1873 Handy, WG`lliam T., I Harber{,Willmm, pgngi0uj¤(gygg_=|6d____ _______ ___,. 1505 p€11810DUlCI'98S6d . . ,.. .., 1466