Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1633

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2974 INDEX. Jeferson, Tex., P¤8¢- Jerome, Franklin, Pasoappropriation for improvement of Eaterway pension increased ... . 1922 between Shreveport, La., and .. 650 Jersey Coty, J., _ _ terms of court at ... . 1126 appropriation for public building . 1374 Jejerezm, William. D., limit of cost increased public building; pension increased .. . . 1664 additional ground, . 678 Jefery, Francis M., Jet, . pension increased ... . 1953 dut‘y9¢;n,_ vases, etc ... 21 Jefery, George, on list, unmanufactured . 76 Jpfnsio; increased . ... 1631 Jefel Boxes, th 68 e wo erm. u on ea er . appizopriatién for public .. 1374 Jewell; Jaizpb, acquiring site for public building at, au- pension increased 1828 _ thorized ... . ... 692 Jewell,_Samuel, Jellies, pension mcrgnsed . . . . 1619 duty on . - .. 38 Jewell, Zachanah, Jellalcon, William, pension increased . - .. 1488 pension increased 1 ... 1709 Jewelry, Jemez National Forest, N. Mez., duty on, and parts thereof; of silver, etc. . 67 appropriation for maintenance etc., of. 427, 1249 ind or platmum . . . 68 proclamation modifying boundaries of . 2740 Jewe , Jencb, Samuel C., duty on watch and clock . 31 pension increased .. . . 1977 Jewett, Joseph E., . Jenkins, Daniel P., — pension increased ..., 1715 Jcpleinnsior;-Z ) . . . . 1912 Jo , Benjamm A., 1 'ns, . , pension inc ... . 713 ponsiou ------------- - -----·-------------- 1911 J F shan: D urn 1z‘ Jenkins Ggoryc W. own Hwy H- Soww. iieamaixgzsse mémisajqgni 11:1.11 mg signal pension increased 1573 ,,00:,- ______________________________ 535 Jwhoe. Im. o . Jason, Emu, PGPKW11 morooood ·-·- - ---------·-----·--· 8046 nsion increased ... . ..., 1974 IMM. Jew, Jolhsn, Henry Perry, — poraoloo morooood ---·--------·---·------- 2019 pension incrmsed 1931 Je;;~;. W. 1590 Johns, smh E. (mums), 0 __·_.______.____________ ‘ ' .rn»um,J~r·~a1>., J0‘?.°,“",.,..‘f“_1’“1.,.m°'°““d.,°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1715 pension increased 1832 ,,0,0,, ,00,0000,, ________ _ _______________ 2036 IMM. Melvin J-. “ 1 Jsicnm, Andrew J., P¢¤¤i¤¤ i¤¢1‘¢¤] ------------·---·---~· · — 888 ‘ ‘ reused ..__,,._,, _ _,___ 1888 ms, o·¤··· <~M·~·>. J.5m“éZ`221 o., P°1m°1r ··; --··--~·--··- - ··-·---·-····--- 1654 nsion increased ...,, , . , 1823 Jenks, Hmatw N., Johanson, Calvin L. P°”1°11 m°’°”°$1 ··--~·- - ···--·-·-···---· 2012 sion increased .. :. 2015 ·’¢¤**· .1*•¤t!/ B- (WW)- . . Jmon, chnrzn, pension increased . . .. 1918 · ,,0,0,, ,00,-00000 ________________________ 1752 Jew. GMM W. Jsiism, ornrznet widow) pension increased . . .. 2041 sion ,,,0,00mS _______ ’ _________________ ,903 Jenner, Charles J., Jogger: City, Term., P°m’1°11 111°"’”°‘1 ···--·- · -·····-—--·-··-· 1564 appropriation for expenses Volunteer Jennea, George B., S0,d· > ’ . . 1ers Home .. . .. 735, 1411 P°11“1°11 111****%**1 --··-·· · ·-·---··-·--··-- 1785 deticiency _ appropriation for Volunteer ·l¢¤’¤¢*€» few -» So dms Home ...,. 211, 1301 1’°“”1°" ”*°'°°°°‘1 --·-----··-·-··-·—------ 1832 Jonnnm county, W ., 'k"";‘;:)f 2045 sale of tract of puhlic lands to 237 . Jegjreu, mllmm, --'-`'`` ````'`` `` Johngegln; Diizlvid, 1838 pension incrwsed .. . . 2092 J Qi HDMEM ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘· · ············· · D ez o M . T-

1§§;,,.,.ldJg’,i,0c,,,d ___________ _ _____ ,0,,8 Jorlienmon mcrcagell  . ... 1950

m .1, 1; , "’°.“· E‘1·’°. " · ,,0,,,,,0 - 0,,,0,,0,, __________________ _ _____ 2004 ¤¤¤o¤ mcro¤¤od_ ...- · -.. 1970

 $,21771,33 Cv      

00,,,,,0,, ,,,0,0,,80d ________________________ ,,,8, pension .. T ... . ... 2105 Jennings, Lau Johnson, Captam Evan M., appropriation fordpublic buildlirixg 1 374 P8g;‘r‘;1;:i1*°· -, -·----- - - - . 1996 _ acquiring site an erecting pu c bu' ding' 99 111 81110 911 0 T8 ting _ at, authorized ... . ...,, 685 10, 61190166 ··--·---------.. . . . 2136 Jennings, Warren, Johnson, Framsis M., pension increased . ... 1664 mn increased ..,,.,,,..._________ 1650 Jegngsqn, George, { Jo , Francie R., e mem: appro riariou or services .. 1318 nsion increased .,..,,,.,..,,_,_,___ 1672 Jennison, Txlrornae E., Jogfuvrn, Frank L., JP¤¤¤10§_i¤¢m¤¤0d . . .. 2105 pension increased ...,,,_ _ ,__, 1850 mm 43110*1 John.•on,.F‘reda·€ek alias Charleelll 1>¤=~¤1o¤ ¤¤<=€··o·1 -----·-------- - ---~--··. 1556 pension innenn21..; . . . XT'?. .. use